NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
2.1 Mission Statement
NOTE: Provide a clear concise description of the facility's mission in support of the activity's and Installation's mission. Utilize the actual users mission statement where ever possible.
2.2 Facility Function
NOTE: Provide a statement that identifies the basic functions provided by the new or renovated facility.
2.3 Project Specific Priorities
NOTE: Include items that are of Primary importance to the activity/user.
Coordinate with the Contracting Officer to ensure that these priorities are reflected in the Technical Evaluation Factors in the Source Selection Plan and Section 00202.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, provide requirements of maintaining wharf operation or waterway access if applicable.
2.3.1 Sustainable Design
Integrate sustainable strategies and features into the design to minimize the energy consumption of the facilities; conserve resources; minimize adverse effects to the environment; and improve occupant productivity, health, and comfort to reduce the total cost of ownership of the project using a whole building, life-cycle approach. In accordance with Engineering & Construction Bulletin 2008-01 and other directives, the facility and all site features shall be designed and constructed using USGBC LEED-NC. The design and construction shall incorporate sustainable design strategies and features to the fullest extent possible, consistent with mission, budget and client requirements.
NOTE: There are two options for sustainable design in a project. The options are USGBC Certification and Sustainable Validation. Choose one of these options and delete the other. Specification Section 01 33 10.05 20 Submittal Procedures provides guidance and shall be edited accordingly.
NOTE: Choose USGBC Certification for projects within the scope of the LEED Rating System and greater than $750,000 in cost.
NOTE: Choose Sustainable Validation for projects that are below the sustainable monetary threshold of $750,000 or outside the scope of the LEED Rating System.
NOTE: For FY08 projects, the minimum USGBC LEED-NC rating level is Certified and USGBC registration and certification is recommended if attainable without decreasing scope and within allowable funds. For FY09 and later projects, the minimum USGBC LEED-NC rating level is Silver and USGBC registration and certification is required.
[The minimum sustainable design rating level for the project is to achieve LEED-NC [Silver][_____] and the constructed facility shall be certified by the USGBC as having met the USGBC LEED-NC requirements for the required rating level.] [The constructed facility shall be Sustainable Validated by the contractor and NAVFAC as having met as many prerequisites and credits practical in the USGBC LEED-NC]
The following LEED-NC v2.2 credits and additional requirements are mandatory unless not applicable to the project due to project scope.
- SS-6.1 Storm Water Design, Quantity Control
- SS-6.2 Storm Water Design, Quality Control
- WE-1.1 Water Efficient Landscaping: Reduce by 50%
- WE-3.1 Water Use Reduction: 20% Reduction
- EA-1 Optimize Energy Performance. For new construction achieve a 30% energy use reduction below ASHRAE 90.1-2004 or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for low rise residential facilities. For renovations, reduction shall be 20% below pre-renovations 2003 baseline. Reduction shall be calculated in accordance with US Code of Regulations 10 CFR 433, 434, 435 dated Dec. 4, 2006.
- EA-4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management. Reduce use of Ozone Depleting and Global Warming Compounds. Eliminate the use of ozone depleting compounds during and after construction where alternative environmentally preferable products are available.
- EA-5 Measurement and Verification. Install permanent building level meters on all utilities. Use the Energy Star Benchmarking Tool and enter measured data and lessons learned into the High Performance Buildings Database (
- MR-2.1 Construction Waste Management: Divert 50% from Disposal.
- MR-4.1 Recycled Content: 10%. For EPA Designated products, use products meeting EPA's recycled content recommendations.
- MR-6 & MR-7 Renewable Products: Use products made from rapidly renewable resources and certified sustainable wood products.
- EQ-3.1 & EQ-3.2 Construction IAQ Management: During Construction & Before Occupancy
- EQ-4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Low Emitting Materials. Specify materials & products with low pollutant emissions, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpet systems and furnishings.
- EQ-7.1 Thermal Comfort: Design. Design to ASHRAE Standards 55-2004 for Thermal Comfort and 62.1-2004 for Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
- EQ-8.1 Daylight & Views. Achieve a minimum daylight factor of 2% excluding direct sunlight in 75% of all space occupied for critical visual tasks. Provide automatic dimming controls or accessible manual controls and appropriate glare control.
