NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test

UFGS 01 57 19.01 20

USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA         UFGS-01 57 19.01 20 (January 2008)
Preparing Activity:  NAVFAC            Supplemental to
                                       UFGS 01 57 19.00 20 (Rev. October 2007)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2008

SECTION 01 57 19.01 20


NOTE:  This guide specification covers the requirements for state and local environmental protection and for environmental temporary controls.  The purpose of this document is to supplement Section 01 57 19.00 20 with specific State and Local requirements.  Do not repeat what is already provided in the National version of the specification.

To assist specification editors and contractors with finding all of the pertinent sections, the requirements are arranged by Region, then State and Installation.  Rather than writing the same State requirement for every installation in a given state, the requirement should be listed under that state.  If a requirement only applies at a specific installation, list it under the appropriate installation.

Only edit the parts of this specification section that have bracketed choices.

Many States and Municipalities have more stringent or additional requirements.  Modify this section to include State and Local differences as required to suit local conditions and regulations.

Comments and suggestions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification.  A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a  Criteria Change Request (CCR).

Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.



NOTE:  These references are only for State specific requirements and supplement the references in Section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls.   This paragraph is used to list the publications cited in the text of the guide specification. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only and listed in this paragraph by organization, designation, date, and title.

Select the appropriate FEC/Region where work is being done and delete the un-used Regions.
If you are using Specsintact, use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature when you add a RID outside of the Section's Reference Article to automatically place the reference in the Reference Article.  Also use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature to update the issue dates.
If you are using Specsintact, References not used in the text will automatically be deleted from this section of the project specification when you choose to reconcile references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.  The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.  If state or local references are not provided here, refer to Section 01 57 19.00 20 for appropriate references.


NOTE to FEC: For each state listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.

North Carolina
West Virginia
New Jersey
Rhode Island
New York
Other Northeast States]


NOTE to FEC: For each state listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.

Other Midwest States]


NOTE to FEC: For each state listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.



NWAPA RegulationAir Regulation


OAPCA RegulationRegulation 1


PSCAA RegulationRegulation I, II, and III


WAC-173-303Washington Dangerous Waste Regulations
WAC-173-304Minimal Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling
WAC-173-460National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)
WAC-173-60 Maximum Environmental Noise Levels
WAC-246-290Department of Health Drinking Water Regulation


WSDE SMMWashington State Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin

Other Northwest States]


NOTE to FEC: For each state listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.

South Carolina
Other Southeast States]


NOTE to FEC: For each state listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.

Other Southwest States]


NOTE to FEC: For each state or location listed below, the FEC should edit the section to include state or local specific references that will be called out in later portions of this document.



NOTE:  Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project.  Submittals should be kept to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
A "G" following a submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval.  Some submittals are already marked with a "G".  Only delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractor's Quality Control system.  Only add a "G" if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.

NOTE: Add additional statement to include State or Local submittal requirements.  Submittals added here must be called for and explained in the specification paragraph text within.

NOTE: Delete any inapplicable submittal requirements.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are [for Contractor Quality Control approval.][for information only.  When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government.]  The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures:

SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals

[Excavation Permits; G]

[Hazardous Operations Permit; G]

NOTE: Include the following submittal for NAVFAC SOUTHEAST projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC SOUTHEAST projects as determined by the Contracting Officer based on project size, scope, complexity, and visibility.

[Dirt and Dust Control Plan; G]

NOTE: Include the following submittal for NAVFAC Pacific projects.

[Storage Inventory Form; G]

[SD-06 Test Reports]

[___]; [G]


NOTE: Installation specific requirements are listed under the Region and State where the installation is found.  Each FEC shall insert the state and local requirements that apply to installations within their area of responsibility.  If a state regulation applies to all installations, list it under the appropriate state.  If language is specific to a particular installation, list it under that installation.  The provided information is a template.  FECs should add states and installations as necessary to complete the document.

NOTE: Select the appropriate FEC/Region where work is being done and delete the un-used Regions.


NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
     2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Virginia

  1. Norfolk Naval Station
  2. NAB Little Creek
  3. NAS Oceana Maryland

  1. Patuxent River West Virginia

  1. Sugar Grove Pennsylvania New Jersey North Carolina

a. MCB Camp Lejeune

(1) Removal of Wasteform Camp Lejeune

NOTE: Select the following paragraphs for projects located at Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Remove and dispose of rubbish and debris from Government property.

