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NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Entry Control Facility



Instructions for using this template: There are template files for each UNIFORMAT Level 2 Group Elements. This template is for Group Element E20-FURNISHINGS. Text such as this is hidden text that will not print when the hidden text box in "Print/Options" is un-checked.
The Interior Design Team Member must edit this template for the requirements of the project. The SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS are intended to define items that are required throughout the facility or on a system wide basis that is common to several rooms. Room-specific requirements are defined in the Part 3 Chapter 5 ROOM REQUIREMENTS section. Coordinate with the lead programmer for ROOM REQUIREMENTS. Editing is required where brackets [ ] appear. Delete all building elements that are not required for the project. If additional elements or sub-elements are required for the project that do not appear in the template, refer to the NIST UNIFORMAT II publication for additional building element numbers and descriptions. The Uniformat II Work Breakdown Structure can be found at Coordinate with the PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION E20 to ensure that performance requirements are provided for all of the Building Elements listed here and that paragraph numbering matches.

NOTE:  Edit the following paragraphs to suit the project, or create your own, to describe the fixed furnishings for the project.  Coordinate this section carefully with other portions of the RFP.


Fixed furnishings are part of the Structural Interior Design (SID).  Design and documentation of the movable furnishings are part of the Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) Package.

The design and documentation of both will be funded as part of the construction contract.  The purchase and installation of the FF&E Package will be funded separately as part of Collateral Equipment.

The movable furniture and furnishings (FF&E) for this facility may include, but are not limited to movable furniture systems, freestanding furniture, area/accent rugs, artwork, appliances, flat screen TVs (not connected to data), accessories, shop equipment, specialty equipment (specified by the Activity) and other miscellaneous items to support facility functions.

FF&E is estimated in the following amount: [$XXXXXX]  This estimate does not include the Contractor's Handling and Administration Rate (HAR).

Fixed furnishings (items that are fixed to the structure), such as specialty equipment, drying cages, weapon racks, lockers, motorized projection screens, blinds/shades are part of the construction contract.

NOTE:  For Navy projects, choose the first bracketed option and delete the second option below.  For Marine Corps projects, choose the second bracketed option and delete the first option below.

[The Audiovisual (AV) Equipment will be identified as a separate line item, priced separately from the FF&E and funded as an option.  Refer to Part 3 Section E10 of this RFP.]

[The Audiovisual (AV) Equipment will be funded as part of the FF&E Package.  The A/V Equipment Package will be identified as a separate line item, and priced separately from the FF&E.  Refer to Part 3 Section E10 of this RFP.]


Design and provide fixed and movable furnishings for all areas as developed during Activity programming and as indicated in the Room Requirements (refer to Part 3 Chapter 5 of this RFP).  Design a complete FF&E package and prepare supporting plans and procurement data.  FF&E items identified in this RFP are to be used as a guideline to assist in establishing the minimum facility requirements and do not relieve the Contractor's Interior Designer from developing a complete design package that incorporates ALL of the Activities FF&E requirements.  Design in accordance with specific facility-type Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) (i.e. Youth center, BEQ) and in conjunction with UFC 03-120-10, Interior Design.

Provide the services of an Interior Designer with a minimum of one of the following credentials:  National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) certification, or state and/or jurisdiction Interior Design Certification, Registration, or License.  This Interior Designer must prepare both the Strutural Interior Design (SID) and the FF&E Package and participate in all design charrettes and review meetings to develop the building design and floor plan. When Audiovisual (AV), shop or specialty equipment is required in the project, obtain the services of equipment specialists to specify the AV, shop, or specialty equipment. The Contractor's Interior Designer and any Specialists must not have any affiliation with the products specified.  The NAVFAC Interior Designer reserves the right to approve/disapprove the qualifications of the Contractor's Interior Designer.

Closley coordinate all fixed and movable furnishings selections with Parts 3 and 4 Sections C10, Interior Construction, and C30 and E10 of this RFP. Fully integrate the FF&E package with the building systems and finishes.

The Contractor's Interior Designer will be responsible for designing and providing specifications for procurement of all FF&E, to include delivery and installation, for the facilities built under this contract as directed by the NAVFAC Interior Designer.  Base the FF&E specifications on Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA's), General Services Administration (GSA) schedules, and other Federal contracts and complying with priorities found in Federal Acquisitions Regulation (FAR) Part 8.404.  [A list of current BPA contract holders is located in Part 6 of this RFP.]  [A list of current BPA contract holders will be provided at the FF&E Requirements Meeting]

Fully integrate the FF&E package into the design and construction schedule for the building.

Consider furnishings relative to Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 29, Sustainability Requirements and Reporting and UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.



The SID submittal process must begin following the award of the RFP.  The SID submittal includes Interior Design programming documents, FF&E Floor Plans, and exterior & interior finish/color and material sample boards.  Refer to this RFP Part 4 Section Z10 General Performance Technical Specifications and Part 2 Section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures.

