NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Test
UFGS 01 14 00.05 20
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-01 14 00.05 20 (November 2007)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 14 00.05 20 (July 2006)
Changes indicated by CHG tags
SECTION 01 14 00.05 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for work and site restrictions for Design-Build projects.
Comments and suggestions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification. A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.
Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).
Use of electronic communication is encouraged.
If the RFP Preparer is using the Specsintact version of the PTS section, this guide specification includes tailoring options for NAVFAC regional requirements. Selection or deselection of a tailoring option will include or exclude that option in the section, but editing the resulting section to fit the project is still required.
Brackets are used in the text to indicate designer choices or locations where text must be supplied by the designer.
NOTE: Use for NAVFAC Pacific projects only.
1.1.1 State
"State" when used in reference to states of the United States shall also include the Territory of Guam.]
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions in Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit the following list to reflect only the submittals required for the project. Submittals should be kept to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
A "G" following a Part 2 Specification Section submittal item indicates that the submittal requires Government approval. Some submittals are already marked with a "G." Only delete an existing "G" if the submittal item is not complex and can be reviewed through the Contractors Quality Control system. Only add a "G" if the submittal is sufficiently important or complex in context of the project.
The use of a "G" following a submittal indicates that a Government approval action is required. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 10.05 20 DESIGN SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and Section 01 33 00.05 20 CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES.
SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals
List of contact personnel; G
Visit Request for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Form (PHNSY 14ND-SYD-5512/28); G
Completed Special Access Determination (NAVSEA 5510/15); G
Pier parking authorization; G
Government guard services; G
Meal Signature Record Book (MSRB); G
Dining and lodging requirements; G
Housing plan; G
Medical plan; G
Contractor regulations; G
Transportation of personnel, materials, and equipment; G
Purchase orders; G
Personnel List: G
Vehicle List; G
Statement of Acknowledgement Form SF 1413: G
NOTE: If there are special requirements, use those portions of the following paragraph which apply to the project.
[a. [_____] shall be ready for operation as approved by Contracting Officer before work is started on [_____] which would interfere with normal operation.]
[b. Have materials, equipment, and personnel required to perform the work at the site prior to the commencement of the work. Specific items of work to which this requirement applies include:
(1) [_____]
(2) [_____]]
[c. The [_____] will remain in operation during the entire construction period. Conduct operations so as to cause the least possible interference with normal operations of the activity.]
[d. Permission to interrupt any Activity roads, railroads, and/or utility service shall be requested in writing a minimum of [15] [_____] calendar days prior to the desired date of interruption.]
[e. The work under this contract requires special attention to the scheduling and conduct of the work in connection with existing operations. Identify on the construction schedule each factor which constitutes a potential interruption to operations.
The following conditions apply:
(1) [_____]
(2) [_____]]
f. NMCI Contractor Access: The NMCI Contractor must be allowed access to the facility towards the end of construction (finishes 90% complete, rough-in 100% complete, Inside Plant (ISP)/Outside Plant (OSP) infrastructure in place) to provide equipment in the telecommunications rooms and make final connections. The Contractor will be required to coordinate their efforts with the NMCI contractor to facilitate joint use of building spaces during the final phases of construction and work the coordination effort into the construction schedule. Requirements for NMCI are specified in Part 4, D50 ELECTRICAL and G40 SITE ELECTRICAL UTILITIES.
1.4.1 Activity Regulations
NOTE: Include the first bracketed sentence for projects at MCBH Kaneohe Bay.
Ensure that Contractor personnel employed on the Activity become familiar with and obey Activity regulations including safety, fire, traffic and security regulations. Keep within the limits of the work and avenues of ingress and egress. [Ingress and egress of Contractor vehicles at the Activity is limited to the H-3 gate.] [To minimize traffic congestion, delivery of materials shall be outside of peak traffic hours (6:30 to 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.) unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer.] Wear hard hats in designated areas. Do not enter any restricted areas unless required to do so and until cleared for such entry. The Contractor's equipment shall be conspicuously marked for identification. Subcontractors and Personnel Contacts
Furnish a list of contact personnel of the Contractor and subcontractors including addresses and telephone numbers for use in the event of an emergency. As changes occur and additional information becomes available, correct and change the information contained in previous lists. Identification Badges
NOTE: When issuance of identification badges involves some time consuming process, identify process in blank space provided. Process should be made available by the Government. Use the second bracketed paragraph for projects at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, MD.
Identification badges, if required, will be furnished without charge. Application for and use of badges will be as directed. Furnish a completed EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION form (DHS FORM I-9) for all personnel requesting badges. This form is available at[_____.] Immediately report instances of lost or stolen badges to the Contracting Officer.
[Identification badges will be issued to the Contractor and his employees in accordance with the Naval Air Station Security Regulations. A copy of the security regulations may be obtained from the security office. All badges must be returned or accounted for to the department of Public Safety's Pass and Identification Office upon expiration of the badge or contract, or termination of the employee.]
[ Employee List
NOTE: Include this paragraph for projects at Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland.
The Contractor shall provide to the Contracting officer, in writing, the names of two designated representatives authorized to request personnel and vehicle passes for employees and subcontractor's employees prior to commencement of work under this contract. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of "Important Clarifications - Contractors - How to Gain Access," dated 31 October 1995, in obtaining access to the Naval Air Station complex for the life of the contract. A copy of these requirements will be provided at the preconstruction meeting.
] [ Personnel Entry Approval
NOTE: Include this paragraph for projects at Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, MD.
Failure to obtain entry approval will not affect the contract price or time of completion.
] [ FISC Pearl Harbor Safety/Security Policy
NOTE: Include this paragraph for projects at FISC Pearl Harbor.
Non-FISC personnel requiring access to FISC property shall check in at the Fuel Department, FISC Operations Division, B1757 1st deck, at the beginning and end of each work day. Keys to Fuel Facilities will be issued daily between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Keys must be returned by 7:00 p.m. the same day. An after-hours drop box is located outside B1757.
At the end of each workday, update the check-in board in the FISC Operations Division and provide information as follows for the next workday:
- Contract name or number
- Name of person responsible for work crew(s)
- Emergency phone numbers
- Number of workers in crew
- Location of work
- Type of work to be conducted
- FISC support required:
1) Transportation
2) Draining of pipe
3) Outages
4) Elevator use
5) Other
Route hot work permits to the FISC Fuel Department (Code 701) for approval. Following approval, submit permit to the Federal Fire Department (FFD). After approval by the FFD, submit a copy of the permit and the Marine Chemist Gas Free Certificate to the Fuels Operations Division for record.
] [ 1.4.2 Emergency Response Requirement
NOTE: Add the following paragraphs for projects at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY)
The Norfolk Naval Shipyard has instituted a requirement for all personnel to take shelter for personal safety in the event of certain emergencies. This policy includes Contractors, Subcontractors, and any person who is employed by the Contractor.
The most appropriate protective action for certain emergencies is to take shelter. Personnel shall immediately seek shelter while an assessment is made of the threat and determinations are being made regarding subsequent actions such as "all clear" or selected building evacuations. The following procedures have been put in place in the event of an emergent condition.
- NOTIFICATION: The primary means of alerting personnel shall be emergency alert signals. The alerting signal to seek shelter shall be three steady tones that last for thirty seconds separated by ten seconds of silence. The notification for "all clear" shall be three short tones repeated three times.
- SHELTERING: When personnel hear the alert signal, the area of work must be secured in a manner that will leave the site in safe condition. Personnel shall seek shelter in the nearest occupied building in calm and orderly manner. If possible, secure all windows and doors and shut off ventilation. If working aboard ship, proceed into the interior of the ship and wait for further directions from official personnel. If in a vehicle, park the vehicle so that it does not block the normally traveled portion of the road and proceed into the nearest occupied building.
- EVACUATION: In the event of an evacuation, personnel shall receive directions from team members of the Crowd Control Center (CCC) or the building custodian acting on the directions from the CCC. Contract personnel shall comply with instructions given at all times.
] [ 1.4.3 Shipyard Regulations
NOTE: Use the following paragraphs for projects at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY).
Ensure that Contractor personnel employed on the Shipyard become familiar with and obey Shipyard regulations. Comply with the following conditions:
- Restrict employees/representatives to the work site and control travel directly to and from the work site.
- Restore all traffic/parking/security signs and markings, including space numbers, designations, and lines, to their original form if such signs/markings are defaced or deleted during construction/repair.
- Be responsible for control and security of Contractor-owned equipment and materials at the work site. Report immediately missing/lost/stolen property to the Shipyard Police Department (phone 396-7266) as each case occurs.
- Ensure that no material is stacked within 10 feet of the Controlled Industrial Area (CIA) perimeter. Remove from the work site, or secure ladders or other such equipment which could be used to climb the CIA perimeter fence. Ensure that no vehicles are parked within 10 feet of the CIA perimeter.
- Ensure that no opening in the roof/walls/windows/fence of the building exist at the end of the work day and do not exist where penetration is possible during non-working hours. If the building cannot be secured at the end of the workday, coordinate action with the Contracting Office to notify the cognizant code to arrange for a security watch by their personnel.
- Seventy-two hours prior to making any penetrations (such as tunneling under, cutting through a fence or building) in a restricted area, contact the Shipyard Security Office to make arrangements for a security guard or other measures required to meet all security requirements. Cost of security guard will be charged to the Contractor.
] [ 1.4.4 Entry to Radiologically Controlled Areas
NOTE: Use the following paragraphs for projects at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY)
Contractor personnel shall not, under any circumstances, enter a radiologically controlled area or cross any posted radiological boundary. This paragraph applies to all phases of contract work. Radiation areas are posted with signs consistent with OSHA requirements. Ensure that employees are familiar with the radiation signs and symbols. All personnel entering the shipyard for the first time are required to receive radiological indoctrination training.
Should contract workers encounter radiological postings and/or boundaries which appear to limit their ability to access or carry out their intended work, they shall notify their contract administrator for resolution of the problem. Radioactive Materials and Equipment
All testing equipment, containing a radioactive source, shall be operated in accordance with an approved radioactive equipment plan. This plan shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer and approved by the Radiation Officer (Code 105.5), prior to bringing the equipment into the shipyard. This plan shall include:
- The name and type of equipment.
- The type and size of radiation source.
- The dates and locations of the equipment's usage.
- The radiological controls that the Contractor will use while operating the equipment.
A different radioactive equipment plan will be required for each different type of equipment, type of radioactive source, or size of radioactive source. A data sheet of for each piece of new radioactive equipment shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer to forward to the shipyard's Radiation Safety Officer. The data sheet shall contain the following information:
- Name of equipment.
- Name and address of equipment manufacturer.
- Type and size of radiation source.
- The location of the installed radioactive equipment (i.e. building no., floor, code/shop area).