(a) Prove 24-hour advance written notice to the Contracting Office of Contractor's intention to dispose of off base.

(b) Disposal at sites or landfills not holding a valid state of North Carolina permit is specifically prohibited.  The prohibition also applies to sites where a permit may have been applied for but not yet obtained.

(c) Off-base disposal of construction debris outside the parameters of this paragraph at site without State permits and/or not in accordance with regulatory requirements will require the Contractor at his own expense to remove, transport and relocate the debris to a State approved site. The Contractor will also be require to pay any fines, penalties, or fees related to the illegal disposal of construction debris.

(d) Metals will not be accepted at the Base Sanitary Landfill. Materials which may be deposited in the landfill include:


Mixed Debris

The following materials may be placed in the landfill in a location designated by the landfill operator. These items may be mixed together.

Sheetrock - plaster - glass (broken) Non asbestos insulation - (fiberglass and mineral wool will be bagged).

Packing paper, Styrofoam, and pasteboard boxes Non-asbestos roofing materials such as shingles built-up and shingle roofing. Painted wood such as doors, windows, siding, and trim.

Plastic/fiberglass such as pipe, electrical boxes, cover plates, etc. Ceramic and vinyl flooring or tile - ceiling tile.

Masonry and Concrete

Deliver concrete, block, brick, mortar to the landfill separate from any other items, and place in a location designated by the landfill operator. Reinforcement wire and rebar will be removed flush with exposed surfaces.

Non-recyclable Cardboard

Breakdown corrugated cardboard boxes and deliver to the Base Recycling Center located at Building 913. If Base personnel rejects the cardboard, take cardboard to the landfill.

Non-recyclable Wall Pallets

Deliver usable pallets to the Base Recycling Center located at Building 913. If base personnel rejects the pallets, take pallets to the landfill.

Treated Wood

Deliver treated wood, and such as piling and power poles, to the landfill separated from any other items, and place in locations as designated by the landfill operator.

Untreated/Unpainted Wood

Deliver lumber, trees, stumps, limbs, tops, and shrubs to the landfill separated from any other items, and place in locations as designated by landfill operator.

Organic Matter

Deliver leaves, pine straw, and grass clippings to the landfill separated from any other items, and place in locations as designated by landfill operator. No bags or containers are allowed.

Fiberglass Tanks - 550 Gallons or less

Clean tanks before delivery to landfill.

Asphalt Pavement

Remove pavement from Government property and deliver to an asphalt-recycling establishment. Provide a record of the total tons of asphalt recycled and the corporate name and location of the recycling establishment receiving the removed asphalt.

Weigh each and every Vehicle delivering debris

Separate each category of construction debris at the construction site and deliver separately to the landfill.

Weigh each and every Vehicle delivering

Place each category of construction debris in the landfill at the location designated by the landfill operator.



Lead Based Paint and Materials



Metals will not be accepted at the landfill. Remove metals from each and every category before delivery to the landfill. (Example: Remove hardware from doors and windows)

Dispose of metal construction debris at Defense Reutilization Maintenance Office (DRMO) Building TC-861, Camp Geiger.

Aluminum, brass, copper, lead, other metal, electrical wiring, cable (cut in 3 foot or less sections)]

b. MCAS Cherry Point New York Main District of Columbia Other Northeast States]

[ 1.3.2 MIDWEST

NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
    2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Illinois

  1. Great Lakes Indiana

  1. NWS Crane Tennessee

  1. Midsouth Other Midwest States]


NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
     2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract.

NOTE: This guide specification is intended for use in construction projects where environmental protection and other temporary controls are required at Bremerton Naval Complex (PSNS, Naval Station Bremerton and tenants) and Jackson Park Naval Housing, Naval Hospital, NAS Whidbey, SUBASE Bangor, NUWC Div Keyport, FISC Puget Sound, Fuel Department, NAVMAG Indian Island, NAVSTA Everett (which includes Smokey Point, Pacific Beach and Jim Creek).  This guide specification includes reference to technical sections which should be considered upon insertion into Design Build RFPs.

