NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Standard Template
2.1 Mission Statement
NOTE: Provide a clear concise description of the facility's mission in support of the activity's and Installation's mission. Utilize the actual users mission statement where ever possible.
2.2 Facility Function
NOTE: Provide a statement that identifies the basic functions provided by the new or renovated facility.
2.3 Project Specific Priorities
NOTE: Include items that are of Primary importance to the activity/user.
Coordinate with the Contracting Officer to ensure that these priorities are reflected in the Technical Evaluation Factors in the Source Selection Plan and Section 00202.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, provide requirements of maintaining wharf operation or waterway access if applicable.
2.3.1 Sustainable Design and Construction
NOTE: All NAVFAC projects are subject to sustainable design criteria. Editor notes in Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 29 Sustainability Requirements and Reporting prescribe sustainability goals based on project scope. Edit and incorporate Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 29 and associated requirements into this project. Then carefully edit RFP Part 2 and Part 3 sections based on requirements established in Section 01 33 29.
Design and construct project to comply with sustainability requirements identified in Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 29, Sustainability Requirements and Reporting. Additional specific sustainability requirements are found in RFP Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 sections.
Design and construct project in accordance with UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.
2.3.2 Storm Water Management - Low Impact Development (LID)
NOTE: Low Impact Development (LID) is required to be implemented in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) and Navy LID Policy. LID is a form of storm water management that infiltrates stormwater into the ground close to its source.
In January 2010, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, issued Department of Defense (DoD) policy on implementation of storm water requirements under Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) Section 438. This policy directs DoD to implement EISA Section 438 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) technical guidance in accordance with DoD Policy on Implementing EISA Section 438. UFC 3-210-10, Low Impact Development, was developed to provide the minimum technical requirements to comply with DoD Policy on implementation of storm water requirements under EISA Section 438.
In November 2007, Assistant Secretary of the Navy issued Navy Low Impact Development (LID) Policy for the Navy and Marine Corps. This policy set a goal of no net increase in storm water volume and sediment or nutrient loading, required annual reporting, and establishment of a waiver process. It is applicable to new construction projects greater than $750,000 and renovation projects with a stormwater element greater than $5,000,000.
Use UFC 3-210-10 and FC 1-300-09N to comply with DoD and Navy LID Policy.
Some LID features will be associated with the building (i.e., vegetative roof, rainwater harvesting). Coordinate requirements for those systems in other parts of this RFP.
Comply with UFC 3-210-10, Low Impact Development and FC 1-300-09N Navy and Marine Corps Design Procedures. Additional specific LID and stormwater management requirements are found in RFP Parts 3 and 4, Section G30. In addition to LID, comply with State and Local stormwater regulations.
2.3.3 Energy Efficiency
Incorporate energy efficiency in accordance with UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.
2.3.4 Building Commissioning
Provide commissioning to meet requirements identified in Section 01 91 00.15 Building Commissioning, and UFC 1-200-02 High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.
2.3.5 Accessibility Requirements
Provide barrier-free design in accordance with UFC 1-200-01, DoD Building Code (General Building Requirements).
2.3.6 Antiterrorism Criteria
NOTE: UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings establishes standards that provide minimum levels of protection against terrorist attacks for the occupants of all DoD inhabited buildings. A DoD building is any building or portion of a building (permanent, temporary, or expeditionary) owned, leased, privatized, or otherwise occupied, managed, or controlled by or for DoD. DoD buildings are categorized within these standards as low occupancy, inhabited, primary gathering, high occupancy family housing, and billeting. See UFC 4-010-01, Appendix A for definitions.
UFC 4-020-01, DoD Security Engineering Facilities Planning Manual presents a process for developing the design criteria necessary to incorporate security and antiterrorism into DoD facilities and for identifying the cost implications of applying those design criteria. Those design criteria may be limited to the requirements of the minimum standards (UFC 4-010-01), or they may include protection of assets other than those addressed in the minimum standards (people), aggressor tactics that are not addressed in the minimum standards or levels of protection beyond those required by the minimum standards. Discuss/consult with regional/base security personnel and antiterrorism officer (ATO) for possible considerations of an increased threat or level of protection beyond the scope of the minimum standards.
RFP developer will designate facility occupancy in accordance with UFC 4-010-01.
NOTE: Refer to UFC 4-010-01 for exempt buildings. Low occupancy buildings and low occupancy family housing are exempt from the standard. See UFC 4-010-01, Section 1.9 for a complete list of exempt building types. If the building is exempt, keep and edit the first bracketed sentence and delete the remainder of the section. If the building is inhabited, primary gathering, billeting, or high occupancy family housing, delete the first bracketed sentence and edit the remainder of section.
[Facility will have an occupancy designated as [low occupancy family housing][low occupancy][insert other exempt category] and UFC 4-010-01 does not apply.]
[Design the facility to comply with UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings.][ and ][insert appropriate combatant command operations orders.]
