NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
UFGS 01 50 00.05 20
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-01 50 00.05 20 (November 2007)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 50 00.05 20 (July 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated 22 December 2004
Changes indicated by CHG tags
SECTION 01 50 00.05 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for temporary construction facilities and controls over contractor operations required for use in all projects.
Comments and suggestions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification. A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).
Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
If the RFP Editor is utilizing Specsintact, this guide specification includes tailoring options for NAVFAC regional requirements. Selection or deselecting of a tailoring option will include or exclude that option in the section, but editing the resulting section to fit the project is still required.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.
NOTE: On the drawings, show:
1. Location of temporary buildings and storage areas, if specified;
2. Location of temporary utility connections, if specified.
NOTE: Issue (date) of references included in project specifications need not be more current than provided by the latest guide specification. Use of SpecsIntact automated reference checking is recommended for projects based on older guide specifications.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.
AWWA C511 | (1997) Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly |
FCCCHR List | (continuously updated) List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies |
FCCCHR Manual | (9th Edition) Manual of Cross-Connection Control |
NFPA 241 | (2000) Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations |
NFPA 70 | (2005) National Electrical Code |
FHWA SA-89-006 | (1988) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways |
40 CFR 247 | Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials |
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project. Submittals should be kept to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
A "G" following a Part 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS specification section submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval. Some submittals are already marked with a "G." Only delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractors Quality Control system. Only add a "G" if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.
The use of a "G" following a submittal indicates that a Government approval action is required. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
[Traffic control plan; G]
NOTE: Include the following submittal for NAVFAC Southeast projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC Southeast projects as determined by the Contracting Officer based on project size, scope, complexity, and visibility.
[Construction site plan; G]
SD-03 Product Data
NOTE: Include the following for all projects connecting to a potable water supply.
Backflow preventers
SD-06 Test Reports
Backflow Preventer Tests; G
SD-07 Certificates
Backflow Tester Certification; G
NOTE: Include the following for all projects connecting to a potable water supply.
[Backflow Preventers Certificate of Full Approval]
NOTE: This paragraph is to encourage the Contractor to use recycled or recovered materials in daily administrative operations.
There are many products listed in 40 CFR 247 which have been designated or proposed by EPA to include recycled or recovered materials that may be used by the Contractor in performing the work but will not be incorporated into the work. These products include office products, temporary traffic control products, and pallets. These non-construction products contain the highest practicable percentage of recycled or recovered materials and can be recycled when no longer needed.
NOTE: Use this paragraph for NAVFAC Southeast projects at Charleston Air Force Base only
Prior to the start of work, submit a site plan showing the locations of temporary facilities (including layouts and details, equipment and material storage area (onsite and offsite), and access and haul routes used for this contract. Show locations of safety and construction fences, site trailers, construction entrances, trash dumpsters, temporary sanitary facilities, and worker parking areas.
Certificate of Full Approval from FCCCHR List, University of Southern California, attesting that the design, size and make of each backflow preventer has satisfactorily passed the complete sequence of performance testing and evaluation for the respective level of approval. Certificate of Provisional Approval will not be acceptable.
1.5.1 Backflow Prevention Training Certificate
The Contractor shall submit a certificate recognized by the State or local authority that states the Contractor has completed at least 10 hours of training in backflow preventer installations. The certificate must be current.
NOTE: This paragraph must be coordinated with the Contracting Officer. Coordinate with FAR Clause 52.236-14. Choose one of the following options. For NAVFAC Atlantic, delete the article if utility service is covered in a Section "Special Conditions for Projects at (_____)"; used for some OCONUS stations.
NOTE: Government utilities listed in this paragraph may be furnished, if available without interfering with Government needs. These services shall not be made free of charge except: (1) on Air Force projects; (2) on other projects when administrative costs exceed the value of the services; or (3) when otherwise advantageous to the Government. The general layout plan or other appropriate drawing shall indicate the point at which the Government will deliver each utility specified and should show pertinent data such as voltage, L/min( gal/min), and pipe sizes. Information regarding the types of utilities available, the rates, the points of connection' and the quantities available should be obtained from the Government.