NOTE: Suggestion for improvement of this specification will be welcomed using the "Agency Response Form" located in SPECSINTACT under "System Directory" or DD Form 1426.  Suggestions should be forwarded to:
Commanding Officer
Engineering Field Activity, Northwest
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
19917 7th Avenue NE
Poulsbo, WA 98370-7570
Email: Oregon Washington

a. Bremerton Naval Complex, and Jackson Park

For projects located at BNC and Jackson Park, the Designer will prepare, sign and forward the NOC to regulator after review by Code 106. The Designer will prepare, sign the forward the NOC to regulator after review by Code 106. Contact Code 106 if the design is in-house.

b. Naval Hospital

NOTE: Use the paragraph below if project requires a Notice of Construction (NOC) for Installation of an air pollution control device.  Include the type of equipment in the blank below.  Contact DFA Environmental and Base Environmental Office for applicability.

For projects located at Naval Hospital, the designer will prepare, sign and forward the NOC to regulator after review by Code 014.  Contact Code 014 if the design is in-house.

c. SUBBASE Bangor, NAS Whidbey, NUWC Div Keyport, NAVSTA Everett, NAVMAG Indian Island, and FISC Puget Sound, Fuel Department

NOTE: For projects located in SUBASE Bangor, NAS Whidbey, NUWC Div Keyport, NAVSTA Everett, NAVMAG Indian Island, and  FISC Puget Sound, Fuel Department, the Designer will complete the NOC and activity will sign and forward permit to regulator.  The activity will prepare, sign and forward to the regulator the NOC.

[(1.)  Air Pollution Control Plan

NOTE: Use this paragraph for all projects located at BNC, Jackson Park (although this paragraph may need to be modified for Jackson Park) and Naval Hospital.  The second paragraph specifies that the Contractor is the Accumulation Area Operator (AAO), see paragraph "Waste Awaiting Designation Collection" of this section.  Include the following information in Section 01 45 00, "Quality Control" specifically the paragraph entitled "QC Specialist Duties and Qualifications."  Qualification/Experience:  Environment and HAZCOM experience.  Area of Responsibility:  Environmental Coordination and Accumulation Area Management, especially Section 01 57 19.00 20.  Frequency:  Daily and on each work shift.

The Contractor shall develop an air pollution Control Plan.  The plan shall address measures to control airborne pollution such as, but not limited to fugitive dust, fugitive emissions, volatile organic compounds and other air contaminates as required by PSCAA Regulation I, II and III, NWAPA Regulation and OAPCA Regulation 1.

(a.) Bremerton Naval Complex (PSNS,  Naval Station Bremerton and tenants)

(b.)  Jackson Park Naval Housing]

(2.)  Stabilization of Soil

NOTE: Use the bracketed paragraph below for projects located at BNC, Jackson Park and Naval Hospital.  Generally, this bracketed paragraph will be used for projects less than 2 ha 5 acres.  Contact EFA Environmental and Base Environmental for applicability.

Stabilize soil piles immediately with water spray or cover.  Provide temporary protection on sides and back slopes as soon as rough grading is completed or sufficient soil is exposed to require erosion protection.  Protect slopes by accelerated growth of permanent vegetation, temporary vegetation, mulching, or netting.  Stabilize slopes by hydroseeding, anchoring mulch in place, covering with anchored netting, sodding, or such combination of these and other methods necessary for effective erosion control.  [Provide protection of all exposed soils as specified by the following schedule:  October 1st through April 30th, no soils exposed more than 2 days; May 1st through September 30th, no soils exposed more than 7 days.  Provide temporary protection of all soils by accelerated growth of permanent vegetation, temporary vegetation, mulching, or netting.  Stabilize by hydroseeding, anchoring in place, covering with anchored netting, sodding, or such combination of these and other methods necessary for erosion control.]

(a.) Seeding:  Provide new seeding where ground is disturbed. Include topsoil or nutriment during the seeding operation necessary to [establish][reestablish] a suitable stand of grass.  [The seeding operation shall be as specified in Section ____, "_____."]

(3.) Waste Awaiting Designation Collection

NOTE: Use the paragraph below for projects located at BNC and Jackson Park.  This paragraph specifies that the Contractor is the Accumulatiion Area Operator (AAO) and therefore the 3 day training course is applicable, see paragraph entitled "Environmental Training" of this section.

Collect waste awaiting designation in containers and move to a registered accumulation area.  Accumulate waste awaiting designation in an area that meets the minimum criteria for satellite accumulation per WAC-173-303, and the paragraph entitled "Special Restrictions for Wastes and Accumulation Areas", except for the time and quantity limitations.  Train an Accumulation Area Operator (AAO) as specified. Provide a WIS for each unique type of waste awaiting designation.

