NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
UFGS 01 45 00.05 20
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-01 45 00.05 20 (November 2007)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 45 00.05 20 (July 2006)
References are in agreement with UMRL dated 23 June 2005
Latest change indicated by CHG tags
SECTION 01 45 00.05 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the preparation and use of Design-Build (DB) Quality Control. This guide specification will normally be used for Category One and Category Two projects. It may be also used for smaller, complex projects at the discretion of the Government. This section shall be reviewed and approved by the Administering ROICC/FEAD prior to RFP completion.
Comments and suggestions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification. A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).
Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.
NOTE: When this specification is used, it will be in conjunction with Section 01 32 17.05 20, NETWORK ANALYSIS SCHEDULE (NAS) FOR DESIGN-BUILD.
NOTE: Specify QC Specialists for those areas of work that are of sufficient complexity or size to justify the expense.
NOTE: For projects not within the scope of the LEED Rating System, a Commissioning Authority is not required. When a Commissioning Authority is not used, delete all bracketed references in the text related to Commissioning Authorities, Commissioning Plans, & Commissioning Reports.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
ASTM E 329 | (2008) Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Materials Used in Construction |
EM 385-1-1 | (2003) Safety -- Safety and Health Requirements |
LEED-NC | (2002; R 2005) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ™ Green Building Rating System for New Construction (LEED-NC) |
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project. Submittals should be kept to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
A "G" following a PART 2 Specification Section submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval. Some submittals are already marked with a "G." Only delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractors Quality Control system. Only add a "G" if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.
The use of a "G" following a submittal indicates that a Government approval action is required. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
Design Quality Control (DQC) Plan; G
Submit a DQC Plan prior to the Post Award Kickoff Meeting.
Construction Quality Control (CQC) Plan; G
Submit a Construction QC Plan prior to start of construction.
[Commissioning Plan; G
Submit a Commissioning Plan within 60 days of approval of CxAuthority.]
NOTE: Coordinate the submittal requirement dates with the submittal dates in Section 01 32 17.05 20 NETWORK ANALYSIS SCHEDULES FOR DESIGN-BUILD.
SD-07 Certificates
Preliminary Inspections and Final Acceptance Testing; G
Final Life Safety/Fire Protection Certification; G
IBC Special Inspections Certification; G
NOTE: Choose the following bracketed option for projects requiring training of Government personnel. Delete the following option for projects, which do not require training. Include requirements in text if training is required.
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
[Summary Commissioning Report; G]
[Training Course Outline; G
Training Video Recording; G]
Establish and maintain a QC program that is administered by a Design and Construction Quality Control organization, using Quality Control (Design and Construction) Plans, Commissioning Plans and Reports, meetings, a Coordination and Mutual Understanding Meeting, three phases of control, submittal review and approval, testing, completion inspections, and QC certifications and documentation necessary to provide design, materials, equipment, workmanship, fabrication, construction and operations which comply with the requirements of this Contract. The QC program shall cover on-site and off-site work. No construction work or testing may be performed unless the QC Manager is on the work site.
1.3.1 Mutual Understanding Meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to develop a mutual understanding of the QC details, including documentation, administration, requirements & procedures, coordination of activities to be performed, and the coordination of the contractor's management, production and QC personnel. At the meeting, the contractor will explain in detail how the three phases of quality control will be implemented for each DFOW.
1.3.2 Design and Construction Quality Control Plans
The Contractor shall provide a project specific Design Quality Control (DQC) Plan and Construction Quality Control (CQC) Plan, for review and approval by the Government. The Contractor shall perform no design until the DQC Plan is approved and no construction until the CQC Plan is approved. The Contractor's plan shall include the following:
- The QC organization for this contract, including member resumes.
- A letter from an officer of the company designating the QC Manager, Alternate QC Manager, DQC Manager, [Commissioning Authority, ]and their authority.
- QC Manager qualifications.
- DQC Manager qualifications.