[Reasonable amounts of the following utilities will be made available to the Contractor [without charge.] [at the prevailing rates.] [at the following rates:]
[Electricity - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Potable Water - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Salt Water - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Compressed Air - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Steam - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Natural Gas - [: $_____ per _____]]
[Sanitary Sewer - [: $_____ per _____]]
The point at which the Government will deliver such utilities or services and the quantity available shall be coordinated with the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall pay all costs incurred in connecting, converting, and transferring the utilities to the work. The Contractor shall make connections, including [providing backflow-preventing devices on connections to domestic water lines;] [providing meters;] and providing transformers; and make disconnections. [Under no circumstances will taps to base fire hydrants be allowed for obtaining domestic water.]]
[ 1.6.1 Contractor Utilities
The Contractor shall provide his own utilities.
] [ 1.6.2 Utilities at Special Locations
NOTE: For NAVFAC Midlant and NAVFAC Atlantic HQ projects choose one of the following options. For the first option, in the first set of brackets, insert the name of the activity to which application should be made. Include the second bracketed option for projects located at MCAS Cherry Point.
[Reasonable amounts of utilities will be made available to the Contractor at the prevailing Government rates. These rates may be obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer, [_____,] by way of the Contracting Officer. The Contractor will be responsible for making connections, providing transformers and meters, and making disconnections; and for providing backflow preventer devices on connections to domestic water lines.] [Neither potable water nor sanitary facilities will be available at the main Contractor laydown area at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Cherry Point, NC.]
NOTE: Use the following option for projects located in Argentina and the Azores and for Air Force projects in NAVFAC Europe. Use this paragraph for other activities only when approved by the activity.
[Reasonable amounts of utilities will be made available without charge. The Contractor will be responsible for making connections, providing transformers and meters, and making disconnections; and for providing backflow preventer devices on connections to domestic water lines. Under no circumstances will taps to base fire hydrants be allowed for obtaining domestic water.]
NOTE: Use the following option only for MCON funded and non-appropriated funds projects at Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station (Helicopter (H)), New River.
[Reasonable amounts of utilities will be made available to the Contractor at the prevailing Government rates and may be obtained upon application to the Base Maintenance Officer, Bldg. 1202, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune. A refundable security deposit to the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction shall be made prior to application for services. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing transformers, meter bases, electrical service poles and drops for electrical services, and backflow preventer devices on connections to domestic water lines. Final taps and tie-ins to the Government utility grid will be made by Base Maintenance who will also provide and seal a 120 or 208 volt, three-wire kWh meter. Tap-in cost, if any, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Tampering or movement of a sealed meter without notification to base maintenance is grounds for discontinuance of electrical service. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing larger meters required if not available from the Government. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of utility services required until the date of Government acceptance. Under no circumstances will taps to base fire hydrants be allowed for obtaining domestic water.]
] [ 1.6.3 Utilities at Guam Provided by Contractor for Special Projects
Contact the Government of Guam for water and electricity.
] [ 1.6.4 Utility Services at Midway
- Potable water is rationed during dry periods and not available for construction purposes during the months of June and July.
- Electrical power available, primary voltage is 2400 volt 3 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle AC. Secondary voltages may be 120/208 or 120/240 volts.
- Provide new meters for potable water, brackish water and electricity. The cost of utility services furnished may be reduced by the cost the Government would normally pay for comparable meters if, at the end of the job, the meters are delivered to the Government in good condition.
] [ 1.6.5 Utility Services for Diego Garcia Projects
NOTE: Use for Diego Garcia projects.
- Potable water will be made available to Contractor's office and housing. The prevailing rate for potable water is $2.07 per thousand gallons.
- No charge for brackish water.
- Electrical power available is primary, 2400 volt 3 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle AC, secondary voltages may be 120/208 or 120/240 volts. The prevailing rate for electricity is $0.0647 per kilowatt hour (KWH).
- Sewage costs at $1.09 per 3800 L( KGAL).
- Provide new meters for potable water and electricity. The cost of utility services furnished may be reduced by the cost the Government would normally pay for comparable meters if, at the end of the job, the meters are delivered to the Government in good condition.