[(4.)  Sanitary Sewage, Odor, and Pest Control

NOTE: For BNC and Jackson Park projects, do not use sewage connection to station system unless absolutely necessary.

(a.) Dispose of sewage through connection to [a] [municipal,][ district,][or] [ station]  sanitary sewage system[s].  Where such system[s] [is][are] not available, use chemical toilets or comparably effective units, and periodically empty wastes into [a] [municipal,][ district,][or] [station] sanitary sewage system[s] (NOT STORM DRAIN SYSTEM), or construct and maintain an approved type of adequate sanitary convenience for the use of persons employed on the work.

(b.) Include provisions for pest control and elimination of odors. Coordinate with the Government's Pest Management Plan which identifies the pesticides approved for use.  Submit a list of pest control provisions to the Contracting Officer [30][___} days prior to application date.  Include product names, copy of the product label, product EPA number, MSDSs, location and measurement of area, pesticide application schedule, and current Washington State license for both the individual and the company.  Submit the complete form Pest Management Information Record, see enclosure [___] to the Contracting Officer within 7 working days after the pesticide application completion.

(5.) Construction Completion Report

NOTE: The Construction Completion Report shall be submitted to the government, then if this project is not identified in the Water System Plan, the design manager shall submit this report to the Washington Department of Health within 60 days after completion of the project.

Within 15 days after completion of an approved water system project, submit a Construction Completion Report in accordance with WAC-246-290 120(5), see enclosure [___].  The report must be signed by a Washington State registered professional engineer.  This report is required for new construction on exterior building potable water system components.Any significant changes from the approved water system design must receive prior approval of the Contracting Officer and written approval from the Department of Health per WAC-246-290-120 prior to use.

][(6.)  Dewatering

NOTE: Contact BNC Environmental during the design phase to determine applicable procedures and appropriate flowchart.  Ensure requirements are coordinated with appropriate excavation Sections(s).

Perform dewatering of excavation sites as specified in enclosure [___]. Coordinate requirements with [Section 31 00 00 Earthwork][and] [Section  31 32 00.00 20 Excavation and Fill.] Other Northwest States]


  1. Dirt and Dust Control Plan:  Submit truck and material haul routes along with a plan for controlling dirt, dust, debris, and dust on base roadways.  As a minimum, identify in the plan the subcontractor and equipment for cleaning along the haul route and measures to reduce dirt, dust, and debris from roadways.

NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
    2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Florida

a.  Naval Air Station, Jacksonville

(1.)  Additional Temporary Environmental Controls

(a) Petroleum Contaminated Wastes; Surface water, groundwater, soil, or sediment that has the presence of petroleum or petroleum products or their chemical constituents (except hazardous waste as defined in the paragraph entitled "Hazardous Waste" in Section, 01 57 19.00 25 Temporary Environmental Controls in quantities that exceed the applicable cleanup target levels as stated in FL 62-770.

(b) Environmental Protection Requirements:  NAS Jacksonville is governed by the Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) signed by the Navy, the Environmental protection Agency, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  The FFA is incorporated by reference into this contract and all subcontracts.  Specific restoration sites have been identified in the FFA, and other Contractors or Government personnel may undertake sampling, investigative work, or remediation actions related to other projects simultaneously with the efforts related to this project.  Information concerning this agreement or specific site information may be obtained from the Facilities Department, NAS Jacksonville.  [Test soil and groundwater that will be disposed under this contract in accordance with the paragraph entitled "Laboratory Analysis" in Section 01 57 19.00 20 Temporary Environmental Controls, and, if hazardous, comply with the requirements of the paragraph entitled "Unforeseen Hazardous or Regulated Material" in Section 01 57 19.00 20 Temporary Environmental Controls.]

(c) Proof of Required Training:  The Contractor shall maintain a copy of the training certificate at the job site showing that he completed the required module(s) in accordance with requirements in paragraph "Environmental Compliance Training and Tracking" in Section 01 57 19.00 20.  This training shall be completed prior to starting work on this project, but not later than 30 days after award of the contract.  The Contractor shall carry a wallet size card demonstrating that he completed the required module(s).  The card shall be presented to the Contracting Officer or his/her representatives upon request.  

