NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test


Instructions for using this template: There are template files for each UNIFORMAT Level 2 Group Elements. This template is for Group Element G10-SITE PREPARATION. Text such as this is hidden text that will not print when the hidden text box in "Print/Options" is un-checked.
The Civil Member should edit this template for the requirements of the project. The Environmental Member should edit the G1040 portion of this section for hazardous waste remediation if required for the project.  The SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS are intended to define items that are required for the site work. Editing is required where brackets [ ] appear. Delete all site elements that are not required for the project. If additional elements or sub-elements are required for the project that do not appear in the template, refer to the NAVFAC DB RFP Web Site Uniformat II/ WBS for additional site element numbers and descriptions. The Uniformat II Work Breakdown Structure can be found at Coordinate with the PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION G10 to ensure that performance requirements are provided for all of the Site Elements listed here and that paragraph numbering matches.

NOTE:  Edit the following paragraphs to suit the project, or create your own, to describe the SITE PREPARATION for the project.  Coordinate this section carefully with other portions of the RFP.


The site preparation system consists of site clearing, demolition, salvage, relocation, earthwork, and hazardous waste remediation necessary to ready the site for other work associated with the project.


Develop the project site and perform all off-site work necessary to meet the requirements of the project, antiterrorism criteria, local codes, reference standards, technical specifications and performance criteria.

A topographic survey of the existing site has been performed [in ____][ and is included in Part 6].  [Previous site plans of the existing site are being provided to the contractor in lieu of a topographic survey.  The Contractor is required to perform a topographic survey of the project area that will be impacted by his work.  This topographic survey shall be included in the contractor’s design plans.  ]The topographic survey has been provided to show the location of existing facilities, areas of new work required by this RFP and the character of the sites.  Prior to starting work, physically verify the location of all existing utilities and obtain all additional survey data required to provide a quality final design.  The existence, size and/or location of the utilities are not guaranteed by the surveys provided.  The Contractor shall verify the location of all utilities prior to construction.  Electronic files of the topographic surveys will be provided to the Contractor only after award of the contract.

NOTE:  Delete the remaining paragraphs in this subsection if this information is included in ESR Section A10, or if subsurface soil information is not included in the RFP.

[Subsurface soil information[, including a geotechnical report ][and pile driving analysis] [from projects immediately adjacent to the project site], are] included in other portions of this RFP.

Any included subsurface data and information is only for the Contractor's information and is not guaranteed to fully represent all subsurface conditions.  The Government shall not be responsible for any interpretation or conclusion by the Contractor drawn from the data or information.

Any geotechnical report included with site investigation data is provided only to better convey data (boring logs, testing, etc.) or to document observed site conditions.  The assumptions, analysis, and recommendations of the accompanying report were developed for preliminary planning purposes only and may not be based upon present project requirements.  Requirements stated in Parts 3 and 4 of the RFP take precedence over any content of any included geotechnical report.

The Contractor is required to retain a geotechnical engineer experienced and licensed in the geographic region of the project to interpret the provided data as related to his design concept and develop requirements for bidding.  Additional requirements for the geotechnical design of this project are provided elsewhere in this RFP.

Minor variations between borings should be anticipated.  The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the site preparation and actual foundation except as allowed by the Contract Clause FAR 52.236-2, "Differing Site Conditions".  The Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer shall perform additional subsurface investigation as required to adequately determine all applicable geotechnical factors including the type and capacity of the project foundation(s).  The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer shall consider the provided information and any additional information obtained and prepare a report as described in other portions of this RFP.]

[Personnel under the supervision of a registered Professional Engineer shall provide inspection of excavations and soil/groundwater conditions throughout construction.  The Engineer shall be responsible for performing pre-construction and periodic site visits throughout construction to assess site conditions.  The Engineer, with the concurrence of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer, shall update the excavation, sheeting, shoring and dewatering plans as construction progresses to reflect actual site conditions and shall submit the updated plan and a written report (with professional stamp) at least monthly informing the Contractor and Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of Contractor adherence to the plan; specifically addressing any present or potential problems.  The Engineer shall be available to meet with the Contracting Officer at any time throughout the contract duration.  The Contractor shall bear all costs of the Engineer.]

Unless otherwise noted, provide new facilities at the locations indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP.

Minimize the impact of construction activity on operations and neighboring facilities.

Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements associated with this work.  The contractor shall submit a complete "Permits Record of Decision" (PROD) form with the first design submittal package.  A blank PROD form can be obtained at the Download Tab of Part 6 of the NAVFAC Design-Build website at the following link  Contractor shall determine correct permit fees and pay said fees.  Copies of all permits, permit applications, and the completed PROD form shall be forwarded to the Government’s Civil Reviewer and Environmental Reviewer.

[Jurisdictional tidal and non-tidal wetlands have been identified on the project site. All tidal and non-tidal wetlands work shall be performed in accordance with the permits obtained as required by UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering.]  [Jurisdictional tidal and non-tidal wetlands have not been identified on the project site.]

Coordinate and obtain the Resident Officer In Charge of Construction's (ROICC) approval for proposed haul route(s), work site access point(s), employee parking location(s) and material laydown and storage area(s).

Refer to Site Analysis and Building Requirements Sections for additional site preparation functional program information.



NOTE:  Coordinate with Landscape Architect on trees to remain.  Clearly indicate the trees to remain on the drawings included in another part of the RFP or provide a clear description or provide a description of the location below.

Preserve trees [indicated to remain on the drawings in another part of the RFP][in the area located ______________].

The project site does [not] have saleable timber.

NOTE:  Select one of the three following paragraphs for saleable timber.  Delete all three paragraphs if not required,

[The Government will, by separate contract, harvest all saleable timber from the project site.  All remaining timber, limbs, tops, stumps, and debris shall be cleared and disposed of by the Contractor as specified.]

[All timber removed from the project site shall become the property of the Contractor.  The Contractor shall reimburse the Government for the value of the timber by submitting payment to the Contracting Officer by cashier’s or certified check in the amount of the appraised value, made payable to the U.S. Treasury and deposited by the Contracting Officer into the Navy's forestry account.  The Contractor is required to pay the appraised amount to the Government within 30 days after notice to proceed has been given.]

[All timber on the project site noted for clearing shall become the property of the Contractor, and shall be removed from the project site and disposed of off station.]

Burning will [not] be allowed.


NOTE:  Coordinate with ESR G101001 and the Landscape Architect. 

Remove and dispose of all trees [designated by permit or waiver from local governing agency [less than _____inches (_____ mm) in diameter]] as required for project construction.


NOTE:  Coordinate with ESR Sections G101001 and G101002. 


NOTE:  Coordinate with ESR Section G101001. 


NOTE:  PTS Section G101006 indicates that coordination with the Landscape Architect is needed for maintenance requirements.  Coordinate with ESR Section G101001 to ensure that trees that are to remain or to be trimmed are clearly indicated on drawings included with RFP.


NOTE:  Select option below based on availability at the particular Activity.

All grubbing and clearing residue, demolished material, rubbish and debris generated by this project shall be [disposed of in the Activity's sanitary landfill according to its requirements and regulations][hauled off-site and off station by the Contractor].


The items to be reused or relocated include [dumpsters, ] [pumps, ][meters, ][valves, ][topsoil, ] [trees, ] [plants, ] [_____][and ] [__________].

The items to be salvaged include [pumps, ][meters, ][valves, ][fence, ][_____][and ][__________].


NOTE:  Coordinate with the Architect and Structural Engineer.  Coordinate with the ESR and PTS Section F20, Selective Building Demolition.  Coordinate with the Environmental Engineer concerning any hazardous materials that need to be removed and disposed of in accordance with ESR Section F2020.  

Demolish the existing building[s].  [Refer to Section F2020, "Hazardous Component Abatement" for requirements regarding removal of hazardous components.]

Preserve the following building elements:  [_____].


NOTE:  PTS Section G1020 indicates that the Contractor shall include demolition and disposal of existing construction as required to accommodate the new construction.  Indicate here the existing aboveground site elements particular to this project that are to remain and that may affect the Contractor’s demolition plan.  Coordinate with the Environmental Engineer concerning any hazardous materials that need to be removed as part of the work.  See ESR section F2020 "Hazardous Component Abatement".  As an example, removal of an existing aboveground steam line may have insulation which contains asbestos.

Preserve the following aboveground site elements:  [_____].


An aboveground storage tank report is [not] provided to support this project [and is attached in another part of this RFP].

[Prior to starting work, conduct any additional testing that may be needed to provided a final design and comply with all applicable federal, regional, state and local regulations. Refer to 3-800-10N, Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction, for additional requirements and criteria].

[Perform aboveground storage tank related work in accordance with:]


NOTE: Above –For projects that require removal of aboveground tanks list all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the aboveground storage tank work as required for the application.  Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included.  As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.