Facility will have an occupancy designated as [inhabited][primary gathering][billeting][high occupancy family housing] and will require a [very low][low] level of protection in accordance with UFC 4-010-01.
NOTE: If it can be determined that the building will be 3 stories or more, progressive collapse avoidance would be a design requirement. If it will be up to the Contractor to determine, delete the next two bracketed sentences.
[Facility will be less than 3 stories and will not be required to meet the progressive collapse avoidance standards.]
[Facility will be 3 stories or greater and will be required to meet the progressive collapse avoidance standards.]
NOTE: UFC 4-010-01 Appendix D provides antiterrorism standards for expeditionary structures. Insert the following statement if applicable.
[The facility is an expeditionary facility.]
NOTE: The most cost-effective solution for mitigating explosive effects on buildings is to keep explosives as far as possible from them. Standoff distance must be coupled with appropriate building hardening to provide the necessary level of protection to DoD personnel. Standoff distance is defined as a distance maintained between a building or portion thereof and the potential location for an explosive detonation. The two limits for standoff are identified as conventional construction standoff distance which is the standoff distance at which conventional construction may be used for buildings without a specific analysis of blast effects, except as other wise required in UFC 4-010-01 and minimum standoff distance which is the smallest permissible standoff distance regardless of any analysis or hardening of the building.
UFC 4-010-01 allows reduction of standoff from the conventional construction distance to the minimum distance. Any reduction below the conventional standoff distance requires hardening to mitigate the effects of explosives at the actual standoff distance to achieve the appropriate level of protection. Blast analysis is also required for windows and doors and may also be required for structural components or assemblies that are not listed in Table B-2 based on the assemblies in Table 2-3. Insert the appropriate impulse / pressure table based on the charge weight that applies to the design.
Consider specifying a minimum standoff distance that is greater than the minimum in Table B-1. UFC 4-010-01 minimums may not be practical or cost effective for windows and doors or allow for future development of the site. Select either the second or third bracketed sentence.
Facility is [within][without] a controlled perimeter.
[Facility minimum standoff distance is [__] meters [__] feet from parking and roadways.]
[Facility minimum standoff distance: See UFC 4-010-01, Table B-1.]
Develop the site based on the requirements of UFC 4-010-01 [and] [insert appropriate combatant command operations orders]. Where conventional construction standoff distances are not available, the required level of protection can be achieved through analysis and building hardening based on the actual standoff distance. Blast analysis is required for all windows and doors and structural components and assemblies that are do not meet the conventional construction parameters in UFC 4-010-01,Table 2-3 or that are not listed in UFC 4-010-01, Table B-2. See the following table[s] for design impulse and pressure loading parameters.
[Charge Weight I Table]
Range | Shock Front Velocity | Time of Arrival | Incident Pressure And Impulse (0 Degree) | Reflected Pressure And Impulse (90 Degree) | Positive Phase Load Duration | ||
m (ft) | m/sec (ft/sec) | (msec) | kPa (psi) | kPa-msec (psi-msec) | kPa (psi) | kPa-msec (psi-msec) | (msec) |
[Charge Weight II Table]
Range | Shock Front Velocity | Time of Arrival | Incident Pressure And Impulse (0 Degree) | Reflected Pressure And Impulse (90 Degree) | Positive Phase Load Duration | ||
m (ft) | m/sec (ft/sec) | (msec) | kPa (psi) | kPa-msec (psi-msec) | kPa (psi) | kPa-msec (psi-msec) | (msec) |
2.3.7 Cybersecurity
Design, acquire and execute all control systems (including systems separate from management utility monitoring and control system) in accordance with UFC 4-010-06 Cybersecurity of Facility-Related Control Systems and as required by individual Facilities Engineering Command (FEC) or Installation implementation policy.
NOTE: Cybersecurity is implemented to mitigate vulnerabilities to all DoD real property facility related control systems to a level that is acceptable to the System Owner and Authorizing Official. UFC 4-010-06 provides requirements for integrating cybersecurity into the design and construction of control systems.
Incorporate ICS Security Controls located in NIST 800-82, Appendix G, Table G-1. Design the project using UFGS 25 05 11, Cybersecurity for Facility-Related Control Systems. Incorporate elements of the NAVFAC Cybersecurity Hygiene Checklist into contract specifications by using SECTION 25 05 11, CYBERSECURITY FOR FACILITY-RELATED CONTROL SYSTEMS. CIO4 Point of Contact to be utilized in SECTION 25 05 11 is: [office code, usually CIO4, contact phone number, and address of NAVFAC CIO POC]. Submit Cybersecurity Plan and Cybersecurity Hygiene Report in accordance with SECTION 25 05 11."
[Incorporate cybersecurity requirements into project facility control systems identified in:
[ 2.3.8 Secured Areas
NOTE: Use the following guidance to determine which reference standards are applicable to the project. Choose the appropriate reference standards in the following paragraph and delete non-applicable standards.
