NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
UFGS 01 78 24.05 20
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-01 78 24.05 20 (November 2007
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 78 24.05 20 (July 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated 25 June 2004
Changes indicated by CHG tags
SECTION 01 78 24.05 20
NOTE: Always use this section on Design-Build Projects.
NOTE: Determine the need for a Three Part OMSI with the OMSI EIC and Project Manager. An OMSI that contains Parts I, II & III is typical. A Three Part OMSI is required for equipment oriented projects such as mechanical, fire protection and electrical systems. However, in some special cases, such as small projects or non-equipment oriented projects, only an OMSI Part III is required.
NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for operation and maintenance support information (OMSI).
Comments and suggestions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification. A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).
Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.
This section provides the requirements for operation and maintenance support information (OMSI). OMSI contains detailed as-built information describing the efficient, economical and safe operation and maintenance, and repair of the facility. OMSI is provided as hard copy, manuals, .pdf files, and computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) data. The OMSI is to be factual, concise, comprehensive and written to be easily used by maintenance personnel. Descriptive matter and theory must include technical details that are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the operation, maintenance and repair of the system. The OMSI preparer shall ensure that OMSI reflect changes to systems and equipment, made during construction. The words "system", "systems", and "equipment", when used in this document refer to as-built systems and equipment.
1.1.1 Organization of OMSI
Prepare the OMSI in three parts. PART I - Facility Information, PART II - Primary Systems Information, and PART III - Product Data. Cross-referencing within or between OMSI Parts must be specific.
1.1.2 Sources of Data
The sources of data needed to prepare the OMSI include but are not limited to, the design plans and specifications, field visits, approved construction submittals and manufacturer's catalog data for materials, methods, and systems used in this contract.
[ 1.1.3 OMSI Units of Measure
Provide OMSI utilizing the units of measure required by the RFP, Refer to UFGS Section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures. Metric OMSI shall be in SI (System International) metric units exclusively.
][ 1.1.4 Schedule of Operation and Maintenance Data Packages
NOTE: Select this paragraph where prescriptive specifications are included in Part 5, PRESCRIPTIVE SPECIFICATIONS, and require OMSI Data Packages, or when the use of UFGSs are required by Part 4, PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.
Refer to UFGS Section 01 78 23, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA, located at the website location: for descriptions of SD-10, Operation and Maintenance Data packages, when referenced in Part 5, PRESCRIPTIVE SPECIFICATIONS, or in other UFGS sections. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals in accordance with Section 01 78 24.05 20 FACILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SUPPORT INFORMATION. When using UFGS Sections that reference 01 78 23, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA, change reference to 01 78 24.05 20, FACILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SUPPORT INFORMATION.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project. Submittals should be kept to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
A "G" following a PART 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS specification section submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval. Some submittals are already marked with a "G." Only delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractors Quality Control system. Only add a "G" if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.
The use of a "G" following a submittal indicates that a Government approval action is required. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
SD-06 Test Reports
Validation Site Visit and Presentation; G
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
NOTE: If only OMSI Part III is required, eliminate the Preliminary and Prefinal Submittals below.
OMSI, Preliminary Submittal; G
OMSI, 100% - Prefinal Submittal; G
OMSI, Final Submittal; G
1.3.1 Hard Copies
Bind the OMSI in durable, hard cover, three-ring, water and grease resistant binders, which hold 8.5" X 11" sheets. Binders shall have clear pockets located on the front and on the spine that hold printed sheets. Parts I, II, and III are separate binders with white, blue, and red spine inserts (respectively). Use high quality paper and dividers of heavy-duty paper with plastic reinforced holes and integrated tabs. Tabs must be of varying size and color to distinguish organization. Use plain tabs to show the UNIFORMAT II number and title in Part III, Product Data. Provide a Master Table of Contents for each OMSI binder. Identify each binder on both the cover insert sheet and the spine insert sheet with the following information:
- OMSI Part I, II or III with appropriate titles
- Building Number
- Project Title
- Activity and Location
- Construction Contract Number
- Prepared For: (Contracting Agency)
- Prepared By
- Volume Number - Each binder is a single volume. Number each volume consecutively.