[Remove and dispose of the following aboveground storage tanks:]


NOTE: Above –Use the information in the aboveground storage tank report contained elsewhere in the RFP and refer to UFC 3-800-10N to accurately convey all pertinent information related to aboveground storage tank related work.  Describe aboveground storage tanks (including associated piping, contents, size, and location) to be removed, see UFC 3-800-10N for guidance on information to include here.  Coordinate with local environmental disciplines.  Revise as required for the application.


NOTE:  PTS Section G1020 indicates that the Contractor shall include demolition and disposal of existing construction as required to accommodate the new construction.  Indicate here the existing underground site elements particular to this project that are to remain and that may affect the Contractor’s demolition plan. Coordinate with the Environmental Engineer concerning any hazardous materials that need to be removed and disposed of; see ESR Section F2020 "Hazardous Component Abatement".  For instance, removal of an existing underground steam line may have insulation containing asbestos materials. 

Preserve the following underground site elements:  [all existing utilities required for proposed project][_____].

NOTE:  Indicate applicable codes and regulations.  For sewer, the state sewerage regulations; for water, the state waterworks regulations.

Abandonment of utility systems shall be done in a manner that conforms to applicable codes and regulations, removes their presence from the ground surface and clearly indicates that they have been abandoned.  Utilities shall not be abandoned in place underneath or within 10 feet (3.0 m) of any new facilities. [Remove and relocate existing utility piping, conduits, and utility structures under the proposed building [additions].]

All conduits to be abandoned shall have wiring [removed] [or] [abandoned in place].

All piping to be abandoned shall be [removed][abandoned in place with a minimum 24 inches (600 mm) length plugged with grout at structures][filled with flowable fill].  Piping shall [be removed][filled with flowable fill] under pavements subject to potential vehicle loadings.

Remove existing utility structures to 3 feet (900 mm) below existing or new adjacent grade, whichever is greater.  Break up bases to permit drainage.  Fill with clean sand.


An underground storage tank report is [not] provided to support this project [and is attached in another part of this RFP].

[Prior to starting work, conduct any additional testing that may be needed to provide a final design and comply with all applicable federal, regional, state and local regulations.  Refer to UFC 3-800-10N, Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction, for additional requirements and criteria].
[Perform underground storage tank related work in accordance with: ]


NOTE:  Above – For projects that require removal of underground storage tanks list all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the underground storage tank work as required for the application.  Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included.  As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.

[Remove and dispose of the following underground storage tanks:]


NOTE:  Above – Use the information in the underground storage tank report contained elsewhere in the RFP and refer to UFC 3-800-10N to accurately convey all pertinent information related to underground storage tank related work.  Describe underground storage tanks (including associated piping, contents, size, location, pavement type and thickness above tank, soil conditions and other pertinent information) to be removed, see UFC 3-800-10N for guidance on information to include here. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines.  Revise as required for the application.     


NOTE:  Coordinate with the Architect and Structural Engineer.  Coordinate with the ESR and PTS Section F20, Selective Building Demolition.  Coordinate with the Environmental Engineer concerning any hazardous materials that need to be removed and disposed of in accordance with Section F2020.  

 Relocate building elements as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP.  [Refer to Section F2020, "Hazardous Component Abatement" for requirements related to removal of hazardous components.]


NOTE:  The utility items to be relocated and reused should be entered in paragraph A under G1020.  Indicate here any special requirements of the utility provider. 

Comply with the requirements of the utility provider concerning the utility relocation:  [_____].


Relocate or reuse existing fence and its appurtenances as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP.





Finish floor elevations for new facilities shall be above the [100] [_____] year flood elevation.  Provide elevations for mechanical/electrical equipment pads above the [100] [_____] year flood elevation.



Blasting will [not] be permitted.


Borrow and select fill shall come from [base borrow pit][off-base sources].



NOTE:  Indicate here the particular method of soil stabilization required on the project by the Activity or the particular site conditions.  PTS Section G103006 allows the Contractor to select the most appropriate method.

The following methods of soil stabilization will not be allowed: [geosynthetics, such as geotextiles and geogrids,] [lime,] [cement,] [lime slurry,] [asphalt,] [pressure grouting,] [and] [_____].


NOTE:  Indicate here the particular method of slope stabilization required on the project by the Activity or the particular site conditions.  PTS Section G103007 allows the Contractor to select the most appropriate method.

Provide slope stabilization through appropriate grading and site design for a minimum factor of safety of [1.5][_____] or slope that does not exceed the maximum slope per local code requirements.  The following techniques for slope stabilization will not be allowed: [geogrids,] [gabions,] [riprap,] [concrete,] [or] [__________].