- List of Definable Features of Work (DFOW) including list of design submittal packaging. DFOW is a task that is separate and distinct from other tasks and has control requirements and work crews unique to the task.
- For the CQC Plan, a plan to implement the "Three Phases of Control" for each DFOW.
- For the CQC Plan, a testing Plan, log and list of personnel and accredited laboratories that will perform tests. Construction materials testing laboratories must be accredited by a laboratory accreditation authority and will be required to submit a copy of the Certificate of Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation with the testing plan.[Coordinate this testing Plan with the Commissioning Plan verification testing requirements to avoid duplication of effort.]
- Submittal Log including design submittals, listing personnel who will review submittals and noting submittals for Government review.
- Procedures for submitting and reviewing variations prior to submission to the Government.
- As a part of the Contractor's CQC plan, a statement of Special Inspections shall be prepared by the Designer of Record (DOR) describing a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspections, the inspections to be performed and any applicable quality assurance plans and structural observations. The Contractor's plan shall implement the applicable requirements of the International Building Code (IBC), Chapter 17 "Structural Tests and Special Inspections." The plan shall include a listing of the individuals, approved agencies or firms that will be retained for conducting the required special inspections accompanied by a description of individual inspector's experience and a copy of all required certifications. Structural tests and special inspections, as outlined in Chapter 17 of the IBC, shall be conducted by individuals and agents that are under the direct supervision of a Registered Design Professional (RDP) and meet the requirements of ASTM E 329.
- A plan for assuring the proper design, construction, installation of all life safety and fire protection features across all disciplines and trades. Examples of life safety and fire protection features include, but are not limited to, water distribution systems including fire pumps and fire hydrants, fire resistive assemblies such as fire rated walls/partitions and spray-applied fire proofing of structural components, fire alarm and detection systems, fire suppression and standpipe systems, means of egress components, emergency and exit lighting fixtures. As a part of the plan, a statement of Special Inspections shall be prepared by the Fire Protection Engineer Designer of Record (DOR) describing a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspections, the inspections to be performed and any applicable quality assurance plans and fire protection observations. The plan will include a listing of the individuals, approved agencies or firms that will be retained for conducting the required special inspections accompanied by a description of individual inspector's experience and a copy of all required certifications.
- For the DQC plan, submit a formal Communication Plan that indicates the frequency of design meetings and what information is covered in those meetings, key design decision points tied to the Network Analysis Schedule and how the DOR plans to include the Government in those decisions, peer review procedures, interdisciplinary coordination, design review procedures, comment resolution, etc.
The Communication Plan will emphasize key decisions and possible problems the Contractor and Government may encounter during the design phase of the project. Provide a plan to discuss design alternatives and design coordination with the stakeholders at the key decision points as they arise on the project. Identify individual stakeholders and suggested communication methods that will be employed to expedite and facilitate each anticipated critical decision. Communication methods may include: Concept Design Workshop, over-the-shoulder review meetings, presentation at client's office, lifecycle cost analysis presentation, technical phone conversation, and formal review meeting. The design portion of the Communication Plan must be written by the DQC Manager and confirmed during the Post Award Kick off Partnering. Update the Communication Plan at every Partnering meeting. - For the DQC Plan, procedures for insuring the design documents are submitted in accordance with UFC 1-300-09N, Design Procedures and other procedures to ensure disciplines have been properly coordinated to eliminate conflicts.
- For the DQC Plan, a list of design subcontractors and the scope of the work which each firm will accomplish.
[ 1.3.3 Commissioning Plan
The Contractor shall provide a project specific Commissioning Plan for review and acceptance by the Government. Develop and submit the Commissioning Plan to define the on-site activities and roles and responsibilities for commissioning all building systems required by the Project Program paragraph entitled, Building Commissioning. The Commissioning Plan shall be updated as information changes during the project. The Plan shall include all items required by the LEED-NC version 2.2 and shall include the following:
- Commissioning Authority qualifications and experience.