1.3.2 Electronic Format (PDF)
Provide the OMSI on Compact Disk using Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or similar software capable of producing PDF (Portable Document Format) files. The PDF file is duplicate of the hard copy format. The PDF files shall be indexed by part (Facility Information, Primary Systems Information, and Product Data) and each entry identified in the table of contents.
[ 1.3.3 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Data
NOTE: If OMSI us used to populate data fields of a CMMS (i.e. Single Platform Maximo(SPM), Archibus, etc.), edit the following paragraph to meet specific needs. Contact the OMSI EIC or Project Manager for guidance.
Provide data in format that can be imported into [Archibus][Single Platform Maximo] CMMS.
NOTE: In the paragraphs below, choose Navy Technical Representative for NAVFAC Commands with designated OMSI points-of-contact), otherwise choose Contracting Officer.
NOTE: The Preliminary, Prefinal, and Final submittals described below are typical for a complete OMSI. If only a Part III OMSI is required for the job, delete the following two paragraphs for Preliminary and Prefinal Submittal, and edit the Final Submittal paragraph according to the technical note.
1.4.1 Preliminary Submittal
Submit the Preliminary submittal when construction is 50% complete. Provide two hard copies to the [Contracting Officer][Navy Technical Representative]. Present the submittal in sufficient detail to evaluate the data collection and arrangement process. One of these copies, reviewed by the [Contracting Officer][Navy Technical Representative], with review comments, will be returned to the Contractor for preparation of the 100% submittal. Include in the submittal, as a minimum, all available Part I, Facility Information; all systems of Part II, Primary Systems Information (at least one system shall be essentially complete and the remaining systems shall be at least 50% complete); and at least two divisions of Part III, Product Data.
1.4.2 100% - Prefinal Submittal
Provide two hard copies to the [Contracting Officer][Navy Technical Representative]. The 100% - Prefinal submittal is due 30 days prior to Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD). This submittal shall be a complete, working document that can be used to operate and maintain the facility.
1.4.3 Final Submittal
NOTE: In the first sentence, choose the bracketed item requiring 30 days before BOD when only the Part III of the OMSI is required and delete the above two paragraphs for Preliminary and Prefinal Submittals.
Choose the last bracketed sentence of this paragraph for jobs requiring a complete OMSI.
Provide two hard copies and two sets of electronically formatted information to the [[Contracting Officer][Navy Technical Representative]][30 days prior to the Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD)].[ The final submittal is due 90 days after BOD.] Include the final submittal in the Construction Schedule.
2.1.1 OMSI Part I - Facility Information
- General Facility and System Description - Describe the function of the facility. Detail the overall dimensions of the facility, number of floors, foundation type, expected number of occupants, and facility Category Code. List and generally describe all the facility systems listed in Part II, Primary Systems Information and any special building features (for example, HVAC Controls, Sprinkler Systems, cranes, elevators, and generators). Include photographs marked up and labeled to show key operating components and the overall facility appearance. Include a copy of the final "Completion Certification" which certifies completion and compliance of construction by the Contractor. This documentation will be provided by the Construction Quality Control Manager.
- Basis of Design - Include the Basis of Design that shows the basic design scope of work, assumptions and the original intentions of the design A/E. Include a copy of the final "Design Quality Control Report Certification" which verifies conformance of the project design to the Request for Proposal. The Design Quality Control Manager or the Designer of Record will provide this documentation.
- Safety Hazards - List all residual hazards identified in the Requirements Hazard Analysis as prepared by the design A/E. Provide recommended safeguards for each identified hazard.
- Floor Plans - Provide uncluttered, legible 11" x 17" floor plans. Include only room numbers, type or function of spaces, and overall facility dimensions on the floor plans. Do not include construction instructions, references, frame numbers, etc.