- Moisture Control. Establish and implement a moisture control strategy for controlling moisture flows and condensation to prevent building damage and mold contamination.
- Bio-Based Products: For USDA designated products use products meeting or exceeding USDA's biobased content recommendations.
- Energy Efficient Products: All energy using products shall either be Energy Star or FEMP recommended efficiency. Where Energy Star or FEMP recommendations have not been established, efficiency shall be in the top 25% for the type of product procured. All energy using products shall also meet FEMP requirements for low standby power consumption.
Ensure sustainable strategies and features in the design phase are incorporated in the construction phase.
2.3.2 Energy Conservation
Energy conservation shall be in accordance with UFC 3-400-01, Design Energy Conservation.2.3.3 Building Commissioning
NOTE: All projects require LEED Fundamental Commissioning as a minimum. Larger, more complex projects may make LEED Enhanced Commissioning desired. Requirements for Commissioning must be coordinated with quality control requirements in Part 2 (Division 01 specifications) and Part 4 (Performance Technical Specifications) of the RFP package.
Provide [Fundamental][Enhanced] Commissioning to meet the requirements of USGBC LEED Rating System version 2.2. and UFGS section 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control. At a minimum Commission the following systems: HVAC systems and controls, lighting controls, and if provided, day lighting controls, refrigeration systems and controls, renewable energy systems, and domestic hot water systems. See the following "Engineering System Requirements" sections in Chapter 6 of the Project Program to determine any additional systems to be commissioned.
NOTE: Refer to USGBC LEED Rating System version 2.2 for the minimum CA qualifications. Requirements for CA roles & responsibilities must be coordinated with Part 2 (Division 01 specifications) and Part 4 (Performance Technical Specifications) quality control provisions of the RFP package.
The designated Commissioning Authority (CA) shall meet the qualifications of USGBC LEED Rating System version 2.2 and UFGS section 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control. The CA shall report results, recommendations, and findings directly to the Government.
2.3.4 Accessibility Requirements
Provide barrier-free design in accordance with the requirements of the DEPSECDEF Memorandum "Access for People with Disabilities" dated Oct 31, 2008. The memorandum updates the DoD standards for making facilities accessible to people with disabilities. The US Access Board issued an update of the accessibility guidelines which the DEPSECDEF Memorandum implements with military unique requirements specified in the memorandum attachment. The new DoD, "ABA (Architectural Barriers Act) Accessibility Standard" and the DEPSECDEF Memorandum are located at
2.3.5 Antiterrorism Criteria
NOTE: UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings establishes standards that provide minimum levels of protection against terrorist attacks for the occupants of all DoD inhabited buildings. A DoD building is any building or portion of a building (permanent, temporary, or expeditionary) owned, leased, privatized, or otherwise occupied, managed, or controlled by or for DoD. DoD buildings are categorized within these standards as low occupancy, inhabited, primary gathering, high occupancy family housing, and billeting. See UFC 4-010-01, Appendix A for definitions.
UFC 4-020-01, DoD Security Engineering Facilities Planning Manual presents processes for developing the design criteria necessary to incorporate security and antiterrorism into DoD facilities and for identifying the cost implications of applying those design criteria. Those design criteria may be limited to the requirements of the minimum standards (UFC 4-010-01), or they may include protection of assets other than those addressed in the minimum standards (people), aggressor tactics that are not addressed in the minimum standards or levels of protection beyond those required by the minimum standards. Discuss/consult with regional/base security personnel and or antiterrorism officer (ATO) for possible considerations of an increased threat or level of protection beyond the scope of the minimum standards.
RFP developer will designate facility occupancy per UFC 4-010-01.
NOTE: Refer to UFC 4-010-01 for occupancy definitions. If occupancy is family housing or low occupancy, keep and edit the first bracketed sentence and delete the remainder of the section. If occupancy is inhabited, primary gathering, billeting, or high occupancy family housing, delete the first bracketed sentence and edit the remainder of section.
[Facility will have an occupancy designated as [family housing][low occupancy] and UFC 4-010-01 does not apply.]
[Design the facility to comply with UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings.
Facility will have an occupancy designated as [inhabited][primary gathering][billeting][high occupancy family housing] in accordance with UFC 4-010-01.
NOTE: If it can be determined that the building will be 3 stories or more, progressive collapse avoidance would be a design requirement. If it will be up to the contractor to determine, delete the next two bracketed sentences.