- A description of the Commissioning Team’s roles and responsibilities as well as organizational relationships with the Contractor's QC Manager, DQC Manager, and verification and testing personnel.
- A listing of all systems required to be commissioned.
- A description of all commissioning process activities. Include the sequence and schedule for starting and balancing air distribution systems to ensure construction materials, such as architectural finishes, are installed under the appropriate environmental conditions. Also address the procedure that will be used to "dry out" the structure.
- A procedures and schedule for functional performance tests of all systems to be commissioned. The Commissioning Authority shall be present for all functional performance tests. Coordinate this schedule with the QC Plan testing requirements to avoid duplication of effort.
- f. A procedure and schedule detailing training sessions for Government personnel. Training sessions are to address maintenance and operation of systems required to be commissioned.
1.3.4 Summary Commissioning Report
The Commissioning Authority shall provide a Summary Commissioning Report upon completion of the performance verification items. The Summary Commissioning Report shall include all items required by LEED-NC version 2.2 and shall include the following:
- Executive Summary of the commissioning process including results and observations of the commissioning program.
- A history of deficiencies identified and their resolution. Indicate Outstanding issues to be resolved.
- Commissioned systems performance test results and evaluations.]
The QC Manager shall manage the QC organization and shall report to an officer of the firm and shall not be subordinate to the Project Superintendent or the Project Manager.
NOTE: Delete the above paragraph and retain the bracketed option below for use on NAVFAC Pacific projects.
[The QC Manager shall manage the QC organization and shall report to the Project Superintendent. The QC Manager, Project Superintendent and Project Manager must work together effectively. Although the QC Manager is the primary individual responsible for quality control, all individuals will be held responsible for the quality of work on the job.]
1.4.1 QC and Alternative QC Manager
QC and Alternative QC Manager qualifications:
- Complete the course entitled "Construction Quality Management (CQM) for Contractors." and shall maintain a current certificate.
- [Five] [_____] years of combined experience as a Superintendent, QC Manager, Project Manager, or Project Engineer on similar size and type construction contracts, and at least two years experience as a QC Manager.
- Familiar with requirements of USACE EM 385-1-1, and experience in the areas of hazard identification and safety compliance.
QC and Alternative QC Manager responsibilities:
NOTE: Ensure requirements for any special inspection requirements performed by a specialist are specified in Part 4 of the Performance Technical Specification for that discipline and coordinate editing below.
- Participate in the Post Award Kick-off, Partnering, Preconstruction, Design Development, and Coordination and Mutual Understanding Meetings.
- Implement the "Three Phase of Control" plan for each DFOW and notify the Contracting Officer at least 3 business days in advance of each Preparatory and Initial Phase meeting. Submit respective checklists to the Contracting Officer the next business day.
- Ensure that no construction begins before the DOR has finalized the design for that segment of work, and construction submittals are approved as required.
- Inspect all work and rework, using International Conference of Building Officials certified QC specialists as applicable, to ensure its compliance with contract requirements. Maintain a rework log.
- Immediately stop any segment of work, which does not comply with the contract and plans and specifications, and direct the removal and replacement of any defective work.
- Remove any individual from the site who fails to perform their work in a skillful, safe and workmanlike manner or whose work does not comply with the contract plans and specifications.
- Prepare daily QC Reports.
- Ensure that Contractor Production Reports are prepared daily.
- Hold [weekly] [bi-weekly] QC meetings with the DQC Manager, [Commissioning Authority, ]DOR (or representative), Superintendent and the Contracting Officer; participation shall be suitable for the phase of work. Distribute minutes of these meetings.
- Ensure that design and construction submittals are reviewed and approved, as required by the contract, prior to allowing material on site and work to proceed with these items. Maintain a submittal log.
- Update As-built drawings daily, maintaining up-to-date set on site.