(d) Protection of Natural Resources:  Remove trees and other landscape features scarred or damaged by equipment operations, and replace with equivalent, undamaged trees and landscape features.  Obtain Base Natural Resources Manager approval via the Contracting Officer before replacement.

(e) Control and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes:  Hazardous waste generated during construction shall be disposed of through PWC Jacksonville and shall not be taken off station by the contractor.  The Contractor is responsible for paying all disposal costs in accordance with PWC Jacksonville's published rates.  Air drying any containers to render them empty is prohibited.

NOTE: The following paragraph is in addition to the paragraph entitled "Hazardous Waste/Industrial Waste/regulated Waste Storage Areas" in Section 01 57 19.00 20 Temporary Environmental Controls.

For Hazardous Waste accumulation areas, submit weekly hazardous waste inspection logs to the Station Hazardous Waste Manager via the Contracting Officer and maintain compliance with 40 CFR 265.16 training requirements.  The Contractor shall ensure all containers are  kept closed, except when adding or removing waste, that containers remain in good condition and are properly labeled, per 40 CFR 265  Subpart I requirements. Label will be provided by PWC Jacksonville or the Station.  Regulated waste storage/Satellite Accumulation 190 day storage.

(f)  Batteries:  Dispose of lead-acid batteries that are not damaged or leaking at the NAS Jacksonville MWR Recycling Center or a State approved battery-recycling facility.  For lead-acid batteries that are leaking or have cracked casings, dispose of the battery by calling PWC Jacksonville for disposal.  The management and disposal of waste lead-acid batteries and electrolyte shall comply with requirements for management and disposal of hazardous wastes.  Alkaline batteries, non-alkaline batteries, lithium batteries, metal hydride batteries, and nickel-cadmium batteries shall be collected and segregated by type for turn-in to the activity for disposal/recycling.

(g)  Mercury Containing Devices:  Prior to starting work, remove bulbs, thermostats, switches, and other components that contain mercury.  Upon removal, place items containing mercury in DOT approved containers, label, and turn over to the activity for disposal/recycling.  For projects at NAS Jacksonville, fluorescent bulbs are to be turned in to Self-Help for recycling.  For projects at Naval Aviation Depot and Naval Hospital Jacksonville, turn them in to the appropriate environmental office as directed by the Contracting Officer. The management of mercury containing devices shall comply with the requirements for management and disposal of hazardous waste or Universal Waste as applicable.  All bulbs will be boxed, stenciled with the words "spent mercury containing devices for recycling" and the date of accumulation.

(h) Aerosol Cans:  Aerosol cans shall not be disposed of as solid waste or construction and demolition debris.  Cans shall be collected and segregated from other waste in a suitable container on the job site.  The container shall be labeled "aerosol cans for recycling" and tuned in to the General HM Locker at Building 102.

(1)  Disposal of Regulated Waste:  In accordance with Station requirements, accumulate regulated waste in DOT approved containers.  Ensure that containers remain closed except when adding or removing waste and that they are marked with the appropriate Non-Hazardous Waste Label, which will be provided by PWC Jacksonville or the Station.  Air drying any containers to render them empty is prohibited. Regulated wastes, except for asbestos and petroleum contaminated wastes, shall be disposed of through PWC Jacksonville and shall not be taken off Station by the Contractor.  The Contractor is responsible for paying all disposal costs in accordance with PWC Jacksonville's published rates.

(i) Disposal of Petroleum Contaminated Wastes:  Disposal of petroleum contaminated waste in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.  Removal of petroleum contaminated waste from Government property shall not occur without prior notification and coordination with the Contracting Officer.  Transport petroleum contaminated waste by a permitted, licensed, or registered transporter to a permitted facility.  Petroleum contaminated waste shall be properly identified, packaged, and labeled.  Provide completed Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest for petroleum contaminated waste disposal of off-site to the Contracting Officer within seven days of disposal.