[ Contractor-Owned and Operated Radio Telecommunications
If approved, the Contractor may erect a transmitter/receiver and antenna. Submit for approval, 30 calendar days prior to the use of the equipment, the type of radio equipment power and band width of the equipment.
] [ Off-Island
The Government will provide military message communication from Diego Garcia at no cost. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of retransmitting messages through commercial sources. Process messages through the Contracting Officer. Messages will be screened and limited use of communication facilities will be permitted. Private messages will be permitted only for emergencies. The Navy voice communication system will not be available for use by the Contractor. A local vendor provides commercial voice and teletype services for [$3.32] per minute.
] ] [ 1.6.6 Utility Services for Wake Island
[a. Potable water may not be available for construction during dry periods. Desalinized water available during dry periods at $1300.00 per day for 114-150 kL( 30,000-40,000 gallons) per day.
b. Available primary voltage is 4160 volts, 3 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle. Secondary is 120/208 volts, 3 phase, 60 cycle.]
] [ 1.6.7 Telephones at Midway, Wake, and Diego Garcia
On-Island service may be obtained if lines are available. Make arrangements through the Contracting Officer. The prevailing rate for cable or wireless is $100.00 per phone. There is no charge for on-island telephone service. [Current rates are [$_____] per month for each private telephone line plus an installation charge of [$_____]for each instrument and [$_____] per month for two-party lines plus [$_____] per month for each extension. Pay for the cost of the wiring on runs in excess of two spans]. Long distance services are usually available at commercial rates. The Navy Radio Communication System or Defense Switch Network will not be available for use. [Limited teletypewriter circuit service is available.]
Prior to testing, submit to the Contracting Officer certification issued by the State or local regulatory agency attesting that the backflow tester has successfully completed a certification course sponsored by the regulatory agency. Tester shall not be affiliated with any company participating in any other phase of this Contract.
NOTE: Use for NAVFAC Southwest projects only.
Certified by the City of San Diego.
Take necessary precautions to ensure that roof openings and other critical openings in the building are monitored carefully. Take immediate actions required to seal off such openings when rain or other detrimental weather is imminent, and at the end of each workday.
1.8.1 Building and Site Storm Protection
When a warning of gale force winds is issued, take precautions to minimize danger to persons, and protect the work and nearby Government property. Precautions shall include, but are not limited to, closing openings; removing loose materials, tools and equipment from exposed locations; and removing or securing scaffolding and other temporary work. Close openings in the work when storms of lesser intensity pose a threat to the work or any nearby Government property.
[ [ Typhoon] [Hurricane] Condition of Readiness
Unless directed otherwise, comply with:
- Condition FOUR (Sustained winds of 93 km/hr( 58 mph) or greater expected within 72 hours): Normal daily jobsite cleanup and good housekeeping practices. Collect and store in piles or containers all scrap lumber, waste material, and rubbish for removal and disposal at the close of each work day. Maintain the construction site including storage areas, free of accumulation of debris. Stack form lumber in neat piles less than one meter( 4 feet) high. Remove all debris, trash, or objects that could become missile hazards. Review requirements pertaining to "Condition THREE" and continue action as necessary to attain "Condition FOUR" readiness. Contact Contracting Officer for [Condition Requirements] [Condition of Readiness (COR) updates and completion of required actions].
- Condition THREE (Sustained winds of 93 km/hr( 58 mph) or greater expected within 48 hours): Maintain "Condition FOUR" requirements and commence securing operations necessary for "Condition TWO" readiness. Cease all routine activities which might interfere with securing operations. Commence securing and stow all gear and portable equipment. Make preparations for securing buildings. Reinforce or remove formwork and scaffolding. Secure machinery, tools, equipment, materials, or remove from the jobsite. Expend every effort to clear all missile hazards and loose equipment from general base areas. Contact Contracting Officer for weather and COR updates and completion of required actions.
- Condition TWO (Sustained winds of 93 km/hr(58 mph) or greater expected within 24 hours): Secure the jobsite, and leave Government premises.
