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NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Small Project Template


NOTES:  Describe existing site conditions:
   Natural Constraints (such as topography, vegetation, drainage, subsurface and groundwater conditions, natural resources).
   Manmade Site Conditions (such as roads, utilities, existing buildings, hazardous materials, contaminated soil, archeological and historical resources).

Drawings, field investigation reports for hazardous materials and substances, and other supplementary information can be included in Part 6 of the RFP.

Describe site development requirements such as:
   Building footprint
   Vehicular & Pedestrian Access and Circulation
   Site Drainage & Storm Water Runoff
   Site / Building Demolition
   Site Clearing
   Sustainable Development
   Minimizing potential adverse impacts on operations of the facility or adjacent facilities



NOTES:  This template is applicable to designs involving relatively small structures/additions, site preparation or improvements (such as pavement design/repairs, utility improvements, stormwater management ponds) that require limited subsurface investigation or evaluation. This limited investigation typically includes test pits, hand auger borings, corings, proof rolling and laboratory analysis of surface soils. Evaluation is typically the analysis of any Government provided data and any additional data required to support the design. Projects that warrant subsurface investigation/evaluation and an in-depth written report include – a) where deep (pier or pile) foundations are anticipated; b) where the load capacity capability of the soil is in doubt; c) where loadings or vibrations from new or adjacent structures/equipment may result in unacceptable settlement of new or existing work; d) in areas of known or suspected expansive soils (prevalent in south and southwest United States) or soils prone to liquefaction; e) in areas where rock/karst-like formations are expected to be encountered; f) where site conditions require site preparation involving significant amounts of excavation/fill, result in relatively steep slopes, or require significant amounts of dewatering. Exception to this is when, in the opinion of a professional engineer, the Government has satisfactory data from the project vicinity that demonstrates that additional investigation is not necessary.

If more than a limited soil investigation/evaluation is required to support the design and construction, the RFP must state such and the Standard Design-Build Template sections A10, G10 and G20 must be edited for use.

If a soil investigation/evaluation and written report are not required to support the design and construction, the RFP must include applicable design assumptions and data from the project vicinity that demonstrates that additional investigation is not necessary.

Coordinate the verbiage in "Existing Site Conditions" with Chapter 6 Engineering System Requirements, "Section A10 – Foundations".

The site is [located on][bounded by][_____]. It is [open][wooded] and contains [an existing building][_____]. Existing utilities include water lines, sanitary gravity sewer main, [sanitary pump station], [sanitary force main], storm sewer, [steam], [overhead][underground] electric and underground telephone.

Geotechnical Data: [Subsurface and groundwater conditions are described in Part 6 of the RFP.]

NOTE:  If it is anticipated that no additional subsurface investigation is required, use the following:

[The Government provided geotechnical data is considered to represent subsurface conditions existing on the project site. No additional investigation is required. ]

NOTE:  If it is anticipated that a limited amount of additional subsurface investigation is required, use the following:

[Any Government provided geotechnical data is included for the Contractor’s information only, and while it is considered to represent subsurface conditions existing on the project site anticipated at this time, it is not guaranteed to fully represent all subsurface conditions. The Contractor will be responsible for providing the services of a geotechnical engineer to conduct any subsurface exploration, investigation, testing, and analysis that the Designer of Record deems necessary for the design and construction of the proposed facility and site improvements. The geotechnical engineer must be registered as a Professional Engineer (Geotechnical Engineer where required by law) and experienced with soil conditions in the region where the project site is located. The geotechnical engineer must prepare a report addressing any elements of the work requiring his services. The report must be submitted to the Contracting Officer accompanied by a letter from the Designer of Record certifying that the Geotechnical Engineer has reviewed the construction documents and that the design reflects the recommendations of the geotechnical report.]


Vehicular Access and Circulation

This project will require an entrance road from [_____].

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