- Maintain a testing plan and log. Ensure that all testing is performed in accordance with the contract. Review all test reports and notify the Contracting Officer of all deficiencies, along with a proposal for corrective action.
- Maintain rework log on site, noting dates deficiency identified, and date corrected.
- Certify and sign statement on each invoice that all work to be paid under the invoice has been completed in accordance with contract requirements.
- Perform Punch-out and participate in Pre-final and Final acceptance Inspections. Submit list of deficiencies to the Contracting Officer for each inspection. Correct all deficiencies prior to the Final inspection. Notify Contracting Officer prior to final inspection to establish a schedule date acceptable by the Contracting Officer.
- Ensure that all required keys, operation and maintenance manuals, warranty certificates, and the As-built drawings are correct and complete, in accordance with the contract, and submitted to the Contracting Officer.
- Assure that all applicable tests, special inspections, and observations required by the contract are performed.
- Coordinate all factory and on-site testing, Testing Laboratory personnel, QC Specialists, and any other inspection and testing personnel required by this Contract.
- Notify the Contracting Officer of any proposed changes to the QC plan.
- Retain a copy of approved submittals at project site, including Contractor's copy of approved samples.
- Update the Performance Assessment Plan as described in the UFGS section 01 31 19.05 20, Post Award Meetings and discuss monthly at a QC meeting.
1.4.2 DQC Manager
The DQC Manager shall be a member of the QC organization, shall coordinate actions with the QC Manager, and shall not be subordinate to the Project Superintendent or the Project Manager.[ The DQC Manager may also act as the Commissioning Authority if all Commissioning Authority qualifications are met.]
DQC Manager qualifications:
a. A minimum of [5][_____] years experience as a design Architect or Engineer on similar size and type designs /or design-build contracts. Provide education, experience, and management capabilities on similar size and type contracts.
b. Be a registered professional engineer or architect with an active registration. Provide proof of registration as part of the resume submittal package.
DQC Manager responsibilities:
a. Be responsible for the design integrity, professional design standards, and all design services required.
b. Be a member of the Designer of Record's (DOR) firm.
c. Be responsible for development of the design portion of the QC Plan, incorporation and maintenance of the approved Design Schedule, and the preparation of DQC Reports and minutes of all design meetings.
d. Participate in the Post Award Kick-Off, all design planning meetings, design presentations, partnering, and QC meetings.
e. Implement the DQC plan and shall remain on staff involved with the project until completion of the project.
f. Be cognizant of and assure that all design documents on the project have been developed in accordance with the Contract, and have been properly coordinated.
g. Develop the submittal register. Coordinate with each DOR to determine what items need to be submitted, and who needs to approve.
NOTE: For projects not within the scope of the LEED Rating System, a Commissioning Authority is not required. If a Commissioning Authority is not used, include the following bracketed option to require the DQC Manager responsibility for training issues. If a Commissioning Authority is used, the training responsibility is included in their responsibilities and the bracketed option should be deleted.
[h. Coordinate all training issues and validate that the testing and training requirements of this contract are accomplished.]
i. Provide QC certification for design compliance.
j. Certify and sign statement on each invoice that all work to be paid to the DOR under the invoice has been completed in accordance with the contract requirements.
k. Prepare weekly DQC Reports that documents the work the design team accomplished that week.
[ 1.4.3 Commissioning Authority
Commissioning Authority qualifications:
The Commissioning Authority shall be a member of the QC organization, shall coordinate actions with the QC Manager, shall not be subordinate to the Project Superintendent or the Project Manager, and shall report findings directly to the Government. The Commissioning Authority may also act as the DQC Manager if all DQC Manager qualifications are met. The Commissioning Authority selected shall meet the requirements of LEED-NC with the following additional qualifications:
- Be certified by a recognized Building Commissioning Organization. Acceptable minimum certifications are "Certified Cx Agent" from the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC); "Certified Building Cx Professional" from the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE); "Certified Cx Professional (CxP)" from the Building Commissioning Association (BCA); or "Commissioning Process Authority Professional" or "Commissioning Process Manager" from the University of Wisconsin College of Engineering.