- Condition ONE (Sustained winds of 93 km/hr( 58 mph) or greater expected within 12 hours): Contractor access to the jobsite and Government premises is prohibited.
NOTE: Use this paragraph on all projects involving potential conflicts with operating conditions other than utilities or where the work must be pursued in a particular sequence. Clearly detail the permissible extent of sequencing or duration of interruptions to station operation. Obtain information from the Government.
[ 1.9.1 Restricted Access Areas
The Government will monitor work in areas [listed below] [indicated]. Notify Contracting Officer at least 14 calendar days prior to starting work in these areas.
] [ 1.9.2 Special Restrictions Regarding Access of Vehicles and Parking
NOTE: Do not add information related to station regulations which are of a routine nature. Unusual access provisions dictated by the needs of a particular project may be included, as directed.
[ Interruption of Vehicular Traffic
If during the performance of work, it becomes necessary to modify vehicular traffic patterns at any locations, notify the Contracting Officer at least 15 calendar days prior to the proposed modification date, and provide a Traffic Control Plan detailing the proposed controls to traffic movement for approval. The plan shall be in accordance with State and local regulations and the FHWA SA-89-006, Part VI. [Make all notifications and obtain any permits required for modification to traffic movements outside Station's jurisdiction.] Provide cones, signs, barricades, lights, or other traffic control devices and personnel required to control traffic. Do not use foil-backed material for temporary pavement marking because of its potential to conduct electricity during accidents involving downed power lines.
] [ Commercial Vehicles In/Out of NAVSTA/NAS Norfolk, VA
NOTE: Use the following paragraphs only for projects located at Naval Station (NAVSTA) or Naval Air Station (NAS), Norfolk, VA.
- Definitions. Commercial vans and trucks are differentiated as follows:
(1) Closed truck. A truck enclosed on four sides, top, and bottom to which entry can be made only through end or side doors and to which a seal can be applied.
(2) Open truck. A truck which is either fully open, such as flatbed, or contained by wooden slats or sideboards; or any truck to which a seal cannot be applied.
(3) Commercial vehicles. A common contract or commercial truck without a decal issued by Norfolk, VA.
(4) Trailer. A non-self-propelled enclosed cargo container used for the transportation of goods, e.g., a trailer pulled by a truck. - Instructions and directions. Ensure that commercial trucks and trailers follow the instructions below to provide for effective control over their entry and exit from the base, movement within the base, and to reduce congestion both at the gates and within the base. In general, commercial trucks and common carriers are required to enter and exit through specified gates and process immediately to a truck control point for cargo manifest check. The driver shall be issued a Material Movement Control and Gate Pass, routing instructions, and directions to depart the base via a designated exit point where the pass is to be turned in.
(1) Common contract and commercial trucks going to the area of Building LP-84 (MAC Terminal), NAS Norfolk shall enter and exit Gate 22. Gate 22 hours of operations are 5:30 a.m. through 6:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. through 3:00 a.m., 7 days a week. The gate is closed on holidays.
(2) Other common contract and commercial trucks, except as noted below are allowed to enter the Naval Base through any Gate and exit through Gate 2.
(3) Common contract and commercial trucks which enter the base may depart through Gate 5, Gate 4, and Gate 22 only. The exit Truck Control Point at Gate 4 is operated from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(4) For concrete- and asphalt-carrying trucks, the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC), Norfolk VA shall arrange entry and exit through any gate other than Gate 2.
(5) Contractor vehicles with black Norfolk Naval Base decals shall be granted routine access to the base at all times. These trucks shall not enter or exit the base through Gate 2. These trucks are subject to random checks and searches at exit gates like other personal and commercial vehicles to ensure that Government property is not being taken off the base without authorization and documentation. - Movement and Exit
(1) Material movement control and gate pass. A Material Movement Control and Gate Pass (5ND GEN 5510/1) is required for the removal of Government, public, or private property from NAVSTA and NAS Norfolk complex via commercial vans and truck.