- Utility Connection and Cutoff Plans - Provide utility site plans and floor plans that indicate the main interior and exterior connection and cutoff points for all utilities. Include enough information to enable someone unfamiliar with the facility to locate the connection and cutoff points. Indicate the room number, panel number, circuit breaker, valve number, etc., of each connection and cutoff point, and what that connection and cutoff point controls. These plans are in addition to Floor plans.
- Equipment Warranty Tags and Guarantor's Local Representative - Provide with each warranty the name, address, and telephone number of the guarantor's representative nearest to the location where the equipment and appliances are installed. The guarantor's representative, upon request of the station representative, shall honor the warranty during the warranty period, and shall provide the services prescribed by the terms of the warranty. At the time of installation, tag each item of warranted equipment with a durable, oil- and water-resistant tag approved by the Contracting Officer. Attach tag with copper wire and spray with a clear silicone waterproof coating. Leave the date of acceptance and QC's signature blank until project is accepted for beneficial occupancy. Tag shall show the following information:
Type of Equipment/Product ____________________
Warranty Period __________ From __________ To __________
Contract No. ____________________
Inspector's Signature _____________________ Date Accepted ____________
Name: ____________________
Address: _______________________
Telephone: _______________________
Warranty Contact: __________________
Name: ____________________
Address: ________________________
Telephone: ________________________
STATION PERSONNEL TO PERFORM ONLY OPERATIONAL MAINTENANCE - Extended Warranty Information - List and include copies of all warranties for products, equipment, components, and subcomponents whose duration exceeds one year. Cross-reference the list to the warranty copies included in Part III, Product Data. For each warranty listed indicate the applicable specification section, duration, start date, end date, and the point of contact for warranty fulfillment. Also, list or reference all specific operation and maintenance procedures that must be performed to keep the warranty valid.
- Equipment and Warranty Tags Listing - Provide a table that lists the major equipment shown on the design equipment schedules and written warranties for equipment/products provided. Show the item descriptions, warranty information, locations, model numbers; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the manufacturers, suppliers, contractor and subcontractors.
- HVAC Filters - Provide a table that lists the quantity, type, size, and location of each HVAC filter.
- Floor Coverings, Wall Surfaces, Ceiling Surfaces - Provide a table that lists by room number (including hallways and common spaces), the type, and area of finish. The table will include a facility summary of the total area for each type of space and floor, wall, or ceiling finish.
- Windows - Provide a table that lists by room number (including hallways and common spaces), the type of window, window size, number of each size and type, and special features. The table will include a facility summary of the total number for each type and size of window.
- Light Fixtures - Provide a table that lists by room number (including hallways and common spaces), type of light fixture, number of light fixtures, type of bulbs or tubes, and number of bulbs or tubes. The table will include a facility summary of the total number of fixtures of each type and number of bulbs or tubes of each type.
- Plumbing Fixtures - Provide a table that lists by room number, the number and type of plumbing and bathroom plumbing fixtures (for example, sinks, toilets, urinals, showers and drinking fountains).
- Roofing - Provide the total area of each type of roof surface and system. Provide the name of the roofing product and system; manufacturer's, supplier's, and installer's names, addresses, and phone numbers. For each type of roof, provide a recommended inspection, maintenance and repair schedule that details checkpoints, frequencies, and prohibited practices. List roof structural load limits.
2.1.2 Part II - Primary Systems Information
OMSI Part II, Primary Systems Information requires using a systems approach. This approach requires that consideration be given to the entire system (that is, the interfaces of equipment, connections and material flow within the system). Use Notes, Cautions and Warnings throughout the Part II, Primary Systems Information to emphasize important and critical instructions and procedures.