- Have documented Commissioning Authority experience in at least two building projects. Provide proof of commissioning experience as pert of the Commissioning Plan.
Commissioning Authority responsibilities:
- Be responsible for development of the Commissioning Plan, the Summary Commissioning Report, and minutes of all commissioning meetings.
- Participate in the Post Award Kick-Off, all design planning meetings, design presentations, partnering, and QC meetings.
- Review the Request for Proposal (RFP) for energy and sustainability goals, system expectations, O&M requirements, training expectations, and construction quality expectations.
- Review the Basis of Design and ensure the RFP requirements are met.
- Ensure commissioning requirements are incorporated into the construction documents.
- Be responsible for implementation and updating of the Commissioning Plan.
- Be responsible for development of systems functional testing procedures.
- Ensure pre-functional installation inspections are performed on all systems indicated to be commissioned in accordance with the Commissioning Plan and Contract documents.
- Verify systems performance of all systems indicated to be commissioned in accordance with the Commissioning Plan and Contract documents.
- Report any deficiencies in installation or performance of all systems indicated to be commissioned.
- Coordinate all training issues and validate that the testing and training requirements of this contract are accomplished.]
1.4.4 QC Specialists
QC Specialists shall assist and report to the QC Manager and may perform production related duties but must be allowed sufficient time to perform their assigned quality control duties. QC Specialists are required to attend the Coordination and Mutual Understanding Meeting, QC meetings and be physically present at the construction site to perform the three phases of control and prepare documentation for each definable feature of work in their area of responsibility at the frequency specified below.
NOTE: Other than the Fire Protection QC Specialist, only specify QC Specialists for those areas of work of sufficient complexity or size where a specialist is required to supplement the QC Manager. The use of Registered Professional Engineers or Architects for QC Specialists may be allowed in special cases, but only after consultation with and approval by Administering ROICC/FEAD Office. Indicate the specific time and frequency when the QC Specialist must be on site. DO NOT omit the Fire Protection QC Specialist requirements without consent of NAVFAC FPE. Fire Protection QC Specialist
The Fire Protection QC Specialist shall be a U.S. Registered Fire Protection Engineer (FPE) and shall be an integral part of the Prime Contractor's Quality Control Organization. This FPE shall have no business relationships (owner, partner, operating officer, distributor, salesman, or technical representative) with any fire protection equipment device manufacturers, suppliers or installers for any such equipment provided as part of this project. The Fire Protection Designer of Record may serve as the lead Fire Protection QC Specialist, provided the following qualifications are met.
- Qualifications/Experience: The FPE shall have obtained their professional registration by successfully completing the Fire Protection Engineering discipline examination. This FPE shall have a minimum of 5 years full time and exclusive experience in every aspect of facility design and construction as it relates to fire protection, which includes, but is not limited to, building code analysis, life safety code analysis, design of automatic detection and suppression systems, passive fire protection design, water supply analysis, and a multi-discipline coordination reviews, and construction surveillance.
- Area of Responsibility: The FPE is responsible for assuring the proper construction and installation of life safety and fire protection features across all disciplines and trades. The FPE shall be responsible for assuring that life safety and fire protection features are provided in accordance with the design documents, approved construction submittals, and manufacturer's requirements. Examples include, but are not limited to, water distribution systems including fire pumps and fire hydrants, fire resistive assemblies such as spray-applied fire proofing of structural components and fire rated walls/partitions, fire alarm and detection systems, fire suppression and standpipe systems, emergency and exit lighting fixtures, etc.