(a) The Material Movement Control and Gate Pass shall be originated by the Naval Base Police Truck Control Officer, and shall be given to drivers of commercial trucks for retention during transit to intermediate stops and to the exit gates. The pass shall be presented by the driver to the Truck Control Officer at the exit truck stop. If the driver has more than one delivery or pickup point, the driver shall present the pass at each stop so the new activity may fill in appropriate information on the pass. A copy of the pass shall be retained by each activity after appropriate information has been entered; remaining copies of the pass shall be returned to the driver. Passes are subject to review by the Naval Base Police Department during transit and within command areas by activity officials for verification of cargo content and to determine if drivers are transiting promptly and by the proper route. For trailers expecting to be picked up and depart outside normal working hours, pre-prepared passes shall be provided by the activity duty officer or authorized supervising person prior to close of working hours. Trucking companies expecting to pick up trailers after working hours should be instructed to pick up a Material Movement Control and Gate Pass from the responsible activity. The activity duty officer or official shall notify Base Police Headquarters to clear the truck for exit at Gate 5 if the seal and Material Movement Control and Gate Pass are in order.
(b) When filling out a Material Movement Control and Gate Pass, the last activity where business is conducted on the base is responsible to ensure that the original of the pass is given to the driver to turn in to the Truck Control officer at the truck control stops.
(c) The Material Movement Control and Gate Pass shall be turned in by the vehicle driver to a base police officer at a truck control stop when he departures from the base.
(d) Government or commercial vehicles departing Naval Base, Norfolk with Government, public, or private property shall possess a Material Movement Control and Gate Pass filled out by a naval officer or equivalent grade civilian within the driver's chain of command. The Material Movement Control and Gate Pass shall be inspected and verified during random gate departure searches.
(2) Car Seals
(a) Commercial, sealable, closed trailers and trucks, full, partially full, or empty, destined to leave the base shall be sealed upon departure from any activity. The seal number and trailer or truck number shall be entered on the Material Movement Control and Gate Pass.
(b) Commercial closed trailers and trucks received empty for loading with Government material shall have a Navy car seal affixed to cargo doors after loading and prior to departing through designated gates.
(c) Closed trailers and trucks which have been only partially loaded or off-loaded shall be sealed completely at the end of working hours with a Navy car seal.
(d) Application of Navy car seals is the responsibility of the activity in charge of loading and unloading of trailers and trucks.
(e) The Naval Base Police Department will conduct random checks of contents, seals, and forms of trailers and trucks on the Naval Base complex.
(f) A truck driver whose van or truck does not have a properly completed Material Movement Control and Gate Pass or car seal will be refused exit clearance.
] ] ] [ 1.10 STORAGE AREAS
NOTE: The Government will provide the necessary Station information. Indicate offsite storage areas on the drawings.
Contractor shall be responsible for security of his property. The Contract Clause entitled "FAR 52.236-10, Operations and Storage Areas" and the following apply:
[ 1.10.1 Storage in Existing Buildings
The Contractor shall be working [in] [around] existing building[s]; the storage of material [will be allowed in a [_____]square meter( square foot) area] [where indicated] [will not be allowed in the building[s]]. [Provide 2.4 m( 8 foot) high security fence with a lockable gate around the storage area. Remove at the completion of work.]
NOTE: Use the second (optional) paragraph for NAVFAC Southeast projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC Southeast projects as determined by the Contracting Officer based on project size, scope, complexity, and visibility. Consult the Contracting Officer for base standard color.
Provide adequate sanitary conveniences of a type approved for the use of persons employed on the work, properly secluded from public observation, and maintained in such a manner as required and approved by the Contracting Officer. Maintain these conveniences at all times without nuisance. Upon completion of the work, remove the conveniences from the premises, leaving the premises clean and free from nuisance. Dispose of sewage through connection to a municipal, district, or station sanitary sewage system. Where such systems are not available, use chemical toilets or comparably effective units, and periodically empty wastes into a municipal, district, or station sanitary sewage system, or remove waste to a commercial facility. Include provisions for pest control and elimination of odors.