NOTE:  Describe the soil treatment required for termite control.  Coordinate with ESR and PTS Section A1010.

Treat the area around the entire foundation of each building for termite control in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 




NOTE:  This section will be rarely required since the PTS Section G103011 allows the Contractor to select the most appropriate measures in compliance with the state regulations.
NOTE:  For projects in the Caribbean, refer to Florida state standards.  For projects in Guantanamo Bay, do not allow temporary seeding; erosion control matting is used to regenerate the vegetation.



NOTE:  Describe the hazardous remediation to be performed.  Refer to the environmental reports.  Provide detailed information regarding contaminated soil/groundwater obtained from the environmental reports and include these reports in Part 6 of the RFP. 

A contaminated soil/groundwater report is [not] provided to support this project [and is attached in Part 6 of this RFP].

[Prior to starting work, conduct any additional testing that may be needed to provide a final design and comply with all applicable federal, regional, state and local regulations.  Refer to UFC 3-800-10N, Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction, for additional requirements and criteria].


[Perform excavation of contaminated material in accordance with:]


NOTE:  Above – For projects that require excavation of contaminated soil list all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the excavation work.  Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included. As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.

[Areas of contamination are located [_____] [as indicated in the RFP attachments] and shall be excavated to the depth of [_____] inches [_____] feet from the indicated areas.

NOTE:  Above – Use the information in the contaminated soil/groundwater report contained elsewhere in the RFP and refer to UFC 3-800-10N to accurately convey all pertinent information related to excavation of the contaminated soil.  Describe the area (refer to drawings if available), soil conditions (refer to geotechnical report for soil conditions), types and levels of contaminants, and indicate if groundwater will be impacted.  See UFC 3-800-10N for guidance on information to include here. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines.  Revise as required for the application.     

[Where excavation extends into groundwater levels, dewatering methods shall be employed on a localized basis to facilitate excavation operations.  Water generated by dewatering during excavation shall be collected and tested in accordance with:]


NOTE:  Above - List all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the dewatering work. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included.   As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.

 [Water that contains contaminants above [        ]

NOTE:  Above - Insert the most stringent requirements for the levels of groundwater contaminants for the application. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure the appropriate levels are indicated.

[regulatory acceptable] levels shall be disposed of in accordance with:]


NOTE:  Above - List all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the disposal of contaminated groundwater. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure the all applicable regulations and standards are included.  As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regional, state and local standards.

Non-contaminated water may be disposed of on-site.


[Soils with OVA/FID readings of [_____] parts per million (ppm) or greater shall be further sampled and tested in accordance with [_______________].  For stockpiled soils, provide a minimum of one test for every [_____] cubic yards (cubic meters) for TPH, and one test for every [_____] cubic yards (cubic meters) for BTEX and TCLP.  Soils that contain [_____] ppm or more TPH, [_____] ppm or more BTEX or have TCLP reading of [_____] ppm lead or virgin petroleum products are considered contaminated materials.]

NOTE:  Insert the most stringent regulatory requirements as required for the application.   Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure the appropriate levels are indicated.

[Contaminated stockpiled materials shall be disposed of in accordance with:]


NOTE:  Above - List all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to the disposal of contaminated stockpiled materials. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included.  As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.  For additional information regarding waste and final disposition, see UFC 3-800-10N.

[Soils that are less than [____] ppm may be used as clean fill.]

G1040 1.3 CLEAN FILL

[Soils that are determined as clean fill via testing shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with the requirements listed in this section.]

G1040 1.4 SPILLS

[In the event of a spill or release of hazardous substances, pollutant, contaminant or oil, notify the Contracting Officer immediately.  Containment/Control actions shall be taken immediately to minimize the effect of any spill or leak.  Clean up shall be performed at the Contractor’s expense in accordance with:]


NOTE:  Above - List all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to clean up and disposal of spill materials. Coordinate with local environmental disciplines to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included.  As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.

G1040 1.5 DISPOSAL

[All waste materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be transported, disposed of or recycled in accordance with:]


NOTE:   Above - List all applicable industry and government standards including federal, worker protection, regional, state and local regulations related to disposal as required for the application. Coordinate with local environmental to ensure all applicable regulations and standards are included. As a guide, see UFC 3-800-10N Appendices for regulations and standards.  For additional information regarding waste and final disposition, see UFC-800-10N.

--End of Section--

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