] 1.4.5 Working Hours
NOTE: When there is a need for special work periods, such as at occupied family housing, this paragraph should be modified accordingly. Obtain this information from the Activity via the Government.
Regular working hours shall consist of an [8 1/2 hour] [[_____] hour] period [established by the Contracting Officer], between [7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.,] [[_____] a.m. and [_____] p.m.,] Monday through Friday, [and 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday], excluding Government holidays.
1.4.6 Work Outside Regular Hours
NOTE: For NAVFAC Pacific projects, discuss with the Contracting Officer when work outside regular hours is anticipated since it generally requires overtime pay for Government employees. When there is a need for special work periods, such as at occupied family housing, modify this paragraph accordingly. For MCBH Kaneohe Bay, use 30 calendar days.
Work outside regular working hours requires Contracting Officer approval. Make application [15] [_____] calendar days prior to such work to allow arrangements to be made by the Government, giving the specific dates, hours, location, type of work to be performed, contract number and project title. Based on the justification provided, the Contracting Officer may approve work outside regular hours. During periods of darkness, the different parts of the work shall be lighted in a manner approved by the Contracting Officer.
[ 1.4.7 Exclusionary Period
No work shall be performed during the period [_____] to [_____], inclusive, without prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. This period has not been considered in computing the time allowed for the performance of this contract.
] [ 1.4.8 Occupied and Existing Building[s]
NOTE: Edit for all projects as appropriate. Delete this paragraph and its subparagraphs unless the work is in or around existing occupied buildings or unless Activity operations will materially affect the Contractor's operations. Examples of the latter include:
1. Restrictions regarding the time of day (or other period) or the duration of work in an area
2. Interruptions of work in an area for operations, one time or periodic
3. Interruption of work for a specific time for operations
4. Location or restrictions on location of construction equipment
5. Maintaining access.
Contact the Government to determine the complete details of scheduling restraints which may impact on the successful bidder's time or cost of performance of the work, and incorporate such details in this paragraph. Note that this paragraph defines the impact of Activity operations upon the Contractor. If the Contractor affects Activity operations, include that information in paragraph entitled "SPECIAL SCHEDULING REQUIREMENTS" and not in this paragraph.
The Contractor shall be working [in an existing building] [around existing buildings] which [is][are] occupied. [Do not enter the building[s] without prior approval of the Contracting Officer.]
[The existing buildings and their contents shall be kept secure at all times. Provide temporary closures as required to maintain security as directed by the Contracting Officer.]
[Provide dust covers or protective enclosures to protect existing work that remains and Government material located in the [_____] during the construction period.]
[Relocate movable furniture [approximately [1.8 m] ([6 feet]) [_____] away from the Contractor's working area] [as required to perform the work], protect the furniture, and replace the furniture in [its] [their] original location[s] upon completion of the work.] [Leave attached equipment in place, and protect [it] [them] against damage, or temporarily disconnect, relocate, protect, and reinstall [it] [them] at the completion of the work.]
[The Government will remove [and relocate] other Government property in the areas of the building[s] scheduled to receive work.]
] 1.4.9 Utility Cutovers and Interruptions
a. Make utility cutovers and interruptions after normal working hours or on Saturdays, Sundays, and Government holidays. Conform to procedures required in the paragraph "Work Outside Regular Hours."
NOTE: Use the next two paragraphs on all projects involving potential conflicts with existing utility systems. Clearly detail the permissible extent, the sequencing, or the duration of outages. Contact the Government to determine the complete details of outage or scheduling restraints which may impact on the successful bidder's time or cost of performance of the work, and incorporate such details in this paragraph.
b. Ensure that new utility lines are complete, except for the connection, before interrupting existing service.
c. Interruption to water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, telephone service, electric service, air conditioning, heating, fire alarm, compressed air, and [_____] shall be considered utility cutovers pursuant to the paragraph entitled "Work Outside Regular Hours." [Such interruption shall be further limited to [_____] hours. This time limit includes time for deactivation and reactivation.]
[d. Operation of Station Utilities: The Contractor shall not operate nor disturb the setting of control devices in the station utilities system, including water, sewer, electrical, and steam services. The Government will operate the control devices as required for normal conduct of the work. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer giving reasonable advance notice when such operation is required.] Location of Underground Utilities
Obtain digging permits prior to start of excavation by contacting the Contracting Officer 15 calendar days in advance.[ Scan the construction site with electromagnetic or sonic equipment, and mark the surface of the ground or paved surface where existing underground utilities or utilities encased in pier structures are discovered. Verify the elevations of existing piping, utilities, and any type of underground or encased obstruction not indicated to be specified or removed but indicated or discovered during scanning in locations to be traversed by piping, ducts, and other work to be conducted or installed.]
NOTE: For projects in the Tidewater, Virginia area, use 15 days and include the bracketed sentence.
- Notification Prior to Excavation: Notify the Contracting Officer at least [15][_____] days prior to starting excavation work. [Contact Miss Utility 48 hours prior to excavating. Contractor is responsible for marking all utilities not marked by Miss Utility.]
[ 1.4.10 Shipyard Area Work Clearance Request
NOTE: Include for Pearl Harbor Shipyard projects.
Coordinate excavation and electrical work, including testing and trouble shooting of circuits, within the Pearl Harbor Shipyard with Public Works Center Code 600 and NAVSHIPYD Code 308 via the Contracting Officer. Provide the following:
- Contract title and number
- Specific location of work
- Reason for work
- Duration of work
] [ Shipyard Hazardous Areas
Do not enter into work areas where Shipyard personnel are using protective equipment such as respirator and masks or marked boundary areas without prior approval.
] [ 1.4.11 Restrictions on Use of Yellow[, Orange-Yellow, Red, and Magenta] Materials
NOTE: Use the following paragraph for projects at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) and shipyard projects at NAVFAC Pacific.
Choose the bracketed options for red and magenta materials for NAVFAC Pacific.
In last bracketed sentences, choose the first bracketed sentence for NAVFAC Pacific or the second bracketed sentences for NNSY.
Contractor shall refrain from use of yellow or orange-yellow[, red, and magenta] materials for the following purposes: sheeting, tarpaulins, polyethylene bottles or other containers, tapes, bags, banding of identification marks on tools, and boundary markers such as ribbons. [[ Obtain Contracting Officer's prior approval for use of such colored materials for other purposes, such as buried vapor barrier membranes.] [Contractor generated yellow waste materials such as torn foul weather gear shall be disposed of by the Contractor off-yard. Shipyard dumpsters and trash cans shall not be used for disposal of Contractor generated yellow waste materials. Colored items such as described above are of specific significance within the shipyard and are subject to strict controls.]]
NOTE: Add special or extraordinary security requirements which are unique to the station at which the work is to be performed because of the location of the project site on the station. This information will be made available by the station through the Government. For NAVFAC Northeast, include if the project involves Contractor access to "Classified" information or "Classified" areas.
[Contract Clause "FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements and Alternate II," "FAC 5252.236-9301, Special Working Conditions and Entry to Work Area," and the following apply:
[ 1.5.1 Naval Air Station (NAS), Patuxent River, MD
Foreign Nationals: The Contractor is responsible for notifying the Contracting Officer, at least five days in advance, of any foreign nationals coming into a restricted area so that proper clearance and escort procedures may be initiated.
] [ 1.5.2 Naval Observatory(NOBSY), Washington, DC, Quarters "A"
Provide full name, date of birth, and social security number of all employees and representatives of the Contractor who need access to the Quarters "A" compound to the Contracting Officer at least 7 days in advance of the date on which access is desired. The Contractor will be advised should any of the proposed employees not meet security requirements for access to the Quarters "A" compound. For individual cases, access to the Quarters "A" compound can occasionally be obtained with a 4-hour advance notice; however, the Contracting Officer reserves the right to utilize the full 7 days should he determine it necessary.
[a. Personal identification: Before entering the Quarters "A" compound, all persons shall furnish personal identification and receive a badge furnished by the Government. Badges shall be worn so they are clearly visible at all times. Return badges to the issuing office when leaving the Quarters "A" compound.]
[b. Security processing: Allow for a processing period of [15] [_____] minutes as employees enter the Quarters "A" compound at the beginning of each workday. All materials entering or in the Quarters "A" compound will be subject to search.]
] [ 1.5.3 Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Dahlgren, VA
A copy of the security regulations may be obtained from the security office of the station.
] [ 1.5.4 Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Indian Head, MD
No employee or representative of the Contractor will be admitted to the work site unless he furnishes satisfactory proof that he is a citizen of the United States or is specifically authorized admittance by the OICC.
- Identification Badges - A list of all employees to be engaged in the performance of work shall be furnished to the Security Department. In the event employees are hired or discharged, a corrected list of employees shall be furnished reflecting the change in personnel. Identification badges for the Contractor and his employees shall be furnished by the Security Department, Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, MD. Immediately report instances of lost or stolen badges to the Contracting Officer. Upon completion of the contract and/or termination of the service of any employee, the Contractor shall return the badges to the Security Pass Office. Compliance with this requirement is mandatory and certification thereof to the Contracting Officer is required prior to submitting final invoices. Failure to return badges will hold up Contractor's final payment.
- Vehicles and Equipment - In addition to other conditions and requirements set forth hereinbefore, attention is invited to the fact that vehicles and equipment admitted to the Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, MD will be required to meet standards established be the Station Safety Department. The vehicular and/or equipment conditions shall satisfactorily meet the following provisions:
(1) Steering mechanism must be satisfactory and safe condition.
(2) Horns and warning devices must be operable.
(3) Windshield wipers must be satisfactory in place, clean and unbroken.
(4) Rearview mirrors must be satisfactory in place, clean and unbroken.
(5) General body conditions: Body must be satisfactory tight including fenders, bumpers, doors and latches thereto, and other parts which might become dislocated during travel.
(6) Lights: All lights required by the type of vehicle/equipment in use shall be functional with satisfactory bulbs and lenses.
(7) Exhaust Systems: Exhaust systems shall be completely functional with no leaks.
(8) Fuel system must be free of leaks and show no evidence of loss of fuel and/or fumes.
(9) Brakes: All brakes shall be functional and give evidence of the ability to halt the loaded vehicles within safe distances.
(10) Tires need not be new but shall contain sufficient tread to indicate safety at operating speed with vehicle loaded.
(11) Electric Wiring: All wiring shall be completed insulated as required and in cases considered appropriate waterproofing of wiring shall be required.
(12) Motors shall be reasonably clean from excess grease, dust, and dirt, and if required shall be steam cleaned to the satisfaction of the inspection personnel.
(13) Where applicable, inspection will include other such items as gauges, thermometers, controls, relief valves, piping, mechanical locks, limit switches, connectors, and other safety related devices associated with vehicles and equipment admitted to the Station.
