NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
UFGS 01 32 17.05 20
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-01 32 17.05 20 (2007)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 32 17.05 20 (August 2006)
Revised throughout - changes not indicated by CHG tags
SECTION 01 32 17.05 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the preparation and use of Design-Build Network Analysis Schedules.
As prescribed in FAR 36.515, the Contracting Officer may insert the clause "Schedules for Construction Contracts" (FAR 52.236-15) in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction contract is contemplated, the contract amount is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, and the period of actual work performance exceeds 60 days.
This clause may be inserted in such contracts when work performance is expected to last less than 60 days and an unusual situation exists that warrants impositions of the requirements.
This clause should not be used in the same contract with clauses covering other management approaches for ensuring that a contractor makes adequate progress.
Coordination is required with UFGS Section 01 20 00.05 20, Price and Payment Procedures, when cost loaded Network Analysis Schedules is specified.
Comments and suggestion on this specification are welcome and should be directed to the NAVFAC technical proponent of the specification. A listing of the technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).
Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.
The Contractor is responsible for scheduling all design, procurement and construction. A single schedule shall logically incorporate all design and construction for the entire project. Unless otherwise indicated, the contractor may begin construction when design is signed, stamped and submitted to the Government via the Contractor's quality control organization.
Design activities shall include design decision points, design submittal packages, such as site and building, as well as design submittals, such as design development and final design. Review times for design development packages shall be included in the schedule. Refer to Specification Section 01 33 10.05 20 Design Submittal Procedures, for specific requirements.
If Government approval is required for any portion of a final signed and sealed design package prior to construction, that review time shall be included in the schedule. The schedule shall also include times for procurement, Contractor quality control and construction, acceptance testing and training. Refer to Specification Section 01 33 00.05 20 Construction Submittal Procedures to determine if any items require Government approval prior to construction; if any are required, that submittal review time shall be included in the schedule.
The schedule is a tool to manage the project, both for Contractor and Government activities. It will also be used to measure progress and to evaluate time extensions. If cost-loaded, it will provide the basis for progress payments.
The Contractor shall use the Critical Path Method (CPM) and the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) to satisfy time and cost applications. For consistency, when scheduling software terminology is used in this specification, the terms in Primavera's scheduling programs are used.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project. Keep submittals to the minimum required for adequate quality management and Government construction management activities.
A "G" following a Part 2 Specification Section submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval. Some submittals are already marked with a G. Only delete an existing G if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractors Quality Control system. Only add a G if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.
The use of a "G" following a submittal indicates that a Government approval action is required. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
Network Analysis Schedule (NAS); G
Final Schedule; G
SD-07 Certificates
Monthly Network Analysis Schedule Updates; G
Review comments made by the Government on the Contractor's schedule(s) will not relieve the Contractor from compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling, sequencing, and prosecuting the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
The NAS must be submitted and accepted by the Government before the Contractor will be allowed to start work on the construction stage(s) of the contract.
Only bonds will be paid prior to acceptance of the Schedule. Submittal of the Network, and subsequent schedule updates, will be understood to be the Contractor's certification that the submitted schedule meets all of the requirements of the Contract Documents, represents the Contractor's plan on how the work will be accomplished, and accurately reflects the work that has been accomplished and how it was sequenced (as-built logic).
Use the scheduling software Primavera Project Planner (P3)™, Current Version, or Primavera SureTrak™, Current Version, by Primavera Systems, Inc. Save files in Concentric P3 format (.prx).
The system shall include time scaled logic diagrams and specified reports.
1.5.1 Diagrams
With the exception of the Contract Award, and End Contract milestone activities, no activities will be open-ended. The diagram shall clearly show the activities of the critical path. Once an activity exists on the schedule it may not be deleted or renamed, and must remain in the logic. No more than 20 percent of the activities may be critical or near critical. Show the following information on the diagrams for each activity:
- Activity ID
- Activity Description
- Original Duration in Work Days
- Remaining duration
- Percent Complete
- Early Start Date
- Early Finish Date
- Total Float
Provide a time-scaled logic network diagrams plotted/printed in color on ANSI D sheets.
1.5.2 Schedule Activity Properties and Level of Detail Activity Categories
- Design Activities
- Procurement Activities
- Government Activities
- Quality Management (QM) Activities
- Construction Activities
No on-site construction activity (definable feature of work) shall have a duration in excess of 20 working days. Contractor activities will be driven by calendars that reflect Saturdays, Sundays and all Federal Holidays as non-work days, unless otherwise defined in this contract. Contract Milestones and Constraints
Contract Start Date Milestones: The Contractor shall include as the first milestone and equal to the Contract Award and NTP dates.
NOTE: Coordinate Facility Turnover Meeting requirements with UFGS Section 01 31 19.05 20, Post Award Meetings. Provide the Contractor with a copy of the Red Zone Checklist as he is developing his initial schedule.- Facility Turnover: The Contractor shall utilize the Facility Turnover Meetings and the NAVFAC Red Zone Checklist to determine any necessary revisions to the schedule. Coordinate with UFGS Section 01 31 19.05 20, Post Award Meetings.
- Last Activity Milestone: The Contractor shall include "End Contract" as the last milestone and equal to the contract completion date.