OMSI Part II, Primary Systems Information are required for the primary systems listed below;
[1. Domestic water pressure boosting system]
[2. Plumbing systems, including temperature actuated thermostatic water mixing valve]
[3. HVAC systems, including chillers, boilers, heat pumps, air handling equipment, exhaust fans, fan coil units, VAV boxes, heart recovery wheels, hot and chilled water hydronic systems, control valves, and backflow preventers.]
[4. Direct Digital Controls/Space Temperature Controls]
[5. Steam condensate Pumps, Steam PRV valves.
[6. Electrical systems, including transformers, diesel electric generator sets, automatic transfer switches, primary switchgear, secondary switchgear, high voltage switches, variable frequency drives, and frequency converters]
[7. Fire protection systems and fire alarm and detection systems]
[8. Site mechanical utilities, including cathodic protection]
[9. Site electrical utilities, including substations, transformers, and pad mounted switchgear]
[10. Wastewater pumping stations.]
For each system, address;
(1) System Description - Provide a detailed discussion of the system composition and operation. Include technical details that are essential for an understanding of the system.
(2) Start-Up and Shutdown Procedures - Provide step by step instructions to bring systems from static to operational configurations and from operating to shutdown status.
(3) Normal and Emergency Operating Instructions - Provide a discussion of the normal and emergency operation and control of the system. Address operating norms (for example, temperatures, pressures, and flow rates) expected at each zone or phase of the system. Supplement the discussion with control and wiring diagrams and data. Include shutdown instruction for fires, explosions, spill, or other contingencies.
(4) System Flow Diagrams - Provide a flow diagram indicating system liquid, air or gas flow during normal operations. Integrate all system components into the diagram. A compilation of non-integrated, flow diagrams for the individual system components are not acceptable.
(5) Diagrammatic Plans - Provide floor plans indicating the location of equipment and configuration of the system installation. Include the configuration of associated piping or wiring. Subordinate structural features to utility features.
(6) Field Test Reports - Provide Field Test Reports (SD-06) that apply to equipment associated with the system.
(7) Operator Servicing Requirements - Provide instructions for services to be performed by the operator such as lubrication, adjustments, and inspection.
(8) Valve List - Provide a list of all valves associated with the system. Show valve type, identification number, function, location and normal operating position.
- Preventive Maintenance- Preventive Maintenance Procedures, and Schedules - Provide Task Card for each individual maintenance task identified on the PM plan and Schedule. Include detailed PM procedures, safety instructions and precautions including lock out/tag out precautions, required skill level, number of personnel needed, frequency, special tools needed, parts needed, and estimated time required to complete the task. Include lubrication schedules indicating types, grades and capacities.
- Troubleshooting Guides and Diagnostic Techniques - Provide step-by-step procedures for isolating the cause of system malfunctions. The procedures shall clearly state indications or symptoms of trouble; the sequential instructions, including checks and tests to be performed and conditions to be sought, to determine the cause; and remedial measures to bring the equipment and system to operating condition. Identify special test equipment required to perform the procedures. Start the troubleshooting guide at the system level and proceed to a level where detailed manufacturer's troubleshooting procedures for equipment and components can be referenced. Provide clear references to repair procedures included in Part III, Product Data.
2.1.3 PART III – Construction Submittals
NOTE: Part III is required on all DB projects.
This portion of the OMSI manual provides a record of the as-built products, materials, and equipment used in Part 4, PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, and Part 5, PRESCRIPTIVE SPECIFICATIONS, of the Request for Proposal (RFP). This submittal includes a complete copy of the approved construction submittal used in the facility construction. Include, as a minimum, O&M Data, Materials, Equipment, Data Sheets, Test Reports, Warranties, Certificates, and Shop Drawings.
Provide a validation presentation of the OMSI Prefinal submittal to the users and field verify the OMSI's completeness and accuracy. Perform the validation site visit at the 100% - Prefinal OMSI submittal stage. Contact the [Contracting Officer][Navy Technical Representative] for the exact date.
The Design Quality Control Manager shall attend and provide a certifying statement that validation site visit and presentation is complete.
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