] [ 1.5.5 NSS, Washington, DC
The station is a secured facility:
- Application: Furnish to the Contracting Officer a list showing, for employees and representatives to be engaged at the site, the name, address, date and place of birth, social security number, and, for anyone who is not a United States citizen, an alien registration number. Update the list with each addition and deletion to such engagement.
- Passes and badges: Each individual engaged at the site shall obtain a temporary pass each day. Car passes will be issued for parking on the station. The Contractor shall allow 15 minutes for this procedure at the beginning of each day. Additionally, the Contractor shall expect to lose 25 crew hours over the duration of the contract due to delays in obtaining an escort while working in the inner compound. For the purpose of definition, a crew shall be defined as the size of the Contractor's workforce during any given workday. (If the Contractor has a crew of 10 men delayed 30 minutes on a given day, the delay period is one-half crew hour). Such delays will be at no additional cost to the Government.
- [Escort: Work in or around Building[s] No. [_____] is in the inner compound and includes areas where an escort furnished by the Government must accompany the Contractor and his representatives and employees at all times.]
] [ 1.5.6 Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, DC
The Contractor shall be working in highly secured areas. These areas include [_____]. Furnish notice to the Contracting Officer 30 days prior to working in these areas.
] [ 1.5.7 Marine Corps Base (MCDEC), Quantico, VA
Hangars 2102 and 2103 are secured areas. The Contractor shall comply with the following security requirements.
] [ 1.5.8 Naval Support Facility, Thurmont, MD
NOTE: Obtain information needed from NAVFAC Washington, Code 09F.
The station is a secured facility. The Contractor shall comply with the following security requirements.
] [ 1.5.9 Bolling Air Force Base (AFDW), Washington, DC
No employee or representative of the Contractor will be admitted to the work site unless he furnishes satisfactory proof that he is a citizen of the United States or is specifically authorized admittance by the OICC.
- Personnel Information - All duty authorized non-military personnel utilizing the base are required to have in their possession at all times a Base Entry Pass. This pass is issued by the Visitors Control Center at the South Gate. Visitors Control is open Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A minimum of 5 working days prior to start of work, the Contractor shall furnish to the Bolling Air Force Base (AFDW), Washington, DC, Security Department, via the Contracting Officer, the following information for Contractor and subcontractor personnel required to enter the Station:
(1) Name of the company
(2) Name of the employee
(3) Social Security Number
(4) Proof of U.S. citizenship
(5) A completed Contractor/Vendor Criminal History Record Request
(6) A completed application for Base Entry Pass - Proof of Citizenship - Proof of citizenship will consist of copies of birth certificates, military dependent ID card, or naturalization papers, which will be returned once entered into the security computer system. The Security Department will run a criminal history check on Contractor employees and, as a condition of employment, each employee must willingly sign an authorization form allowing the Security Department to conduct the criminal history check. Subject authorization form will be maintained on file by the Security Officer. Based on proof of U.S. citizenship and the results of the criminal history check, the Security Officer will or will not grant entry to the Station. If entry is denied, the Contractor will be immediately notified.
- Contractor Responsibility for Employees - The Contractor is responsible for employees under his employment. Ensure that employees are familiar with and obey station traffic, safety, and security regulations.
- Motor Vehicle Operation - Ingress and egress of personnel will be subject to the security regulations of the Station.
(1) All personnel must be made aware of the base speed limits:
Housing areas 5 mph
Parking areas 10 mph
All other areas 25 mph (unless otherwise posted)
(2) Parking is in designed areas only, between two white lines. No parking is permitted in fire lanes, on seeded areas, in parking slots reserved for general officers and handicapped personnel.
(3) Traffic accidents should be reported immediately to the Security Police Law Enforcement Desk by calling 767-5000, 5001.
(4) All personnel entering the installation are subject to random vehicle inspections. The purpose of these inspections is to detect the theft of Government and private property, and to detect contraband or illegal drugs.
(5) Required Information on Privately Owned Vehicles - Advise company employees who desire to use their privately owned vehicles to personally bring the vehicle, vehicle registration, copy of vehicle insurance policy, valid state inspection documentation, and driver's license to the Visitor Control Center at the South Gate.
(6) Access to Restricted Areas - Base entry passes allow access to designated areas on the installation only. Entry into off limits areas is prohibited unless the contract requires it.
(7) Current Information - Contractors will be responsible for keeping the vehicle and employee lists current, and for securing and returning identification cards belonging to terminated employees to the Command Manager's Officer.
(8) Base Entry Passes - Contractor base entry passes will be valid for each entry aboard Bolling Air Force Base from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction, NDW, and the Base Security Officer, Bolling AFB, has been notified. The passes are the property of the base and are to be returned to Visitors Control at the South Gate upon completion of the contract or termination of employment. Replacement passes must be requested in writing and be accomplished by written authorization from the Contracting Officer.
(9) Providing Information to Subcontractors - Prime Contractors shall be responsible for ensuring that subcontractors receive security information. Failure to comply with the specified requirements will result in prime contractors and subcontractors being denied access to the construction site.
] [ 1.5.10 Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, VA
- Personnel information. A minimum of 5 working days prior to start of work, the Contractor will furnish to the Naval Weapons Station (NWS), Yorktown, Security Department, via the Contracting Officer, the following information for Contractor and subcontractor personnel required to enter the station:
(1) Name of company
(2) Name of the employee
(3) Social Security Number
(4) Proof of U.S. citizenship
(5) Completed Contractor/Vendor Criminal History Record Request
(6) Completed application for gate badge - Proof of citizenship. Proof of citizenship shall consist of copies of birth certificate, military dependent identification card (ID), or naturalization papers, which will be returned once entered into the security computer system. The Security Department will run a criminal history check on Contractor employees and, as a condition of employment, each employee shall willingly sign an authorization form allowing the Security Department to conduct the criminal history check. Subject authorization form shall be maintained on file by the Security Officer. Based on proof of U.S. citizenship and results of the criminal history check, the Security Officer will or will not grant entry to the station. If entry is denied, the Contractor will be immediately notified.
- Contractor responsibility for employees. The Contractor is responsible for employees under his employment. Ensure that employees are familiar with and obey station traffic, safety, and security regulations.
- Motor vehicle operation. Ingress and egress of personnel shall be subject to the security regulations of the station. Motor vehicles operated within the NWS, Yorktown, shall comply with the vehicle codes of Virginia which are incorporated into NWS Instruction 5510.5G, "Security and Traffic Regulations." Copies may be obtained from the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction, NWS, Yorktown, VA.
] [ 1.5.11 Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity, Williamsburg, VA
This activity operates under strict security regulations and persons admitted to this activity will be accompanied by a military police escort or an official escort designated by the Security Officer, at all times. The activity Security Officer shall authorize issuance of badges to selected responsible employees of the Contractor which permits the person issued the badge to act as an escort for other Contractor personnel on the activity.
] [ 1.5.12 Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA
Contractor employees and representatives performing work under this contract are required to be United States citizens. If naturalized, the individual shall present his naturalization papers to the Security Officer for inspection. Foreign born personnel shall present evidence of citizenship regardless of citizenship of parents, as required by immigration laws. Contractors and Contractor personnel shall be the subject of a local police records check. Contractor personnel who possess a security clearance issued by the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) shall be issued a shipyard badge in the appropriate category. Each Contractor employee shall be required at the time of issuance of a personnel badge to submit a signed Privacy Act Release Form, in duplicate, to complete the local police check. Requested information shall be furnished. Individuals who have felony convictions (e.g., murder, rape, drug offences, of theft) or who are deemed untrustworthy by the Security Department, Norfolk Shipyard will be denied access to the shipyard and their personnel badge will be recalled. Shipyard CIA and Sensitive Areas
All Contractor or visitor personnel requesting access to the Controlled Industrial Area (CIA0) will be required to view an orientation videotape prior to receiving a badge. The videotape is 20 minutes in length and includes radiological indoctrination training as well as security, environmental, safety and health issues.
Entry into the CIA for those listed with the Contracting Officer may be authorized under one of the following conditions.
- Contractors having a DOD Facility Security clearance and whose employees have a DOD security clearance may be badged for immediate unescorted access into the CIA.
- Employees and representatives having current Shipyard ID badges authorizing CIA access will be permitted entry into the CIA.
- Employees not holding a current DOD security clearance or current CIA access badge must establish suitability and eligibility prior to being badged for unescorted CIA access. Provide a Completed Special Access Determination (NAVSEA 5510/15) (Apr 90) for each employee.
- For situations other than the above, US citizens who are employees or representatives requiring a CIA access may be issued an "Escort Required" ("ER") pass for CIA access under the escort of a cleared individual employed by the activity. Processing of "ER" passes may take up to 5 days.
(1) The initial submittal of Visit Request forms need not be all inclusive. It may be expanded to meet essential requirements of the Contractor. Each individual added to the list, however, shall be subject to the same pre-entry screening requirements as outlined above.
(2) Shipyard ID badge will be issued by the Shipyard pass and Identification Office (Pass and ID Office). Vehicle Regulations in the Shipyard CIA
No vehicle will be permitted access to a work site in the CIA without a DOD vehicle sticker and a valid Shipyard vehicle pass. The Shipyard vehicle passes are issued by the Shipyard Pass and ID Office. Shipyard vehicle passes will not be issued unless a DOD vehicle sticker has been obtained and proof of vehicle registration to the Contractor's company has been presented to Shipyard Pass and ID. Vehicles are required to conform to Shipyard traffic regulations. The speed limit is 15 mph in the CIA. Outside the CIA, the speed limit is as posted or marked. No privately owned vehicles are allowed inside the CIA with the exceptions of handicap, CO/XO/CMC of ships.
- Only those Contractor vehicles meeting the following criteria will be allowed to enter the CIA with the Shipyard vehicle pass:
(1) Vehicles must clearly display an authorized company sign or logo.