- Construction Surveillance: The FPE shall visit the construction site as necessary to ensure life safety and fire protection systems are being constructed, applied, and installed in accordance with the approved design documents, approved construction submittals, and manufacturer's requirements. Frequency and duration of the field visits are dependent upon particular system components, system complexity, and phase of construction. At a minimum, field visits shall occur just prior to installation of suspended ceiling systems to inspect the integrity of passive fire protection features and fire suppression system piping, and required performance verification testing of all life safety and fire protection systems identified below and in Part 4.
(1) Preliminary Inspections and Final Acceptance Testing: FPE shall personally witness all preliminary inspections of fire alarm/detection and suppression systems. Once preliminary inspections have been successfully completed, the FPE shall submit a signed certificate to the QC Manager that systems are ready for final inspection and testing. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Fire Protection Engineer will witness formal tests and approve all systems before they are accepted. The QC Manager shall submit the request for formal inspection at least [15][__] days prior to the date the inspection is to take place. The QC manager shall provide 10 days advance notice to the Contracting Officer and the activity Fire Inspection Office of scheduled final inspections.
(2) Final Life Safety/Fire Protection Certification Documentation: The FPE shall provide certification that all life safety and fire protection systems have been inspected and, in the FPE's professional judgment, have been installed in accordance with the contract documents, approved submittals, and manufacturer's requirements. This certification shall summarize all life safety and fire protection features, and shall bear the professional seal of the fire protection engineer.
[ Mechanical QC Specialist
Qualification/Experience in Area of Responsibility | Area of Responsibility | Frequency |
Mechanical Inspector, International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Certified/5 years minimum | Installation and Testing of Boilers | Minimum 3 times a week during installation and full-time during testing |
Elevator Inspector, International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Certified/5 years minimum | Testing of Elevators | Minimum 3 times a week during installation and full-time during testing |
Mechanical Testing QC Specialist/Registered Mechanical Engineer, (PE) | Testing of Mechanical Systems | Full-time during testing |
] [ Soils Testing/Pile Installation and Testing QC Specialists
Provide IBC Special Inspections Certification provided by the following specialist(s):
Qualification/Experience in Area of Responsibility | Area of Responsibility | Frequency |
[Under Supervision of P.E.] | [Soil Testing] [Pile Installation And Testing] | [See IBC Chapter 17] |
The Three Phases of Control shall adequately cover both on-site and off-site work and shall include the following for each DFOW.
1.5.1 Preparatory Phase
NOTE: Edit as appropriate.
Notify the Contracting Officer at least two work days in advance of each preparatory phase meeting. The meeting shall be conducted by the QC Manager and attended by the Project Superintendent, QC Specialists, and the foreman responsible for the DFOW. The DQC Manager shall also attend if required by structural tests and special inspections, as outlined in Chapter 17 of the IBC and the DQC Plan. When the DFOW will be accomplished by a subcontractor, that subcontractor's foreman shall attend the preparatory phase meeting. Document the results of the preparatory phase actions in the [daily Contractor Quality Control Report and in the] Preparatory Phase Checklist. Perform the following prior to beginning work on each DFOW:
- Review each paragraph of the applicable specification sections;
- Review the Contract drawings;
- Verify that appropriate shop drawings and submittals for materials and equipment have been submitted and approved. Verify receipt of approved factory test results, when required;
- Review the testing plan and ensure that provisions have been made to provide the required QC testing;
- Examine the work area to ensure that the required preliminary work has been completed;
- Examine the required materials, equipment and sample work to ensure that they are on hand and conform to the approved shop drawings and submitted data;
- Discuss the specific controls used in construction methods, construction tolerances, workmanship standards, and the approach that will be used to provide quality construction by planning ahead and identifying potential problems for each DFOW; and
- Review the APP and appropriate Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) to ensure that applicable safety requirements are met, and that required Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are submitted.
1.5.2 Initial Phase
NOTE: Edit as appropriate.