(j)  Disposal of PCB and Non-PCB Light Ballasts:  All light ballasts shall be removed from light fixtures.  Ballasts shall be accumulated and stored in DOT approved containers.  Ensure that containers remain closed except when adding or removing waste and that they are marked with the appropriate Non-Hazardous Waste Label, which will be provided by PWC Jacksonville or the Station.  Disposal shall be in accordance
with provisions in paragraph entitled "Disposal of Regulated Wastes".

b.  Naval Air Station, Pensacola

(1.)  Excavation Permits

Before any excavation is started, an approved NAS Pensacola permit shall be obtained through the Contracting Officer (excavation is defined as digging or opening of an existing surface to a depth exceeding eight inches below the existing grade, as well as driving of piles or auger borings).  The permit form is self-explanatory. Applicable items on the permit form shall be filled in by the Contractor and given to the Contracting Officer in sufficient time to permit processing by Station personnel, but not less than five working days prior to planned excavation.

(2.)  Cultural Resource Protection

In the performance of work under this contract, materials which may qualify as a cultural (historical/archaeological) resource may be inadvertently discovered in the land and water areas of NAS  Pensacola.  Should materials which appear to have any cultural resource interest be discovered, the work shall be stopped at the discovery site pursuant to FAR Clause "Suspension of Work", the  Contracting Officer shall be notified and the discovery site shall be isolated and protected as directed.  The resumption of any work at the discovery site shall be delayed until specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer.

(3.)  Environmental Compliance Training

Each contractor and subcontractor employee doing construction or service work on this project shall complete a course entitled "NAS Pensacola Environmental Compliance Training" using the internet site developed by the U.S. Navy and Florida Dept of Environmental Protection.  The web site can be accessed at the following address: Log on: contract (lower case), Password: navfac (lower case).

After gaining entry, you can establish your own password.  Each contractor and subcontractor employee doing (or managing) construction or service work on this project shall have a certificate on file at the job site showing that they have completed this course.  All employees (except those involving in any painting, caulking, asbestos work or well pointing) shall complete the training within 30 days of mobilization on this project.  Employees doing painting, caulking, asbestos work or well pointing shall have all training complete before staring work on this project.  Within 30 days of mobilization, the contractor shall submit a letter to the Contracting Officer certifying that all employees have obtained training along with copies of all certificates.  The letter shall also certify that all future employees will obtain training in accordance with this specification requirement. Georgia

  1. Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay Mississippi

  1. Naval Construction Battalion Command, Gulfport

    (1.)  Excavation Permits

    Before any excavation is started, an approved NCBC Gulfport permit shall be obtained through the Public Works Management Engineering Division via the Contracting Officer (excavation is defined as digging or opening of an existing surface to a depth exceeding eight inches below the existing grade, as well as driving of piles or auger borings).  The permit form is self-explanatory.  Applicable items on the permit form shall be filled in by the Contractor and given to the Contracting Officer in sufficient time to permit processing by Station personnel, but not less than five working days prior to planned excavation.

  2. Naval Air Station, Meridian

    (1.)    Contractor Hazardous Material Inventory Log

    Submit a "Contractor Hazardous Material Inventory Log" to the Contracting Officer on the 10th day of each month.  (Copies of the base specific forms are attached at the end of this section.) South Carolina

  1. Naval Weapons Station, Charleston Texas

  1. Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi
  2. Naval Air Station, Dallas Other Southeast States]


NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
    2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Arizona

  1. Regulatory Requirements for the Notice of Intent

    Contractor submits the following to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ):  Vicinity Map, Notice of Intent (NOI), (ADEQ) does not require a filing fee).  If the construction project is scheduled to exceed one year, submit NAVFAC SW Legal Fee Letter to ADEQ - attach to NOI.  ROICC or FEAD Contracting Officer reviews and signs NOI/NOT.

    If discharges to a unique or impaired water body are proposed, the SWPPP must be submitted along with the NOI.  See General permit for instructions.  The owner/operator shall complete and submit a complete Notice of Termination (NOT) to the ADEQ within 30 days after permit conditions have been met.

    Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Dischargers from Construction Activities to Water of the United States Permit No. AZG2003.001 expires February 28, 2008. California

  1. Regulatory Requirements for the Notice of Intent

    Contractor submits the following to the State Water Resources Control Board (SERCB): Site map of the Vicinity, Notice of Intent (NOI), and applicable filing fee (not to exceed $700.00).  If the construction project is scheduled to exceed one year, submit NAVFAC SW Legal Fee Letter to SWRCB - attach to NOI.  State of California requires the NOI to be submitted 30 days prior to start of Construction.  ROICC or FEAD Contracting Officer reviews and signs NOI/NOT.

    Complete and submit the Notice of Termination (NOT) to your local Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).  Refer to the last page of the NOT packet for RWQCB locations.