(2) Vehicles must be company or commercial vehicles used to transport heavy equipment or material to the job site or to conduct bonafide and required inspections and surveillance at the job site. Privately owned vehicles will not be used to transport employees to the job site and will not be allowed in the CIA. Commercial Vehicles
Vehicle passes will be issued to each commercial vehicle that is required for the job, authorizing entry and parking within the CIA. Every vehicle entering the CIA will display the pass on the dashboard or visor (facing outward). The pass will be visible at all times while in the CIA. Parking is limited to those areas that are specifically identified on the pass. If additional passes are required, present adequate justification to the Pass and ID Office via the Contracting officer. Parking
Prohibited on any piers and dry dock/waterfront areas. Do not park on or block the marked fire lanes or crane rail traveling zones (marked in yellow) at any time. Vehicles may stop on the piers or dry dock/waterfront areas for 15 minutes for loading and unloading. An exception may be made for vehicles which are part of the equipment needed to do the required work and are attached or connected to the pier of ship; for example, a truck which uses a mounted generator or a vehicle with built-in equipment. Vehicle Searches
Vehicles are subject to search while entering, remaining in, or leaving the Shipyard. Government material being transported out of the CIA shall be covered by a Property Pass (OP-7), issued and signed by the Security Officer. Material found without a Property Pass will be confiscated and a police officer offense report issued. Escort
For entrance to and work inside any building inside the CIA, the cognizant Shipyard code will provide escort services in the affected area. Areas Not Covered by Contract
Contractor personnel will not be permitted to enter Shipyard buildings, spaces, and areas not covered by this contract except on prior approval of the Shipyard department/office/shop having jurisdiction of the areas. Coordinate action with the Contracting officer to obtain such entry approval. Access to Unclassified Information
Access to unclassified U.S. Navy shipbuilding, conversion, or repair technology and related technical information manuals, documents, drawings, plans, specifications, and other unclassified information is restricted to official need-to-know basis, designated by physical markings to show the appropriate control designations. Handle, control, and safeguard to prevent oral, visual, and documentary disclosure to the public, to foreign sources, and to personnel not having an official need-to-know. Return this information to the naval Shipyard upon completion of contracted work, except when specific retention authorization is granted by the Contracting Officer's Security Representative. Photographs
Unofficial photograph is prohibited in the Naval Shipyard. When operationally required, submit a written request containing specific justification and details to the Security Officer prior to release. Identification Badges
In addition to the requirements specified in Section 01 30 00.05 20, ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN-BUILD, comply with the following:
- Submit a Visit Request (VR) and Special Access Determination (SAD) for each person listed to the Security Officer (Code 1125.2) via the Contracting Officer at least 6 weeks prior to the start date.
- Employees and representatives requiring access are U.S. citizens or U.S. Nationals.
- Under no circumstances shall personnel hand carry their own visit request.
- Employees shall provide documented proof of U.S. citizenship to the Pass and ID Office prior to being issued a Shipyard badge.
- Employees shall be available for interviews upon request by the Shipyard Personnel Security Specialist.
- Employees shall wear and display the Shipyard badge in the chest area at all times while entering, remaining in, and exiting Shipyard spaces and each badge shall be used only by the specific individual named on the badge.
- Maintain strict accountability over identification badges and passes issued by the Pass and ID Office. Return badges/passes to the Pass Office immediately upon termination of any employee, expiration, completion of contract, or when no longer required.
] [ 1.5.13 Naval Air Station, Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA
Contractor personnel shall be required to obtain personnel identification badges. In accordance with Section 01 30 00.05 20 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN-BUILD, submit, in triplicate, a list of each subcontractor and the work each is to perform. On this listing shall appear the names of the key personnel of the Contractor and subcontractors. A copy of the list of key personnel shall be forwarded to the Naval Air Station, Oceana, Security Department by the Contracting Officer. The key personnel shall be responsible for identifying other Contractor and subcontractor personnel for the purpose of obtaining identification badges. Contractors working in restricted work areas shall also be required to obtain special identification badges for personnel requiring access to the restricted work areas. Immediately after award, the Contractor shall submit a letter to the Contracting Officer with the following information for each employee: Company name, employee's name, Social Security number, height, and weight. Also, indicate the names of persons authorized to vouch for additional employees requiring badges.
] [ 1.5.14 Fleet Trng Cntr Atlantic (FTCLANT), Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, VA
- Required Company Information. Furnish the FLTCLANT Base Security Officer (Code 14) with the following information on company letterhead:
(1) Contract number and duration of contract.
(2) List of make, model, and license number of company vehicles requiring decals.
(3) Copy of insurance policy covering company vehicles, indicating the Virginia State minimum insurance requirements have been met.
(4) List of employees who will require ID cards with normal work hours.
(5) Name and sample signature of the representative responsible for obtaining and returning ID cards.
The preceding information shall be received by the Commanding Officer, Fleet Training Center Atlantic, Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, VA 23461-5000, Attn: Base Security Officer (Code N31, Bldg. 543); or brought to the Base Security Office located in Building 448, prior to the first day of work. - Required Information on Privately Owned Vehicles. Advise company employees who desire to use their privately owned vehicles to personally bring the vehicle, vehicle registration, copy of vehicle insurance policy, valid State inspection documentation, and driver's license to the pass and decal office located at the main gate.
- Current Information. Contractors shall be responsible for keeping the vehicle and employee lists current, and for securing and returning identification cards belonging to terminated employees to the command security manager's office.
- Valid ID Cards. Contractor ID cards shall be valid for each entry aboard FTCLANT from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday only, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction, Naval Air Station Oceana, and the Base Police Officer, FTCLANT, has been notified.
- Providing Information to Subcontractors. Prime Contractors shall be responsible for ensuring that subcontractors receive security information. Failure to comply with specified requirements shall results in prime Contractors and subcontractors being denied access to construction sites.
] [ 1.5.15 Naval Base, Norfolk, VA
- Contractor registration. Register with the Base Police Truck Investigation Team, located behind Pass and ID Office (Building CD-9) on Hampton Blvd, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, VA 23511-5000, telephone number (757) 322-2979.
- Storage and office trailer registration. Register storage and office trailers to be used on base with the truck investigation team. Trailers shall meet State law requirements and shall be in good condition.
(1) Trailers shall be lockable and shall be locked when not in use.
(2) Trailers shall have a sign in the lower left hand corner of left door of trailer with the following information: Company name, address, registration number of trailer or vehicle identification number, location on base, duration of contract or stay on base, contract number, local on-base phone number, off-base phone number of main office, and emergency recall person and phone number. - Equipment markings. Equipment owned or rented by the company shall have the company name painted or stenciled on the equipment in a conspicuous location. Rented equipment is to be conspicuously marked with a tag showing who rented the equipment. Register the equipment with the truck investigation team.
- Procedure information. For additional information regarding registration procedures, contact the Officer in Charge of Construction at (757) 445-1463 or Base Police at (757) 322-4500.
] [ 1.5.16 Naval Security Group Activity (NSGA), Northwest, Chesapeake, VA
- All Contractor personnel and vehicles shall report to Truck Control upon initial visit. All Contractors working at NSGA Northwest shall have activity badges. The Contractor shall inform the Truck Control of the expected duration of the contract and its’ location. Truck Control hours are 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Contractors required to work past 5:00 p.m. shall notify Truck Control in person or by telephone at 421-8383, no later than 2:00 p.m. of that day. Contractors required to work weekends, or on Government holidays, shall notify Truck Control no later than 11:30 a.m. the preceding normal work day.
- The pass/ID clerk will issue an identification badge upon completion of part A of the activity pass application form. This outlines proper procedures and instructions to be followed when issuing activity badges and vehicle passes to Contractors. The following procedures apply:
(1) Contractors shall submit to the Security Office via the Contracting Officer, an access list of all personnel who will be working on the contract job. The Contractor shall present a valid picture ID that the pass clerk can compare against the access list.
(2) A blue activity pass with photo will be issued for no longer than one year and no less than thirty days, corresponding with the length of time listed on the access list. Activity passes without photo will be issued to Contractors who will be at the job site for less than twenty nine days. Contractors who will be at the job site for less than five days are required to check in and out through Truck Control daily, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. A Department of Defense decal with a black NSGA decal will be issued to the Contractor vehicles that will be utilized on site for over ninety days. This will be verified by the company or the designated on site supervisor. All privately owned vehicles and company vehicles used on site less than ninety days will be issued temporary passes, renewable as required,
(3) Renewal of activity/vehicle passes, or decals will be done after verifying applicant against a valid access list.
(4) Replacement of a lost or stolen pass will be granted after the applicant completes a signed statement outlining the circumstances. The applicant will be verified against a valid access list. - All vehicle operators shall have a valid state drivers license, All Contractor vehicles shall meet the state law requirements of the state in which it is registered.
- All Contractors will be issued a badge/pass and it shall be returned to Truck Control upon completion of the contract.
- Any construction materials being removed from the NSGA Northwest base shall be accompanied by a property pass signed with an original authorized signature.
] [ 1.5.17 AEGIS Systems Combat Center, Wallops Island, VA
- The Contractor will be working in the AEGIS Combat Systems Center (ACSC), a Navy facility, As soon as possible, and before work begins, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a list of all employees who will work on the project, including names, social security numbers, and dates and places of birth. The Contractor must verify that all employees are not known felons nor have felony charges pending. Only United States citizens will be admitted to the work site.
- At all times, while on Government property, the Contractor, subcontractors, and their employees shall wear badges, and vehicle passes are required to access the jobsite. These badges and passes will be issued for the Navy by the Wallops Flight Facility Security Office at the direction of the Contracting Office. The Contractor must make application for badges to the Navy Contracts Office. Badges previously issued by NASA for NASA projects must not be used to access Navy jobsites. Upon entering the AEGIS Combat Systems Center facility, employees and their gear are subject to inspection.
- The Contractor shall be held accountable for identification badges and vehicle passes for the life of the contract. The Contractor is required to report badge loss or theft immediately to the Contracting Officer. Failure to surrender all badges and passes at the contract's end may result in the retainment of funds or the withholding of final payment by the Contracting Officer.
] [ 1.5.18 Business Access Security Requirements, Camp Lejeune, NC
NOTE: Include the following paragraphs for work at Camp Lejeune, NC. Business Access Definition
Contractor/subcontractor employees requiring installation access to MCB, Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River, N.C. must obtain a Business Access Identification Badge for that particular installation. Regularly scheduled delivery personnel, to include FEDEX, UPS, pick-up and deliveries, should also follow the Business Access guidelines described below. Personnel requiring Business Access Identification Badges shall submit all documentation listed below. Badges are not required if the contracted position requires the employee to obtain a Common Access Card (CAC) which will be identified separately within the Government contract. Installation Security Access Requirements
Contractor shall accomplish the security requirements below within 10 days after award or prior to performance under the contract. Business Access Identification Badge Requirement
In order to obtain a Business Access Identification Badge for access to MCB, Camp Lejeune, and satellite activities, or MCAS New River, NC, all personnel providing services under this contract shall be required to present the documentation below to the following offices, as applicable:
- MCB, Camp Lejeune, NC and its satellite activities. Report as follows:
1. Identification Card Center, 59 Molly Pitcher Road for badge (910-451-2727). - MCAS New River, NC. Report as follows:
1. S-4 (Facilities Office), Bldg AS-211 (1st Deck) for registration on contractor's list (910-449-6310).
2. Pass and Identification Office, Bldg AS-211 (1st Deck) for badge and vehicle decal (910-449-5427/5428). Documentation
- Photo ID:
Valid state or federal issued picture identification card. Acceptable documents include state drivers license, DMV issued photo identification, or alien registration card. - Proof of Employee Citizenship or Legal Alien Status:
Acceptable documents include birth certificate, Social Security Cards, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) forms and passports. - Proof of Criminal Records Check:
Proof of a criminal records check from the county or state where the employee has resided for the previous two years (or length of legal residence for foreign nationals in the U.S. for less than two years). Criminal background records checks must be from a credible source. Many credible sources exist, but some examples include the County Courthouse, Infolink Screening Services, Inc. (, IntegraScan Criminal Records Checks (, Intelius Employee Screening (, and Castle Branch ( Subsequent to the initial criminal background records checks, local criminal records checks shall be conducted annually prior to renewal of badges for reevaluation. - Letter Provided By Contracting Officer Indicating Contract:
Letter provided by Contracting Officer indicating contract, contract period and prime contractor. Proof of employment on a valid Government contract (e.g., a letter on company letterhead from the prime contractor including contract number and term). Denial of Access
Installation access shall be denied if it is determined that an employee:
- Is on the National Terrorist Watch List
- Is illegally present in the United States.