[Provide temporary sewer and sanitation facilities that are self-contained units with both urinals and stool capabilities. Ventilate the units to control odors and fumes and empty and clean them at least once a week or more often if required by the Contracting Officer. The doors shall be self-closing. The exterior of the unit shall match the base standard color. Locate the facility behind the construction fence or out of the public view.]
NOTE: Government will provide the necessary Station information. Use paragraphs related to temporary facilities only when storage sheds or offices are anticipated.
Temporary facilities (including trailers) shall be in like new condition and shall be maintained throughout the project. Locate these facilities [where indicated.] [where directed and within the indicated operations area.] Failure to maintain storage trailers or buildings to these standards shall result in the removal of non-complying units at the Contractor's expense. A sign not smaller than 600 by 600 mm( 24 by 24 inches) shall be conspicuously placed on the trailer depicting the company name, business phone number, and emergency phone number. Trailers shall be anchored to resist high winds and must meet applicable state of local standards for anchoring mobile trailers. Storage of material/debris under such facilities is prohibited. [Maintenance and repair services are available on a cost reimbursable basis.] Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the stored property.
[ 1.12.1 Maintenance of Temporary Facilities
NOTE: For NAVFAC Southeast projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC Southeast projects as determined by the Contracting Officer, use the first painting option. Consult the Contracting Officer for base paint standards.
[Paint in accordance with base standards] [Suitably paint] and maintain the temporary facilities. Failure to do so will be sufficient reason to require their removal.
] [ 1.12.2 Navy Construction Representative's Office
NOTE: For locations remote from a ROICC office. This provision will be deleted at most stations and for most projects.
Provide an office with a minimum of [9] [18] [_____] square meter( [100] [200] [_____] square feet) of useful floor area for the exclusive use of Government personnel, in addition to and separate from any other office space provided by the Contractor. Provide a weathertight structure with adequate [heating and cooling,] toilet facilities, lighting, ventilation, a 1200 by 2400 mm( 4 by 8 foot) plan table, [computer work space] a standard size office desk and chair, and telephone. [Provide either a 1,500 watt radiant heater and a window-mounted air conditioner rated at [1.3] [2.6] kW( [4,500] [9,000] Btus) minimum or a window-mounted heat pump of the same minimum heating and cooling ratings.] [Include the utilities required to make these items operable.] Provide a door with a cylinder lock and windows with locking hardware. Make utility connections. Locate [as directed] [where indicated]. After completion of the work, remove the entire structure from the site.
] [ 1.12.3 Quality Control Manager Records and Field Office
NOTE: Include this paragraph when project has separate QC Manager and project Superintendent. Edit to suit the size and location of the project.
Provide on the jobsite an office with approximately [9] [18] [_____] square meter( [100] [200] [_____] square feet) of useful floor area for the exclusive use of the QC Manager. Provide a weathertight structure with adequate [heating and cooling,] toilet facilities, lighting, ventilation, a 1200 by 2400 mm( 4 by 8 foot) plan table, a standard size office desk and chair, computer station, and working communications facilities. [Provide either a 1,500 watt radiant heater and a window-mounted air conditioner rated at 2.6 kW (9,000 Btus) minimum or a window-mounted heat pump of the same minimum heating and cooling ratings.] Provide a door with a cylinder lock and windows with locking hardware. Make utility connections. Locate [as directed] [where indicated]. File quality control records in the office and make available at all times to the Government. After completion of the work, remove the entire structure from the site.
NOTE: Include the following for all projects connecting to a potable water supply.
For NAVFAC Southwest, information on FCCCHR List approved reduced pressure principle backflow devices may be obtained from the Navy Public Works Center, San Diego, Utilities Department, (619) 556-7964.
Reduced pressure principle type conforming to the applicable requirements AWWA C511. Provide backflow preventers complete with [65 kg] ([150 pound]) [_____] flanged [cast iron], [bronze] [brass] mounted gate valve [and strainer], [304] [_____] stainless steel or bronze, internal parts. [The particular make, model/design, and size of backflow preventers to be installed shall be included in the latest edition of the List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies issued by the FCCCHR List and shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Full Approval from FCCCHR List.]