Notify the Contracting Officer at least two work days in advance of each initial phase. When construction crews are ready to start work on a DFOW, conduct the initial phase with the Project Superintendent, QC Specialists, and the foreman responsible for that DFOW. The DQC Manager shall also attend if required by structural tests and special inspections, as outlined in Chapter 17 of the IBC and the DQC Plan. Observe the initial segment of the DFOW to ensure that the work complies with Contract requirements. Document the results of the initial phase in the [daily CQC Report and in] Initial Phase Checklist. Repeat the initial phase for each new crew to work on-site, or when acceptable levels of specified quality are not being met. Perform the following for each DFOW:
- Establish the quality of workmanship required;
- Resolve conflicts;
- Ensure that testing is performed by the approved laboratory, and
- Check work procedures for compliance with the APP and the appropriate AHA to ensure that applicable safety requirements are met.
- Ensure manufacturer's representative has performed necessary inspections, if required.
1.5.3 Follow-Up Phase
Perform the following for on-going work daily, or more frequently as necessary, until the completion of each DFOW and document in the daily CQC Report:
- Ensure the work is in compliance with Contract requirements;
- Maintain the quality of workmanship required;
- Ensure that testing is performed by the approved laboratory; and
- Ensure that rework items are being corrected.
1.5.4 Additional Preparatory and Initial Phases
Additional preparatory and initial phases shall be conducted on the same DFOW if the quality of on-going work is unacceptable, if there are changes in the applicable QC organization, if there are changes in the on-site production supervision or work crew, if work on a DFOW is resumed after substantial period of inactivity, or if other problems develop.
1.5.5 Notification of Three Phases of Control for Off-Site Work
Notify the Contracting Officer at least two weeks prior to the start of the preparatory and initial phases.
The Contractor shall perform the necessary prefinal inspections, compile punchlists, and correct deficiencies. Notify the Contracting Officer 5 calendar days prior to the date a prefinal inspection can be held. Notify the Contracting Officer at least 14 calendar days prior to the date a final acceptance inspection can be held. The Government will perform final inspection to verify that the facility is complete and ready to be occupied. All items previously identified on the prefinal punchlist will have been corrected and acceptable.
NOTE: If a Commissioning Authority is used on the project, select the first bracketed option. If a commissioning Authority is not used, select the second bracketed option.
The [Commissioning Authority][DQC Manager] shall provide a comprehensive project-specific Government personnel training program for the systems of the facility specified in the technical specifications of this Contract. The core of this training will be based on manufacturer's recommendations and the operation and maintenance support information (OMSI) provided as a part of this Contract. Training shall include classroom discussion as well as hands on maintenance, replacement of typical components and repair type maintenance training for parts typically replaced or repaired in the field, such as:
NOTE: If training is required on the project, confirm the Training submittal is retained in this section. Edit Government training below to suit the project. Coordinate this list with OMSI systems list in 01 78 24.05 20, Facility Operation and Maintenance Support Information.
- Domestic water pressure boosting system
- Plumbing systems, including temperature actuated thermostatic water mixing valve
- HVAC Systems, including chillers, boilers, heat pumps, air handling equipment, exhaust fans, fan coil units, hot and chilled water pumping system
- Steam condensate pumps
- Direct Digital Controls/Space Temperature Controls
- Electrical systems, including transformers, diesel-electric generator sets, automatic transfer switches, primary switchgear, secondary switchgear, high-voltage switchgear, variable frequency drives, and frequency converters
- Fire protection systems, including fire alarm systems and detection systems
- Site mechanical utilities, including cathodic protection
- Site electrical utilities, including substations, transformers, and pad mounted switchgear
- Wastewater pump systems
- [ ___]
Provide each trainee in the course a written training course outline. Submit outline for approval at least 90 calendar days prior to training session. Provide to the Contracting Officer two copies of the training video recording in VHS or DVD format. Confirm media format required with the using activity. The recording shall capture, in video and audio, all instructors training presentations including question and answer periods with the trainees.
Maintain current and complete records of on-site and off-site QC program operations and activities.
-- End of Section --