- Is subject to an outstanding warrant.
- Has knowingly submitted an employment questionnaire with false or fraudulent information.
- Has been issued a debarment order and is currently banned from military installations.
- Is a Registered Sexual Offender, or has any Felony Conviction within the past two years. Appeal Process
All appeals should be directed to the Base Inspector's Office for any individual that has been denied access to the Base. Display and Disposition of Badges
Contractors/subcontractors shall prominently display their badges on their person at all times. Upon completion/termination of this contract or an individual's employment, the Contractor shall collect and turn in to the Pass & ID Office all badges. If the Contactor fails to obtain the employee's badge, the Pass & ID Office shall be notified within 24 hours. During the contract performance period contractors will immediately report instances of lost or stolen badges to the issuing pass and identification office. Contractor and Subcontractor Vehicle Requirements
Each vehicle to be used in contract performance shall show the Contractor's or subcontractor's name so that it is clearly visible and shall always display a valid state license plate and safety inspection sticker. To obtain a vehicle decal, which will be valid for one year or contract period, whichever is shorter, Contractor or subcontractor vehicle operators shall provide to the Vehicle Registration Office, 60 Molly Pitcher Road for vehicle decal (910-451-1158):
- An installation sponsor request forwarded to provost Marshall office.
- A valid form of Federal or state government I.D.
- If driving a motor vehicle, a valid driver's license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.
Upon completion/termination of this contract or an individual's employment, the Contractor shall collect and turn in to Vehicle Registration all Government vehicle decals. If any are not collected, the Contractor shall notify the Vehicle Registration Office within 24 hours. Security Checks
Contractor personnel and vehicles shall only be present in locations relevant to contract performance. All Contractor personnel entering the base shall conform to all Government regulations and are subject to such checks as may be deemed necessary to ensure that violations do not occur. Employees shall not be permitted on base when such a check reveals that their presence would be detrimental to the security of the base. Subject to security regulations, the Government will allow access to an area for servicing equipment and/or performing required services. Upon request, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer questionnaires and other forms as may be required for security purposes.
1.5.19 Contractor Access to MCAS Cherry Point and Outlying Areas
NOTE: Include the following paragraphs for work at MCAS Cherry Point and Outlying Areas.
No employee or representative of the Contractor will be admitted to the work site without an Identification Badge unless specifically authorized admittance to the worksite by the Contracting Officer.
Per Air Station Order 5500.14, within five (5) days of contract award, the contractor shall provide the following information on all personnel that will be providing services aboard the US Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina and its outlying areas. These areas include, but are not limited to Oak Grove, Piney Island, BT-11, MCALF Bogue Field and MCOLF Atlantic.
- A list of all employees including name, social security number, date of birth and mailing address.
- In order to obtain access to MCAS Cherry Point and obtain an identification badge, each contractor employee shall be required to present the following information to the Pass and Identification Office:
1. Documentation of a criminal records check from the state or county covering the previous two years. Criminal record checks may be obtained from, but is not limited to the following sources: County Courthouse, Defense Security Service ( and/or Infolink Screening Services, Inc. ( Infolink Screening Services is listed as another possible source to obtain a criminal background check. The Government does not endorse nor is it affiliated with Infolink Screening Services.
2. Picture Identification Card from a state or federal agency.
3. Proof of immigration status. Acceptable documents include birth certificate, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) forms, and passports.
4. Proof of employment.
5. Letter from contractor reflecting the contract number and term of the contract. - If an employee is terminated prior to the end of the contract, the contractor shall return the base identification card to the Contracting Officer. This requirement also applies to all subcontract employees.
- In no event will a contractor employee be permitted access to the MCAS Cherry Point for the purpose of on-site performance without the documentation listed above. Failure to obtain this information will not result in extensions to contract start, delivery, or completion dates. Documentation Requirements To Grant Access To Commercial And Contract Employers And Employees
Provide the following:
- An approved contract or sponsorship letter from MCAS, Cherry Point. The letter must contain:
1. The employer's company/business name on it.
2. Contract number (as applicable).
3. Contract expiration/termination date (most important).
4. Flightline access (if required). - Contractors/employers must provide a letter by fax or other means to the Officer In Charge, ROICC; Facilities Contracting; etc, listing all employees (to include SSN's, date and place of birth) who will be requiring access to the installation. For contractors/employees who will be hired for a period more than 30 days, a contractor badge will be issued after the conditions outlined in this paragraph and below are met.
- Contractors/employers must also provide a letter to the Officer In Charge, ROICC, Facilities Contracting, etc, listing all employees who will be requiring access to the installation for any period less than 30 days. Once all conditions are met, this letter (worker's name highlighted, stamped, initialed and statement saying criminal history check (CHC) was sighted) will be issued to each worker and is their authorization to access the installation.
- All employers/employees must provide a CHC from the state or county level covering a minimum of two years. The CHC can not be more than 30 days old when brought to Pass & ID. CHC's may also be obtained from, but not limited to the following sources (*):
1. Your county courthouse(s) (Clerk of Court)
2. (all states/SSN check)
3. (North Carolina based but will do all states)
4. (all states/SSN check)
5. (all states/SSN check) - If you have lived in more than one county or state during the past two years, you must provide a criminal history check from each residence to cover the minimum two year requirement. Address will also be verified by driver's license.
- Picture ID from a state or federal agency (i.e., valid driver's license with your current residence). If your driver's license does not show current residence, proof must be provided (i.e., paystub, rental agreement).
- Social security card (to verify number provided by company).
- If the employee is not a U.S. citizen, proof of immigration status must be provided and carried on their person at all times (resident alien (green card) or permanent resident card) (**).
- All personnel hired as a contractor to work for companies aboard the installation (i.e., L-3, Boeing, NMCI) will provide a criminal history check or an approved visit authorization letter (submitted to the appropriate security manager) indicating the individual has a valid security clearance.
(*) The United States Government and the United States Marine Corps do not endorse nor are they affiliated with any of the screening services.
(**) Those hired under the H2B program will be processed in accordance with instructions received by the Supervisor, Pass & ID Office. Motor Vehicle Operation
Ingress and egress of personnel will be subject to the security regulations of the Station.
- All personnel must be made aware of the base speed limits:
Housing areas 5 mph
Parking areas 10 mph
All other areas 25 mph (unless otherwise posted) - Parking is in designed areas only, between two white lines. No parking is permitted in fire lanes, on grass or planted areas, in parking slots reserved for general officers and handicapped personnel.
- Traffic accidents should be reported immediately to the Station Security Department by calling 252-466-4366.
- All personnel entering the installation are subject to random vehicle inspections. The purpose of these inspections is to detect the theft of Government and private property, and to detect weapons, contraband or illegal drugs.
- Vehicle Passes/Required Information on Privately Owned Vehicles - Advise company employees who desire to use their privately owned vehicles to personally bring the vehicle, vehicle registration, copy of vehicle insurance policy, valid state inspection documentation, and driver's license to the Main Gate Vehicle Pass Office, Building B-250, telephone 252-466-5921.
- Access to Restricted Areas - Base entry passes allow access to designated areas on the installation only. Entry into off limits areas is prohibited unless the contract requires it.
- Current Information - Contractors will be responsible for keeping the vehicle and employee lists current, and for securing and returning identification cards belonging to terminated employees to the Contracting Officer.
- Station Entry/Visitor Passes - Contractor station entry passes will be valid for each entry aboard Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) Cherry Point, and the Provost Marshall Officer (PMO), Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, has been notified. The passes are the property of the station and are to be returned to Visitors Control at the Main (East) Gate upon completion of the contract or termination of employment. Replacement passes must be requested in writing and be accomplished by written authorization from the Contracting Officer. Visitor Passes will be issued from the Main Gate Visitor Pass Office, Building B-250, telephone 252-466-3330.
- Providing Information to Subcontractors - Prime Contractors shall be responsible for ensuring that subcontractors receive security information. Failure to comply with the specified requirements will result in prime contractors and subcontractors being denied access to the construction site. Security Of Contractor-Owned Equipment And Materials
The Contractor shall be responsible for control and security of Contractor-owned equipment and materials at the work site. Report immediately, missing/lost/stolen property to the Station Security Department as each case occurs.
1.5.20 Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, North Carolina
NOTE: Include the following paragraphs for work at Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC.
Contractor personnel shall be required to obtain personnel identification badges. The Contractor shall submit, in triplicate, a list of his subcontractors and the work each is to perform. On this listing shall appear the names of the key personnel of the Contractor and subcontractors. A copy of the list of key personnel shall be forwarded to the NAD Cherry Point Security Department and MCAS Cherry Point Provost Marshall Officer (PMO) by the Contracting Officer. The key personnel shall be responsible for identifying other Contractor and subcontractor personnel for the purpose of obtaining identification badges. Contractors working in restricted work areas shall also be required to obtain special identification badges for personnel requiring access to the restricted work areas. Immediately after award, the Contractor shall submit a letter to the Contracting Officer with the following information for each employee: Company name, employee's name, birthplace (city/state/country), birth date, Social Security number, height, and weight. Also, indicate the names of persons authorized to vouch for additional employees requiring badges.
All Contractor and subcontractor personnel are required to be legal resident citizens of the United States of America in order to gain access into the secure NAD compound, and proof of citizenship may be required for persons whose submitted personal data contains any discrepancies. Legal resident alien (non-citizens) personnel may be permitted access inside the secure NAD compound if, in addition to aforementioned personal data, legal documentation (work visas, green card) are furnished for prior NAD Cherry Point Security Department review. Such persons may be barred from entering the secure NAD compound for any reason at the discretion of the NAD Cherry Point Security Department.
Additional requirements include:
- Contractor responsibility for employees. The Contractor is responsible for employees under his employment. Ensure that employees are familiar with and obey station traffic, safety, and security regulations, as well as all security and area access procedures inside the NAD Complex. Special security measures to be obeyed inside the NAD complex are available from:
Naval Aviation Depot Security Department
Attention: Security Chief
PSC Box 8021
Cherry Point, NC 28533-0021
Tel. (252) 464-8018
Fax: (252) 464-7843 - Motor Vehicle Operation - Ingress and egress of personnel will be subject to the security regulations of the Station.
- Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Control: Demolition, alteration and construction operations under this contract will be performed in proximity to the Cherry Point airstrip, access runways, and airstrip access streets. The Contractor shall exercise due care at all times for entire duration of this contract to prevent materials, debris, trash or other items from creating hazards to aircraft and vehicles. The Contractor shall inspect all exterior grade surfaces areas and streets accessible to the airstrip and access runways within the security perimeter of this project.
- Safety glasses with side-shields and safety shoes are the minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) required in all industrial shops unless it is specifically exempted on the Shop Hazard Assessment available on the Safety Intranet web page. Sunglasses, even if ANSI approved, are not to be worn inside. The requirement for safety shoes and glasses is "at all times" not just when employees are doing hazardous processes. Hearing protection is required at all times in the shops designated 100% hearing protection and whenever noise hazards are encountered. These requirements apply to all personnel entering the industrial shops. The only exempted areas are the main transportation aisles in buildings 133 and 137 that non-industrial workers must travel through to get to their work stations, payroll, and the eatery. Aisles that cut through industrial shops are included in the PPE requirement. These safety requirements are applicable only to the extent that they exceed requirements specified elsewhere in this specification. The most stringent requirement shall prevail. Additional Security Requirements
- The Contractor is hereby notified that several areas of MCAS Cherry Point are designated hazardous, dangerous, or secure due to ongoing military and aircraft operations. These areas are clearly identified by security fencing, warning signs or other means. The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for Contractor's and subcontractors' personnel remaining clear of, and not entering, such areas at all times.
- Photography is prohibited on-board the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, and is illegal (a serious, punishable offense) inside the secure NAD Cherry Point Compound. Cameras, video recording devices, and cell phones of any kind are strictly prohibited within the secure NAD compound at all times. Radios of certain type may be permitted within certain areas of the secure NAD compound, but only for use on specific frequencies approved by NAD and MCAS Cherry Point. Radio use within electronically sensitive areas of the secure NAD compound shall be prohibited at all times.
- When operationally required, submit a written request containing specific justification and details to the Contracting Officer for review by the NAD Security Officer at least three working days prior to needed photography. Photography, when justified, shall be performed only by the official NAD Cherry Point photographer during regular business hours.
[ 1.5.21 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Each employee of the Contractor shall be required to submit a good conduct certificate issued by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Police Department to obtain a temporary pass for the naval activity on which the work is to be performed. Contractors should allow 30 calendar days from the date of application for receipt of the certificate.
] [ 1.5.22 Aviano Air Base, Aviano, Italy
Additional security requirements for Aviano Air Base are specified in Section 00 73 04 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR PROJECTS IN MEDITERRANEAN AREA.
] [ 1.5.23 Employment Restrictions for NAVFAC Southwest
NOTE: Use for NAVFAC Southwest projects only.
Submit for approval, at least 15 days prior to the desired date of entry, an original alphabetical list of personnel who require entry into Government property to perform work on the project. Furnish for each person:
a. Name
b. Date and place of birth
c. Citizenship
d. Home address
[e. Social security number]
[f. Current pass expiration date]
[g. Naturalization or Alien Registration number]
[h. Passport number, place of issue, and expiration date]
[The request for personnel passes shall be accompanied with the following certification:
"I hereby certify that all personnel on this list are either born U.S. citizens, naturalized U.S. citizens with the naturalization number shown[, or legal aliens with the alien registration number indicated]."
Signature/Firm Name]
] [ 1.5.24 Employment Restrictions for NAVFAC Pacific
NOTE: Use this paragraph and its subparagraphs for NAVFAC Pacific projects.
The Contractor shall not employ for any work required by this contract, any person who is a nonimmigrant as described in section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(H)(ii), an alien having a residence in a foreign country which he has no intention of abandoning and who is coming to the United States to perform temporary services or labor. Personnel List
Submit for approval, at least 15 days prior to the desired date of entry, an original alphabetical list of personnel who require entry into Government property to perform work on the project. Furnish for each person:
a. Name
b. Date and place of birth
c. Citizenship
d. Home address
[e. Social security number]
[f. Current pass expiration date]
[g. Naturalization [or Alien Registration] number]
[h. Passport number, place of issue, and expiration date]
NOTE: Use item i. for Guam only.
[i. Guam Police clearance report for last six months]
[The request for personnel passes shall be accompanied with the following certification:
"I hereby certify that all personnel on this list are either born U.S. citizens, naturalized U.S. citizens with the naturalization number shown [, or legal aliens with the alien registration number indicated]."
Signature/Firm Name] Citizenship Requirements
NOTE: Verify with the Activity on the security requirements for Contractor's personnel.
Will not be admitted to the work site without approval. [Aliens are not allowed on the project site.] [Clearance for aliens may require approximately 20 work days for approval.] [Work under this contract is restricted to U.S. citizens.] Documents Acceptable for Proof of Citizenship
NOTE: Use for NAVSHIPYD Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Controlled Industrial Area (CIA) projects.
- Birth registration card
- Certificate of live birth, birth certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Certificate of registration
- DD-214 (Must Cite Birthplace)
- DD Form 4 (Contract for Enlistment and Must Cite Birthplace)
- DD 1966 (Application for Enlistment)
- Military discharge papers (must cite birthplace)
- Delayed birth certificate
- Hawaii certificate of foreign birth
- Hospital birth certificate
- Marriage license certificate
- Merchant marine certificate
- Military officer ID card
- Notification of birth registration
- State of Hawaii ID card
- USA passport
- Verbal inquiry with State of Hawaii Vital Statistics Office
[ Vehicle List
submit an original list of vehicles to be utilized at the work site with the following information for each vehicle:
- Make
- Year
- Model
- License number
- Registered owner
- Current NAVBASE Pearl Harbor pass expiration date.
] [ Passes
NOTE: Choose the option below for Bases other than MCBH Kaneohe.
[Submit request for personnel and vehicle passes together. Include the Certificate of Insurance for Contractor and Subcontractor(s) and the Statement of Acknowledgement Form SF 1413 with the submittal. Passes will normally be issued within 21 days.]
NOTE: Choose the option below for MCBH Kaneohe projects. MCBH Kaneohe does not issue personnel passes, just vehicle passes unique to the station.
[Obtain a blank vehicle pass from the ROICC Kaneohe office, Building 566, and complete and submit it to the Contracting Officer for processing. Include with the submittal, a Certificate of Insurance for Contractor and Subcontractor(s), the Statement of Acknowledgement Form SF 1413 (for Subcontractors only), a Vehicle List, and a Personnel List with Citizenship. Passes will normally be issued within 21 calendar days.]
] [ Control
Maintain strict accountability over passes. Immediately report to the source of issue, passes missing or lost and the circumstances. If the Contractor has another active contract or one commencing immediately, employees' names may be transferred from one contract to the other. Final payment will not be effected until employees are transferred to another contract or the records are cleared. Furnish a signed letter, countersigned by the source of issue, stating that passes have been turned in.
NOTE: Use this paragraph for projects at Diego Garcia.
The Contractor shall develop, promulgate and enforce operating regulations for campsite and other facilities and equipment under their control. The regulations shall include the maintenance of good discipline, security, sanitation, and a fire plan. Prepare and submit for approval after consultation with Navy authorities.
NOTE: Use the following paragraphs for projects at Diego Garcia.
Applicable on Diego Garcia (DG) and enforced by the representative of the BIOT Commissioner on DG.
[ 1.7.1 BIOT Immigration Requirements
Third country Contractors and personnel shall have valid passports. Requirements for Contractor employees who are residents of the BIOT shall be as specified by the Commissioner of the BIOT.
] [ 1.7.2 Contractor I.D.
Prepare and issue I.D. cards for each person with their equivalent General Schedule rating as prescribed in the JTR Manual Vol 11.
] [ 1.7.3 Contractor-Owned Vehicles
Approved Contractor-owned vehicles will be permitted on the site. Motor scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, and privately owned vehicles are prohibited on DG. Drivers must have a valid international drivers' license.
] [ 1.7.4 Inspection
Personnel, equipment and plant are subject to customs inspection. Personnel are also subject to physical searches at random intervals.
] [ 1.7.5 Business or Occupation on DG
Engaging in commercial enterprise or other than work covered by this contract is prohibited. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, commercial fishing, oil or mineral exploration, and production in or under those areas of the waters, Continental shelf, and seabed around DG over which the United Kingdom has sovereignty or exercises sovereign rights.
] [ 1.7.6 BIOT Taxes and Customs Duties
Base bids on the assumption that the Contractor's firm and employees are exempt from BIOT taxes and customs duties. There are import and export controls applicable to the BIOT. Personal household effects, privately-owned vehicles, drugs, firearms, and other controlled materials are not authorized. Authorized goods and materials for a non-U.S. Contractor must be consigned in care of the Contracting Officer.
NOTE: Use for Wake, Johnston Island, and Diego Garcia projects.
The BOS Contractor as mentioned herein is a private contractor retained by the Government for base operations support services. Coordinate with the Contracting Officer for services available from the BOS Contractor.
NOTE: Use for Wake, Johnston Island, and Diego Garcia projects.
Verify rates and available with the Activity.
[ 1.9.1 Meal Services for Diego Garcia
Available on a cost reimbursable basis. U.S. expatriate (EXPAT) and Third Country Nationals (TCN) personnel may obtain meals from the Navy Support Facility Consolidated Dining Facility, and the BOS Contractor TCN Dining Facility, respectively. Each employee shall sign the Meal Signature Record Book (MSRB) before each meal. Submit to the Contracting Officer the Meal Signature Record Book (MSRB) on a daily basis. The Contractor will be charged by the number of personnel on island and not by the number of meals consumed. Cost for three meals per day is $3.85 per person for TCNs and $5.65 per person for EXPATs.
] [ 1.9.2 Dining and Lodging Facilities for Wake Island
Meals and lodging facilities are available on a cost reimbursable basis. This includes furniture, bed, linen, a towel, janitorial services and shower/toilet facilities. Submit dining and lodging requirements at least 60 days prior to actual requirements for approval. Rates and schedule:
Breakfast $4.85 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Lunch $6.00 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Dinner $6.00 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Box Lunch $2.50
Lodging: $4.00/Person/Day
] [ 1.9.3 Housing for Diego Garcia
Provide suitable housing for employees using the Splendidville/PWC Camp facilities or other locations as directed. Approval required to upgrade these seahuts through alteration or construction. Develop and maintain a housing plan which reflects the actual use of housing assets under Contractor control. The housing plan and any revisions thereto will be subject to approval. Maintenance and repair of facilities are available on a cost reimbursable basis. TCN housing shall not be air-conditioned unless approved.