[Facility will be less than 3 stories and will not be required to meet the progressive collapse avoidance standards.]
[Facility will be 3 stories or greater and will be required to meet the progressive collapse avoidance standards.]
NOTE: The most cost-effective solution for mitigating explosive effects on buildings is to keep explosives as far as possible from them. Standoff distance must be coupled with appropriate building hardening to provide the necessary level of protection to DoD personnel. Standoff distance is defined as a distance maintained between a building or portion thereof and the potential location for an explosive detonation. The two limits for standoff are identified as conventional construction standoff distance which is the standoff distance at which conventional construction may be used for buildings without a specific analysis of blast effects, except as other wise required in UFC 4-010-01 and minimum standoff distance which is the smallest permissible standoff distance regardless of any analysis or hardening of the building.
Facility is [within][without] a controlled perimeter.
Facility minimum standoff distance is [__] meters [__] feet from parking and roadways.
Facility conventional construction standoff distance is [___] meters [___] feet from controlled perimeter.
[Develop the site to provide the standoff requirements listed in UFC 4-010-01.][The site is constrained and the conventional standoff distances are likely not available. Standoff distance may be reduced, but not less than the minimum standoff, if the required level of protection can be achieved through analysis, building hardening, or other mitigating construction as described in UFC 4-010-01.]
2.4 Appropriate Design
NOTE: Provide a description of the appropriate level of architectural refinement including building type, character, style, historic, and economic considerations. Describe in general if special scale, finishes, and materials are required for architectural significance.
NOTE: For Historic Projects
Include project specific information here for Historic Preservation or National Capital Planning Commission requirements in this paragraph. Coordinate this information with the submission requirements in UFGS section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures and UFC 1-300-09N, Submittal Procedures.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, suggest to use the following:
The Government is interested in a best value proposal that supports the functional needs of the user and activity. The levels of quality and durability specified shall be responsive to the function, mission effectiveness, and cost effectiveness of a strategically important and high use military facility expected to provide many years of service.
NOTE: If a project-type UFC exists for this facility type, include the following sentence and insert the applicable UFC number and title.
[Comply with [UFC ________, Title] for planning and design requirements for this project.]
2.5 Workflow Process
NOTE: Describe the use patterns of the occupants of the facility. Include the staffing and Hours of Operation.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, describe existing and planned wharf operation, restrictions and limitations. If project site is within the ESQD arc, describe operation/occupancy restrictions related to ESQD.
NOTE: For historic projects. Include project specific information in this paragraph for Historic Preservation or National Capital Planning Commission projects. Coordinate this information with the submission requirements in UFGS section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures and UFC 01-300-09N, Submittal Procedures.
2.5.1 Hours Of Operation
NOTE: For wharf handling ordnances, suggest to use the following:
"Wharf operation, including ordnance handling, typically take place under daylight conditions. During periods of high activity, operations are conducted around the clock. The level of activities will be dictated by events occurring worldwide. This unpredictable nature of world events can cause scheduling problems, delays, and difficulties in the construction of this project."
2.5.2 Staffing/Occupancy
NOTE: Table is Optional. Staffing could be described in words.
Type of Occupancy | No. of Persons | Description of Activity |
Maximum Occupancy | ## | |
2.6 Special Design Challenges
NOTE: If applicable, describe any special design challenges. Identify the most difficult site and project specific issues in the design solution for this project. Note -These items could be used in the technical evaluation factors to evaluate the proposal.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, provide the following detailed requirements if applicable:
(1) Planned phasing to maintain existing wharf operation and designated construction access routes and construction areas during each phase; (2) Ordnance handling/ESQD restrictions during construction; (3) Waterway restrictions during dredging and other in-water construction; (4) Special geotechnical conditions (high seismic, high liquefaction potential, etc.) that are unique to the waterfront facility site, (5) Special conditions on existing waterfront facilities.
2.7 Adaptability And Flexibility
NOTE: If required, describe any need for flexibility for change of use or any adaptability for future expansion.
NOTE: For waterfront projects, describe provisions for future wharf extension, water deepening, change of operation, accommodation of different design vessels etc. Also, provide information on other on-going or planned waterfront projects that may impact the contractor’s design and construction.