NOTE: Provide project signboard without rendering on all MILCON and other significant facility projects for CNIC and NAVFAC in accordance with Plates 1, 3, and 4 of attached sketches. For USMC and NAVFAC projects, provide signboard in accordance with Plates 1MC, 3, and 4 of attached sketches. Unless waived by government project management, provide project signboard with rendering for all MILCON and other significant projects. Signboard with rendering details for CNIC and NAVFAC are indicated in accordance with Plates 2, 3, 4 and 5 of attached sketches. Signboard with rendering details for USMC and NAVFAC are indicated in accordance with Plates 2MC, 3, 4 and 5 of attached sketches. Signs are generally not required for projects located in remote areas; projects involving all interior work; parking lot and utilities projects whether overhead or underground; etc. Discuss the necessity of a sign and rendering with the using Activity.
NOTE: The 1220 mm (4'-0") x 2440 mm (8'-0") size of the signboard depicted in Plates 1 and 2 is a minimum size requirement. Adjust size to suit, massing, distance from most traveled roads, traffic and speed. Edit the number of signs to allow for the size of the site and visual access of the site.
Prior to initiating any work on site, provide [one][_____] project identification sign at the location coordinated with the Contracting Officer. Construct the sign in accordance with project sign detail attached at the end of this section. Maintain sign throughout the life of the project. Upon completion of the project, remove the sign from the site.[ Provide color rendering of the project. Reproduce the rendering on the signboard or enclose a copy of the rendering under a water-proof, transparent cover, and caulk for weather protection.] Provide rendering in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
NOTE: For NAVFAC Europe projects in Italy, add the following paragraph. Obtain the current name of the Design Safety Coordinator from NAVFAC project manager and insert below. Obtain the current name of the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction from NAVFAC project manager and insert as the Construction Safety Officer.
[On the project sign, provide points of contact for the Design Safety Coordinator and the Construction Safety Officer in accordance with Italian Law as follows: "Design Safety Coordinator-[_____], CEC, U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, NAVFAC Europe" "Construction Safety Officer - [_____], CEC, U.S. Navy, Resident Officer in Charge of Construction".]
[ 2.2.1 Project Identification Signboard (Navy)
NOTE: Use the following paragraph for all NAVY projects and include the appropriate project identification signboard plates at the end of this section. Signboard Plates are grouped for CNIC and NAVFAC without rendering, USMC and NAVFAC without rendering, CNIC and NAVFAC with rendering, and USMC and NAVFAC with rendering. Delete this paragraph for Air Force projects and utilize the Air Force paragraph in UFGS Section 01 58 00. Obtain the signboard graphics plates from "UFGS and NAVFAC Regional Graphics Table of Contents" located on the following Whole Building Design Guide website:
A project identification signboard shall be provided in accordance with attached Plates [1, 3, and 4][1MC, 3, and 4][2, 3, 4, and 5][2MC, 3, 4, and 5]. The signboard shall be provided at a conspicuous location on the job site where directed by the Contracting Officer.
a. The field of the sign shall consist of a minimum of [1200 by 2400 mm( 4 by 8 foot)][_____] sheet of exterior plywood.
b. The entire signboard and supports shall be painted. The lettering and sign work shall be performed by a skilled sign painter using paint known in the trade as bulletin colors. The colors, lettering sizes, and lettering styles shall be as indicated.
c. NAVFAC logo shall be a sticker/decal with either transparent or white background or paint the logo by stencil onto the sign. The weather resistant sticker/decal film shall be rated for a minimum of 2-year exterior vertical exposure. NAVFAC Logo is available at:,3465071&_dad= portal&_schema=PORTAL
d. Sign paint colors
(1) Blue = To match dark blue color in the NAVFAC logo.
(2) White = To match Brilliant White color in the NAVFAC logo.
NOTE: Use the following paragraph when a rendering is required on the signboard.
[e. Final signboard artwork (rendering) may be either mounted under plexiglas as indicated in attached Plates 2, or at the Contractor's option may be electrostatically printed on self-adhering, weather resistant, glossy vinyl film and mounted to signboard. Provide film that is capable of full color reproduction of the building rendering and is rated for a minimum of 2 years exterior vertical exposure.]