] [ 1.9.4 Medical Facilities for Wake and Diego Garcia
Limited medical facilities and services are available on a cost reimbursable basis. Submit a medical plan and medical records of employees prior to transporting them to the Island. The following conditions apply.
- Medical plan: Include narrative description that delineates the procedures for maintaining medical records; screening physical exams and immunization requirements; testing for contagious disease, such as dengue, malaria, tuberculosis; and other diseases that may be associated with the employee's country of origin.
- Personnel must receive a thorough dental and physical examination and should bring unique medication/drugs and two pairs of prescription eyeglasses.
Out-patient Care $30.00 per visit
In-patient Care $100.00 per day
Pharmacy Prevailing cost
NOTE: Also include this paragraph for Diego Garcia projects.- Government medical services are available in emergencies where life may be in danger and for infectious diseases. Treatment for long-term medical problems or those requiring hospitalization not available. When determined by the attending medical authorities, transfer patients to a non-Governmental medical facility as soon as possible. [X-ray services are available for emergencies.]
- The MEDEVAC point is Kadena, Okinawa. The Contractor is responsible for transferring the patient from the air terminal to a private doctor or hospital. In case of extreme emergency, patients may be transferred to a private hospital in Okinawa at the Contractor's expense.
] [ 1.9.5 Dental Treatment for Diego Garcia
Limited to out-patient dispensary service, at $30.00 per visit, during regular working hours for relief of pain, contagious oral diseases or humanitarian reasons.
] [ 1.9.6 Retail Store
Limited items and quantities such as canned goods, bread, milk, produce, candy, toilet articles, magazines, and other such items, are available at the prevailing rates. Luxury items are not available for purchase.
] [ 1.9.7 Alcohol and Gambling
[The Contractor may operate a combined mess and club where beer may be dispensed at authorized times.] Consumption of alcoholic beverages is only authorized in clubs, designated areas or quarters. Gambling is prohibited.
] [ 1.9.8 Postal Services
Postal services via the U.S. Postal system are available to U.S. personnel. Foreign national employees may send letter mail to non-APO addressees and may receive letter mail. Foreign nationals may neither send nor receive packages or purchase money orders through the U.S. Postal system. Money orders are available.
] [ 1.9.9 Custodial Service for Diego Garcia
Custodial services for personnel housing and other facilities under the Contractor's control are available on a cost reimbursable basis.
] [ 1.9.10 Janitorial Services for Wake Island
Janitorial services, other than those included as part of the dining and lodging facilities, are available on a cost reimbursable basis.
] [ 1.9.11 Recreation Facilities
Existing recreation facilities and special services activities are available. The Government retains the right to limit Contractor use or schedule such use so as not to interfere with Government employees.
] [ 1.9.12 Club Privileges
Club privileges may be granted by invitation from the various clubs on the basis of classification or grade of the employee.
] [ 1.9.13 Swimming and Fishing
Permitted. [However, exercise caution in eating fish caught within the [Midway][Wake] reef area as certain species are poisonous. Inform personnel of known species of poisonous fish.]
] [ 1.9.14 Fuel for Wake Island
[JP-5 and MoGas are available at [$_____] and [$_____], respectively, plus a [____] and [____] percent surcharge, respectively. Diesel fuel is not available. The Government will not provide fuel storage facilities and will not be liable for damages and losses due to the use of JP-5 and MoGas purchased from the Government.]
] [ 1.9.15 Fuel for Diego Garcia
[JP-5, MoGas, and diesel are available at $0.71, $0.82, and $0.69 per gallon, respectively. The Government will not provide fuel storage facilities and will not be liable for damages and losses due to the use of JP-5, MoGas, and diesel purchased from the Government.]
NOTE: Use the following paragraphs as applicable for Wake and Diego Garcia projects.
Coordinate arrangements for transporting materials, equipment, and personnel with the Contracting Officer. [Rates shown were the latest available when this specification was prepared, and is furnished for informational purposes only.] [The Contractor will be charged rates in effect at the time the services are actually provided.] The Contractor has the option to use commercial or privately-owned transportation.
[ 1.10.1 Surface Transportation
NOTE: Verify the availability and rates with the proper Government office.
Use of Government facilities are on a priority basis as determined by the Government. Repair damaged Government property such as docks, buoys, lightering watercraft and equipment due to the Contractor's negligence at the Contractor's own expense.
- Military Sealift Command (MSC): [The current shipping cycle to Midway is approximately 90 days but is subject to change without notice]. [There is no regularly scheduled MSC service to [DG] [Wake]]. If the Contractor elects to use MSC services, the Contractor is responsible for costs incurred or delays encountered because of late or nondelivery of materials or equipment. MSC services are subject to the following conditions:
(1) Provided on a space available basis or if no commercial service is available.
(2) The Government has the right to reject cargo offered and to limit the quantities of materials accepted.
(3) The Government incurs no responsibility, expressed or implied, for return transportation, continued frequency, timeliness or reliability of the MSC service.
(4) Pay in advance by means of a special deposit account to the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center (FISC), administering the services for transportation, stevedoring, handling, securing and local accessorial services. For FISC [Pearl Harbor] rates are:
Transportation, Tonne
1.1 Cubic Meters Per Measurement
General Cargo [$_____] [$_____]
Special Cargo [$_____] [$_____]
Cargo Trailer [$_____] [$_____]
Transportation, Tonne
40 Cubic Feet Per Measurement
General Cargo [$_____] [$_____]
Special Cargo [$_____] [$_____]
Cargo Trailer [$_____] [$_____]
(5) The BOS Contractor's stevedoring/lighterage rates are:
Laborers: [$_____] per hour
Operation Supervisor: [$_____] per hour
Safety Supervisor: [$_____] per hour
LCM-8 Boat Crew (5 Men per LCM-8): [$_____] per hr/man
Crane Operator: [$_____] per hour
Forklift Operator: [$_____] per hour
Administrative Charges: [$_____] per day
(6) Damages or loss due to handling, loading, securing, transporting, failure of, or delay in delivery shall be borne by the Contractor. Obtain adequate insurance against damage, loss or failure of, or delay in delivery, as appropriate, and include the Government as a named insurer. - Commercial vessel:
(1) Lighterage operations are [normally 24 hours to avoid turnaround delay at Midway] [restricted to daylight hours unless approved otherwise at [Wake] [DG].]
(2) The Contractor is liable for accidental injury or death of Contractor's personnel and damages to material and equipment during stevedoring operations performed by the Contractor.
(3) Pay demurrage charges for barges and vessels not under Navy sponsorship, or vessels where delay results from the failure of the Contractor to perform specified stevedoring services. When demurrage is assessed to cargo belonging to several agencies, arrange with the agencies concerned in sharing such expenses. No priority will be afforded the Contractor's cargo over others, and cargo will be handled as the ship's cargo master elects to unload, except that food or medical supplies will be given first priority.
NOTE: Use the text below for Wake projects.(4) Unload cargo from ships anchored offshore into BOS Contractor controlled watercraft and repair damages to Government lightering watercraft due to Contractor negligence. The movement of the cargo from the dock to the jobsite shall be the Contractor's responsibility.
(5) The Contractor will not be charged for the use of the watercraft dockside crane, and two forklifts for lighterage operations but will be charged for the labor involved at the prevailing labor rates. The Contractor shall utilize the BOS Contractor's operators.
(6) Government lightering watercraft consists of two LCM-8's. The LCM-8's are 22.5 m long; 6.4 m wide; 2.8 m side board; (73 feet 8 inches long; 21 feet wide; 9 feet 4 inches side board;) one meter( 3 feet 3 inches) draft light; 1.2 m( 4 feet) draft loaded; have 53 tonnes (53 1/2 tons)load capacity, and 76.8 cubic meters( 2742 cubic feet) cargo space. The dockside crane capacity is 20,400 kg( 45,000 pounds). Cargo that are not adequately crated/packed or cannot be safely handled by the LCMs or crane will not be unloaded by the Government. Materials in bulk, such as aggregate, will not be transported or handled by the BOS Contractor unless bagged or otherwise contained for convenient handling.
] [ 1.10.2 Purchase Orders for Diego Garcia
Submit three copies of purchase orders for materials and equipment purchased from the U.S. prior to actual procurement for approval. Also submit monthly three copies of subsequent revisions or amendments to the purchase orders with the MSR. Purchase orders shall refer to and contain the same nomenclature and item number as the corresponding item listed in the BM.
] [ 1.10.3 Air Transportation
NOTE: Use the text in "a." below for Wake and Diego Garcia projects. Verify the availability and rates with the proper Government office.
- Air Mobility Command (AMC) [is not scheduled on a regular basis to [Wake] [DG].] [Service is subject to the following conditions:]
- Commercial and private aircraft: If approved, special commercial chartered flights and private aircraft will be permitted to land on [DG] [Wake]. Submit for approval at least 30 days prior to the flight date.
] [ 1.10.4 Agreement
NOTE: Use this paragraph entitled "Agreement" for Wake and Diego Garcia projects.
Submit prior to shipment of materials and equipment by Government air and surface transportation, an agreement in the following form:
"In consideration of the carriage of the property described as follows: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Description and maximum quantity to be shipped--the latter to be stated in both weight and measurement tons.) I, __________________________________ (Acting both individually and as the duly authorized agent of ____________________________________, the owner of said property) hereby agrees that neither the carrying vessels, nor the United States, nor an agent or agency incorporated or unincorporated thereof, will be liable for loss of, or damage of any nature whatsoever to, said property or for any failure to deliver above said property in the same quantity and in the same order and condition as when received by the initial carrying vessel, or for any delay in such delivery, whether said loss, damage or failure of or delay in delivery is occasioned by the negligence of the carrying vessel, the United States, or any employee or agency thereof, or by any cause whatsoever. The owner of said property and [_____] hereby further agree to hold harmless and indemnify the United States for any loss or damage arising out of the carriage of the aforesaid property and also agree to pay for freight and terminal service charges as may be determined by the Government loading and discharging terminals."
] [ 1.10.5 Packaging
Package in accordance with "Department of Defense Military, Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures" and the requirements of the Government shipping service.
NOTE: Do not add information related to Activity regulations which are of a routine nature. Unusual access provisions dictated by the needs of a particular project may be included, as directed.
1.11.1 Shipyard CIA and Sensitive Areas
NOTE: The provisions of these security requirements are applicable to the following areas: (1) CIA-I (Controlled Industrial Area I) - The large fenced-in area encompassing the waterfront and industrial shops, extending from Building 1274 to Bravo 14; and (2) CIA-II (Controlled Industrial Area II) - Drydock No. 4 Compound (including Building 1444).