- All float calculation shall reflect positive float.
- Early Contract Completion: If the event the Contractor's schedule shows completion prior to the contract completion date, the Contractor shall include an activity named "Contractor Early Completion". The only successor activity to this activity will be the "End Contract" milestone. Activity Code
The Contractor shall establish a maximum of 6 activity codes, identified prior to schedule development. The activity codes allow for grouping activities for different situations and sorting, and shall be sufficient for reports and tracking for the project. Anticipated Weather Delays
Use where available, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) historical monthly averages for the NOAA location closest to the contract site. The number of anticipated adverse weather delays allocated to an activity will be reflected in the activity's calendar.
[ Cost Loading
NOTE: Cost loading will rarely be required. Consult with PWD Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division, Project Management and Engineering Branch or CM/ROICC. Consider cost loading only for exceptional projects with the considerable cost, time, or other risks.
Equipment costs will be assigned to their respective procurement activities (i.e., the delivery milestone activity). Costs for installation of the material/equipment (labor, construction equipment, and temporary materials) will be assigned to their respective construction activities.
] 1.5.3 Schedule Software Settings and Restrictions
- Activity Constraints: Date/time constraint(s), other than those required by the contract, will not be allowed unless accepted by the Contracting Officer. Identify any constraints proposed and provide an explanation for the purpose of the constraint in the Narrative Report.
- Default Progress Data Disallowed: Actual Start and Actual Finish dates on the CPM schedule shall match the dates on the Contractor Quality Control and Production Reports.
- Software Settings: Schedule calculations and Out-of-Sequence progress (if applicable) shall be handled through Retained Logic, not Progress Override. All activity durations and float values will be shown in days. Activity progress will be shown using Remaining Duration. Default activity type will be set to "Task".
1.5.4 Required Tabular Reports
The following reports shall be included with the schedule and update submittals:
- Log Report: List all changes made between the previous schedule and current updated schedule.
Show changes for: Added & Deleted Activities, Durations, Remaining Durations, Activity Percent Complete, Total Float, Free Float, Calendars, Descriptions, Constraints, Added/Deleted Relations, Changed Relation Lags, Changed Driving Relations, and Changed Critical Status, [Added/Deleted Resources, Resource Quantities, Costs, Resource Percents, Earned Value Report: List all activities showing budget amount and cost.] - Late Start / Late Finish Report: Use Late start/Actual start ---Late finish/Actual finish sort (sorted by late start in chronological order).
- Narrative Report: Include abstract of what activities are and are not on schedule, critical path events for the following month, milestones that must complete the following month.
The Contractor shall submit a preliminary schedule prior to the Post-Award Kickoff (PAK). This preliminary schedule shall include detailed design and preliminary construction activities. It shall reflect the logic of the Contractor's approach to the project. The Contractor shall present this schedule for discussion at the PAK. The discussion shall include the logic and reasonableness of the schedule, its ability to help the Government schedule work, and how the contractor intends to use the schedule.
The Contractor shall develop the schedule as design progresses, with detailed construction activities when each design package is final. Payment for completed work is dependent on an accepted, detailed schedule for that portion of work. Provide the following with each scheduled submittal:
- Network diagrams.
- Reports listed in paragraph entitled "Required Tabular Reports."
- Data disks containing the project schedule. Include the back-up native .prx files.
1.6.1 Monthly Network Analysis Updates
At monthly intervals the Contractor and Government representatives will meet to jointly update and/or discuss and agree to be updated project schedule. The submission of an acceptable, updated schedule to the Government is a condition precedent to the processing of the Contractor's pay request. If a Schedule of Prices is the basis for progress payments, it shall be consistent with the logic and activity breakdowns on the progress schedule. If progress payments are based on a cost-loaded schedule, the Contractor and Government shall agree on percentage of payment for each activity progressed during the update period.
1.6.2 Final Schedule
As a condition precedent to the release of retention and making final payment, submit a "Final Schedule," as the last schedule update showing all activities at 100 percent completion. This schedule shall reflect the exact manner in which the project was actually constructed.
Submit a Time Impact Analysis with each cost and time proposal for a proposed change. Time Impact Analysis (TIA) shall illustrate the influence of each change or delay on the Contract Completion Date or milestones.
- Each TIA shall include a Fragmentary Network (fragnet) demonstrating how the Contractor proposes to incorporate the impact into the contract schedule. A fragnet is defined as the sequence of new activities and/or activity revisions, logic relationships and resource changes that are proposed to be added to the existing schedule to demonstrate the influence of impacts to the schedule. The fragnet shall identify the predecessors to the new activities and demonstrate the impacts to successor activities. The Contractor shall run the schedule calculations and submit the impacted schedule with the proposal or claim.
- Following the Contractor's receipt of a conformed contract modification, all changes in the fragnet used to determine impacts shall be incorporated into the schedule.
Contract float available in the schedule, at any time shall not be considered for the exclusive use of either the Government or the Contractor. Project Float will be a resource available to both the Government and the Contractor. Use of float suppression techniques is prohibited.
Prepare a Monthly look ahead schedule from the Contract CPM Schedule showing planned work for the current week and subsequent three-week period. The monthly look ahead schedule shall be reviewed during each QC/ Production Meeting.
Not used.
Not used.
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