    California Construction BMP Handbook:

    2003 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities (General Permit) Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ.  Storm Water General Permit:  This permit expires February 28th of 2008.
  2. Storm Water Notice of Termination

    Submittal of the Notice of Termination (NOT) constitutes notice that the owner (and their agent) of the site identified on this form is no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity by NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002.  Submit Notice of Termination to the appropriate Executive Officer of the Regional Water Quality Control Board responsible for the area in which the facility is located.  The Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) or Facilities Engineering Acquisition and Design (FEAD) Contracting Officer reviews and sign the NOT.
  3. Sampling and Analysis of Hazardous Waste

    Analysis will be performed by a California Certified Laboratory. Nevada

  1. Regulatory Requirements for the Notice of Intent

    Contractor submits the following to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP):  Vicinity Map and Notice of Intent (NOI)(ADEQ does not require a filing fee).  If the construction project is scheduled to exceed one year, submit NAVFAC SW Legal Fee Letter to ADEQ - attach to NOI.  ROICC or FEAD Contracting Officer reviews and signs NOI/NOT.

    Notice of Termination:  The owner/operator shall submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) to the NDEP within 30 days after permit conditions have been met.

    2002 Storm Water Nevada General Permit No. NRV10000-General Permit expires on September 15th of 2007.

    NDEP Best Management Practices Handbook: Other Southwest States]

[ 1.3.6 PACIFIC

NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique state regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique state requirements for each state listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or state regulations.
    2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Control and Disposal of [Ionization Smoke Detectors][Tritium Exit Signs]

NOTE: For NAVFAC Pacific projects requiring control and disposal of ionization smoke detectors (which contain low-level radioactive material) and tritium exit signs by Radiological Affairs Support Office (RASO).

a. Material Bagging

Remove existing [ionization smoke detectors] [and tritium exit signs,] and place like types, together; i.e. same manufacturer and model number, in a plastic bag.  Provide a label on the bag with the following data:

Manufacturer:                Activity:
Model No.:                    Contract No.:
Isotope/Quantity (if known):

b.  Material Storage

NOTE: Insert applicable activity in the blank space.

Store plastic bags in 55-gallon covered drum(s).  Do not seal the drum(s).  Provide a label entitled "RADIOACTIVE" and storage inventory form applied to exterior surface of the cover and side of the drum(s). Provide a record copy, with the following data (example), for each drum storage inventory to the Contracting Officer, [the RASO at COMNAVREG Pearl Harbor], and [___].

c.  Storage Site and Disposal

NOTE: For NAVFAC Pacific projects where government is responsible for storage and disposal.  Insert location of storage site in the blank space.

Deliver drums to [___] [MCBH Bunker 709, Sumner Road] [PWC Pearl Harbor Bldg. ___] for storage and disposal of [ionization smoke detectors] and tritium exit signs] [as directed by the Contracting Officer].

d.  Storage and Disposal by Contractor

NOTE: For NAVFAC Pacific projects where the contractor is responsible for storage and disposal.

The Contractor will be responsible for storage and disposal of [ionization smoke detectors] [and tritium exit signs] in accordance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations. Hawaii Guam Japan]

[ 1.3.7 EUROPE

NOTE: Applicable environmental requirements such as; erosion/sediment control, storm water, hazardous waste, and solid waste may have unique in-country regulations that exceed the requirements of UFGS section 01 57 19.00 20, Temporary Environmental Controls. The FEC should edit this section to include these unique in-country requirements for each country listed below.

NOTE: For each installation listed below, provide the following;
    1. Unique local requirements that exceed UFGS Section 01 57 19.00 20 requirements and/or in-country regulations.
    2. Environmental Point of Contact information for design review and base specific requirements.
    3. For every installation in area of responsibility, the FEC shall identify the facility Hazardous Waste Generator status as specified in Section 01 57 19.00 20 paragraph entitled "Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status."
    4. For each installation listed below, provide specific requirements of the installation's Environmental Management System (EMS) that relate to construction operations.  Identify those site specific EMS actions that the Contractor must perform under this contract. Italy

  1. NAS Naples
  2. NAS Sigonella
  3. Aviano Spain

  1. NS Rota Greece

  1. NSA Souda Bay Other European Countries]


Not used.


Not used.

-- End of Section --

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WBDG Services Construction Criteria Base