Six weeks prior to entry into the CIA, submit a visit request for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard form (PHNSY 14ND-SYD-5512/28) to the Contracting Officer. The Visit Request must include certification of U.S. citizenship. Entry into the CIA for those listed on the Visit Request may be authorized under one of the following conditions:
- Contractors having a DOD Facility Security Clearance and whose employees have a DOD security clearance may be badged for immediate unescorted access into the CIA.
- Employees and representatives having current Shipyard ID badges authorizing CIA access will be permitted entry into the CIA.
- Employees not holding a current DOD security clearance or current CIA access badge must establish suitability and eligibility based on a Local Record Check (LRC) prior to being badged for unescorted CIA access. A LRC may take up to 3 weeks to process. Provide a Completed Special Access Determination (NAVSEA 5510/15) (Apr 90) for each employee.
- For situations other than the above, employees or representatives requiring CIA access may be issued an "Escort Required" ("ER") pass for CIA access under the escort of a cleared individual employed by the activity. Processing of "ER" passes may take up to 5 days.
(1) The initial submittal of Visit Request forms need not be all inclusive. It may be expanded to meet essential requirements of the Contractor. Each individual added to the list, however, shall be subject to the same pre-entry screening requirements as outlined above.
(2) Shipyard ID badges will be issued by the Shipyard Pass and Identification Office (Pass and ID Office) located in Building 207 at Eighth Street and Avenue "E."
1.11.2 Vehicle Regulations in the Shipyard CIA
No vehicle will be permitted access to a work site in the CIA without a valid Naval Base vehicle pass and a Shipyard vehicle pass. Naval Base vehicle passes are issued by the Base Security Office located in Building 3455 outside the Nimitz Gate. The Shipyard vehicle passes are issued by the Shipyard Pass and ID Office. Shipyard vehicle passes will not be issued unless a Naval Base vehicle pass has been obtained and proof of vehicle registration to the Contractor's company has been presented to Shipyard Pass and ID. Vehicles are required to conform to Shipyard traffic regulations. The speed limit is 15 mph in the CIA. Outside the CIA, the speed limit is as posted or marked. Shipyard Vehicle Pass
Only those Contractor vehicles meeting the following criteria will be allowed to enter the CIA with the Shipyard vehicle pass:
- Vehicles must clearly display an authorized company sign or logo.
- Vehicles must be company or commercial vehicles used to transport heavy equipment or material to the job site or to conduct bonafide and required inspections and surveillance at the job site. Privately-owned vehicles will not be used to transport employees to the job site and will not be allowed in the CIA. Commercial Vehicles
Vehicle passes will be issued to each commercial vehicle that is required for the job, authorizing entry and parking within the CIA. Every vehicle entering the CIA will display the pass on the dashboard or visor (facing outward). The pass will be visible at all times while in the CIA. Parking is limited to those areas that are specifically identified on the pass. If additional passes are required, present adequate justification to the Pass and ID Office via the Contracting Officer. Gates
Vehicles shall enter and exit from one of the two 24-hour gates located on Avenue "C" or on Fifth Street.
1.11.3 Parking
Prohibited on any piers and dry dock/waterfront areas. Do not park on or block the marked fire lanes at any time. An exception may be made for vehicles which are part of the equipment needed to do the required work and are attached or connected to the pier or ship; for example, a truck which uses a mounted generator or a vehicle with built-in equipment. [For the CIA area, submit a written request for pier parking authorization with justification to the Shipyard Security Officer (Code 1125.2) via the Contracting Office at least 2 weeks prior to the date parking space is required.] [To obtain parking permits, limited to five, for Bravo pier side parking, submit a written request with justification to the ROICC. Permits do not include heavy equipment, loading/unloading operations or vehicles with Federal Fire Department (FFD) permission for support of immediate work activities in the fire lane. Permits are issued by the Port Operations Officer.] Include with request the license number of the vehicle(s), make, model, year, and size of the vehicle(s) (pickup truck, crane, or forklift), parking location, and purpose and duration.[Harbor Operations will monitor dock operations and will have vehicle violators ticketed/towed.] [For permission to stage construction equipment in or protruding into the Bravo pier fire lanes, contact the FFD, c/o Fire Prevention Chief, pager 473-5199.] Parking Locations
Parking for privately-owned vehicles is available in lots "A" and "D" on Avenue "D," located between South Avenue and Eighth Street, and in lot "C" on Sixth Street and Central Avenue.
1.11.4 Vehicle Searches
Vehicles are subject to search while entering, remaining in, or leaving the Shipyard or Naval Base areas. Government material being transported out of the CIA shall be covered by a Property Pass (OP-7), issued and signed by the Contracting Officer. Material found without a Property Pass will be confiscated and a police offense report issued.
1.11.5 Authorization of Entry
Coordinate entry into shop/office/ship spaces with respective Shop Superintendent/Office Head/Ship's Commanding Officer via the Contracting Officer.
1.11.6 Escort
For entrance to and work inside any building inside the CIA, contact the cognizant Shipyard code for escort services in the affected area.
1.11.7 Government Guard Services
The Shipyard Security Officer (SSO) will provide guard services on a reimbursable basis for work on CIA perimeter fence job sites. Notify and obtain approval from the SSO via the Contracting Office at least 48 hours prior to the time guard services will be required. Submit in writing the purpose and number of hours guard services will be required. Any work on the CIA fence shall be completed by the end of the work day or the openings resulting from that work shall be closed to prevent unauthorized access.
1.11.8 Areas Not Covered by Contract
Contractor personnel will not be permitted to enter Shipyard buildings, spaces, and areas not covered by this contract except on prior approval of the Shipyard department/office/shop having jurisdiction of the areas. Coordinate action with the Contracting Officer to obtain such entry approval.
1.11.9 Access to Unclassified Information
Access to unclassified U.S. Navy shipbuilding, conversion, or repair technology and related technical information manuals, documents, drawings, plans, specifications, and other unclassified information is restricted to official need-to-know basis, designated by physical markings to show the appropriate control designations. Handle, control, and safeguard to prevent oral, visual, and documentary disclosure to the public, to foreign sources, and to personnel not having an official need-to-know. Return this information to the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard upon completion of contracted work, except when specific retention authorization is granted by the Contracting Officer.
1.11.10 Photographs
Photography is prohibited in the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. When operationally required, submit a written request containing specific justification and details to the Video Production Center (Code 103) via review by the Security Officer prior to release.
[ 1.11.11 Contractor Regulations
Comply with the following conditions:
- Submit a Visit Request (VR) and Special Access Determination (SAD) for each person listed to the Security Officer (Code 1125.2) via the Contracting Officer at least 6 weeks prior to the start date.
- Employees and representatives requiring access are U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals.
- Under no circumstances shall personnel hand carry their own visit request.
- Employees shall provide documented proof of U.S. citizenship to the Pass and ID Office prior to being issued a Shipyard badge.
- Employees shall be available for interviews upon request by the Shipyard Personnel Security Specialist.
- Employees' representatives shall attend a 15-minute orientation on the safety, security, and radiological protection aspects of industrial operations within the Shipyard. The briefing, in the form of a video tape presentation, will be given at the Pass and ID Office in groups of 10, prior to the issuance of Shipyard badges or passes. Special arrangements for larger groups can be arranged on request.
- Employees shall wear and display the Shipyard badge in the chest area at all times while entering, remaining in, and exiting Shipyard spaces and each badge shall be used only by the specific individual named on the badge.
- Vehicles in Shipyard areas shall display a valid Naval Base vehicle pass and shall have company's name on both sides of any vehicle that enters the CIA.
- Maintain strict accountability over identification badges and passes issued by the Pass and ID office. Immediately report to the Pass and ID Office, any badges/passes missing or lost and the circumstances. Return badges/passes to the Contracting Officer immediately upon termination of any employee, expiration, completion of contract, or when no longer required. The Contracting Officer will ensure that all badges/passes are returned and forwarded to the Shipyard Pass and ID Office (Code 1125.2).
- Restrict hours of work to 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, work days only. When operational needs require scheduling of work after 3:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday) or on weekends and holidays, provide written notification at least 2 weeks in advance to the Contracting Officer who will obtain approval from the respective Shipyard departments, offices, and shops. Such notifications will include specific dates, hours of work, location of work, type of work to be performed, contract number and project title. The Contracting Officer will provide a copy of the notification to the Security Officer along with written notification that work, as scheduled, has been approved by the respective department, office, or shop concerned.
- Restrict employees/representatives to the work site and control travel directly to and form the work site.
- Ensure that yellow plastic material is not used for warning signs, covering materials, etc.
- Restore all traffic/parking/security signs and markings, including space numbers, designations, and lines, to their original form if such signs/markings are defaced or deleted during construction/repair.
- Be responsible for control and security of Contractor-owned equipment and materials at the work site. Report immediately, missing/lost/stolen property to the Naval Base Police Department (phone 474-1237) as each case occurs.
- Ensure that no material is stacked within 10 feet of the CIA perimeter. Remove from the work site, or secure ladders or other such equipment which could be used to climb the CIA perimeter fence. Ensure that no vehicles are parked within 10 feet of the CIA perimeter.
- Provide written notification to the Commander, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard via the Contracting Officer 2 weeks prior to actual start of work to allow for notification of the appropriate Shipyard departments, offices, and shops of the impact resulting from the contract work. Such notifications will include specific details such as work schedules (including actual start date for Shipyard entry) and impact.
- Ensure that no opening in the roof/walls/windows/fence of the building exist at the end of the work day and do not exist where penetration is possible during non-working hours. If the building cannot be secured at the end of the work day, coordinate action with the Contracting Office to notify the cognizant code to arrange for a security watch by their personnel.
- Seventy-two hours prior to making any penetrations (such as tunneling under, cutting through a fence or building) in a restricted area, contact Code 1125.2 to make arrangements for a security guard or other measures required to meet all security requirements. Cost of security guard will be charged to the Contractor.
] [ 1.11.12 Other Sensitive Areas
NOTE: For areas other than Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard or Naval Base, verify with the Activity if required for communication buildings or other sensitive areas.
[ Extraordinary Security Requirements
The Contract Clause entitled "Identification of Employees" and the following apply:
- Vehicle searches. All construction vehicles will be searched by the Marine sentry.
- Photographs. Photographs are prohibited in and around the building unless a written request containing specific justification and details is approved by the security officer via the Contracting Officer. Four days' advance notice is required. Photographs, when approved, shall be taken in the presence of an activity escort.
- Personnel restrictions. Due to sensitivity of building operations, the following apply:
(1) Restrict personnel to the designated work site.
(2) [Contractor's movements within the building will be restricted. Contractor personnel will be escorted to and from designated work areas. Contractor personnel shall not be permitted outside of designated work areas without being escorted by authorized personnel. [Submit requests for entry into the building 4 days in advance with information required by paragraph entitled "Personnel List" for submission to the "Division Project Officer" through the Contracting Officer.]]
Not used.
Not used.
-- End of Section --