- SCIF: use bracketed option referring to Intelligence Community Standard (ISC) Number 705-1
- Secret, Top secret, or controlled access areas (CAA): use bracketed option for SECNAV M-5510.36 Department of Navy Information Security Program
- Arms, ammunition, and explosives (arms rooms, Armories, and magazines): use bracketed option for OPNAV Instruction 5530-13C Department of the Navy Physical Security Instruction for Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
- Special Access Program Facilities (SAPF): use bracketed option for JFAN 6/9 Manual Physical Security Standards for Special Access Program Facilities.
Provide [a secured area] [secured areas] [within the] building that [complies][comply] with the [Intelligence Community Standard (ICS) Number 705-1] [SECNAV M-5510.36 Department of Navy Information Security Program] [OPNAV Instruction 5530-13C Department of the Navy Physical Security Instruction for Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives] [JFAN 6/9 Manual Physical Security Standards for Special Access Program Facilities].
NOTE: List all spaces in the first bracketed paragraph below that are to be enclosed in the secured area and also list spaces that are to receive a higher level of security within that secured perimeter.
If drawings of the secured areas are provided as part of the RFP, indicate the perimeters of the secure areas and delete the first bracketed paragraph below. If there is more than one area or type of area to be protected, separately identify each area.
NOTE: Coordinate these spaces with the RFP Part 3, Chapter 5 - Room Requirements sheets. Designate in the Room Requirement sheets the minimum STC rating, minimum wall construction type (standard, enhanced, or vault), and other unique requirements for each room. Coordinate the appropriate requirements of the secured areas with all engineering disciplines.
[Provide secured area(s) as required by the Part 3, Chapter 5 - Room Requirements table of this RFP.]
] 2.4 Appropriate Design
NOTE: Provide a description of the appropriate level of architectural refinement including building type, character, style, historic, and economic considerations. Describe in general if special scale, finishes, and materials are required for architectural significance.
NOTE: For Historic Projects
Include project specific information here for Historic Preservation or National Capital Planning Commission requirements in this paragraph. Coordinate this information with the submission requirements in Part 2 Section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures and FC 1-300-09N, Navy and Marine Corps Design Procedures, UFC 3-810-01N, Navy and Marine Corps Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, suggest to use the following:
The Government is interested in a best value proposal that supports the functional needs of the user and activity. The levels of quality and durability specified must be responsive to the function, mission effectiveness, and cost effectiveness of a strategically important and high use military facility expected to provide many years of service.
NOTE: If a project-type UFC exists for this facility type, include the following sentence and insert the applicable UFC number and title.
[Comply with [UFC ________, Title] for planning and design requirements for this project.]
2.5 Workflow Process
NOTE: Describe the use patterns of the occupants of the facility. Include the staffing and Hours of Operation.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, describe existing and planned wharf operation, restrictions and limitations. If project site is within the Explosive Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) arc, describe operation/occupancy restrictions related to ESQD.
2.5.1 Hours Of Operation
NOTE: For wharf handling ordnances, suggest to use the following:
"Wharf operation, including ordnance handling, typically take place under daylight conditions. During periods of high activity, operations are conducted around the clock. The level of activities will be dictated by events occurring worldwide. This unpredictable nature of world events can cause scheduling problems, delays, and difficulties in the construction of this project."
2.5.2 Staffing/Occupancy
The number of occupants specified in the RFP are identified for programming purposes. Determine occupancy used to design building features, such as structural, egress, and plumbing fixtures as required in applicable building or life safety codes.
NOTE: Table is Optional. Staffing could be described in words.
Type of Occupancy | No. of Persons | Description of Activity |
Maximum Occupancy | ## | |
2.6 Special Design Challenges
NOTE: Antiterrorism standards as referenced in UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings require setbacks based on Building Category. Editor to instruct D/B team that setback distances shall be indicated on the Site Layout Plan.
NOTE: If applicable, describe any special design challenges, including environmental engineering requirements. Identify the most difficult site and project specific issues in the design solution for this project. Note -These items could be used in the technical evaluation factors to evaluate the proposal.
NOTE: If phasing is a project requirement, especially where necessary to allow continuing operations of a facility, indicate phasing requirements here. Require Contractor to submit a detailed phasing plan with the design submital for Government approval.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, provide the following detailed requirements if applicable:
(1) Planned phasing to maintain existing wharf operation and designated construction access routes and construction areas during each phase; (2) Ordnance handling/ESQD restrictions during construction; (3) Waterway restrictions during dredging and other in-water construction; (4) Special geotechnical conditions (such as high seismic or high liquefaction potential) that are unique to the waterfront facility site, (5) Special conditions on existing waterfront facilities.
2.7 Adaptability And Flexibility
NOTE: If required, describe any need for flexibility for change of use or any adaptability for future expansion.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, describe provisions for future wharf extension, such as water deepening, change of operation, or accommodation of different design vessels. Also, provide information on other on-going or planned waterfront projects that may impact the Contractor’s design and construction.