3.1.1 Access Controls Temporary Barricades
Contractor shall provide for barricading around all work areas to prevent public access. Fencing
NOTE: Fencing requirements must be evaluated based on the exposure potential of the construction site to the public. The public is considered as any non-construction personnel. Minimum fencing may range from nylon fabric (reinforced by a top supporting cable to provide adequate strength to provide needed physical protection) to 2400 mm( 8 foot) chain link fencing.
NOTE: Use the second (optional) paragraph for NAVFAC Southeast projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC Southeast projects as determined by the Contracting Officer based on project size, scope, complexity, and visibility. Consult the Contracting Officer for base temporary fencing standards and for base standard color.
Fencing shall be provided along the construction site at all open excavations and tunnels to control access by unauthorized people. Fencing must be installed to be able to restrain a force of at least 114.00 kg( 250 pounds) against it.
[Enclose the project work are and Contractor lay-down area with a 2400 mm( 8 ft) high [shadow-box type, wooden fence and gates] [chain link fence and gates with brown, UV light resistant, plastic fabric mesh netting (similar to tennis court or other screening)]. Remove the fence upon completion and acceptance of the work. Intent is to block (screen) public view of the construction.
In addition, prior to the start of work, enclose those areas at the construction site which are not within the construction fence with a temporary safety fence, including gates and warning signs, to protect the public from construction activities. The safety fence shall match the base standard color (or bright orange where it protects excavated areas), shall be made of [high density polyethylene grid or approved equal] [plastic fence from recovered materials containing 60-100 percent recovered content level plastic], a minimum of 1100 mm( 42 inches) high, supported and tightly secured to steel posts located on minimum 3000 mm( 10 foot) centers. Remove the fence from the work site upon completion of the contract.] Signs
Place warning signs at the construction area perimeter designating the presence of construction hazards requiring unauthorized persons to keep out. Signs must be placed on all sides of the project, with at least one sign every 90 m( 300 feet). All points of entry shall have signs designating the construction site as a hard hat area. Traffic Work
All work around/involving roadways, to include roadway excavations and utility crossings, will be conducted in accordance with Manual of Traffic Control Devices. Contractors shall provide and ensure appropriate road closure and detour signs are established as necessary for motor traffic management. All road closures shall be coordinated with the Contracting Officer in advance. Self-illuminated (lighted) barricades shall be provided during hours of darkness. Brightly-colored (orange) vests are required for all personnel working in roadways. Road closures shall require a road closure plan showing the location of signage.
Provide temporary wiring in accordance with NFPA 241 and NFPA 70, Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program. Program shall include frequent inspection of all equipment and apparatus.
NOTE: Include the following for all projects connecting to a potable water supply.
For NAVFAC Southwest, information on FCCCHR List approved reduced pressure principle backflow devices may be obtained from the Navy Public Works Center, San Diego, Utilities Department, (619) 556-7964.
Provide an approved reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly at each location where the Contractor taps into the Government potable water supply.
A certified tester(s) shall perform testing of backflow preventer(s) for proper installation and operation and provide subsequent tagging. Backflow preventer tests shall be performed using test equipment, procedures, and certification forms conforming to those outlined in the latest edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control published by the FCCCHR Manual. Test and tag each reduced pressure backflow preventer upon initial installation (prior to continued water use) and [quarterly] [monthly] [_____] thereafter. Tag shall contain the following information: make, model, serial number, dates of tests, results, maintenance performed, and signature of tester. Record test results on certification forms conforming to requirements cited earlier in this paragraph.
NOTE: Use the following paragraph for NAVFAC Southeast projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for other NAVFAC Southeast projects as determined by the Contracting Officer based on project size, scope, complexity, and visibility.
Cut grass (or annual weeds) within the construction and storage sites [to a maximum 100 mm( 4 inch) height at least once a week during the growing season unless the grass area is not visible to the public. Trim the grass around fences at time of grass cutting. Maintain grass or weeds on stockpiled earth as descried above.][as needed to maintain the site in a neat and orderly appearance.]
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