Provide the following SID meetings and submittals;

  1. Concept Design Workshop (CDW) (10%-15%) or Initial Design Meeting:  The Contractor's Interior Designer must meet with the Activity [and IDD/Base Property for Marine Corps projects] to develop the Interior Design SID programming documents, which will include a preliminary Furniture and Equipment Plan and the FF&E Summary List.  The Contractor's Interior Designer will provide in-depth room by room interviews to confirm Activity requirements for the new facility(s).  These interviews must occur at the Activity's current location, if possible, to include building walk-thru(s).  Submit minutes of this meeting to the NAVFAC Interior Designer within 7 days
  2. Design Development (35%-50%) Submittal:  The Contractor's Interior Designer must provide a conceptual Finish Schedule, proposing finish materials to be used in all spaces.  The Furniture and Equipment Plan and FF&E Summary List should be further developed and included in this submittal.
  3. SID "Over the Shoulder" Review:  Prior to the Prefinal (100%) Submittal, the Contractor's Interior Designer must meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "over-the-shoulder" review meeting to present a minimum of (2) options for the interior building finishes/colors/materials.  Finishes must display manufacturer's label/specifications and be presented in a "loose" format for preliminary approval prior to the presentation with the Activity. The over-the-shoulder review meeting is to be held at [NAVFAC][____].
  4. Prefinal (100%) Submittal:  The Contractor's Interior Designer must present a minimum of two (2) NAVFAC-approved interior building finishes/color/material options, to the Activity for approval.  Each of these two finish options must be documented and submitted in a 16"x20" presentation board format to the NAVFAC Project Manager.  In addition, the submittal must include an updated Furniture and Equipment Plan, Finish Schedule, Floor Finish Plan, and Finish Legend for review and approval.
  5. Final Submittal:   The Contractor's Interior Designer must incorporate the final approved Furniture and Equipment Plan, Finish Schedule, Floor Finish Plan and Finish Legend into the Contractor's final drawing set.  These drawings and all approved finishes must be submitted in 8-1/2" x 11" binder format, using heavy duty plastic sheet protectors.  Three (3) sets of the Final SID Submittal must be distributed one each to the NAVFAC Project Manager, FEAD/ROICC, and the Activity.


Substitutions to the SID finishes are not permitted once they have been approved by NAVFAC during the design phase.  In the event that revisions are required due to unforeseen conditions such as discontinued product, such revisions must be submitted via the FEAD/ROICC for approval by the NAVFAC Interior Designer before substitutions can be made. 


NOTE: Coordinate with Interior Designer and Project Manager to determine whether to include the following optional bracketed paragraph.

Provide professional photography of the completed interior upon completion of the FF&E installation.  The photographer must be in the business of specializing in architectural and interior photography.  The submittal must be a minimum of 6 photos.  "Before" and "After" photos are required for all renovation projects.  Permission for publishing and using the photos by NAVFAC is required.  Images to be submitted on a CD as a JPEG or PDF with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi as well as 8x10 matte photographs.  The photographs must be taken prior to occupancy and staged with accessories as needed.  Additional lighting may be needed to ensure quality images.]


The FF&E process must begin approximately with the 50% design submittal. The submittals include fixtures, furnishings, and equipment specifications in accordance with the Activity requirements to produce an optimally functional facility.  FF&E are all items that are not fixed to the structure, but are fully integrated with the building systems and finishes.  Refer to RFP Part 4 Section Z10 General Performance Technical Specification and Part 2 Section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures.  

Develop design as described and in accordance with the Activity requirements.  Include in the design all loose furnishings required to produce an optimum functional facility, consistent with quality commercial design.  This project also includes the preparation of specific detailed information for each selected item.  Each submittal must demonstrate interaction thoroughly with the Activity requirements and complete coordination with the facility design and the SID.  [Three (3) submittals will be required; (1) each for the NAVFAC Project Manager, FEAD/ROICC, and the Activity.]  [Five (5) submittals will be required; (1) for the NAVFAC Project Manager, (3) for the FEAD/ROICC and Base Property, and (1) for the Activity.]

For all projects, including fast track projects, the Contractor is responsible for sufficiently scheduling all SID/FF&E submittals early enough to obtain the required government approvals, and meeting all ordering and installation lead times to complete the project by the contract completion date. 

These are minimum requirements and the Contractor must provide any/all additional meetings and submittals that may be necessary to support the Interior Design effort/FF&E coordination.

Provide the following FF&E meetings and submittals;

  1. FF&E Requirements (Interior Design Orientation) Meeting: This meeting must occur upon completion of Design Development (or approximately 50%), at [NAVFAC][____] prior to the development of the FF&E package.  The NAVFAC Interior Designer will provide the Contractor's Interior Designer a sample format of the FF&E submittal, review the Best Value Determination (BVD) process, and discuss Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPAs), GSA or other mandatory sources to consider.  [Submit the FF&E Summary List and a preliminary Cost Estimate within 21 days to the NAVFAC Interior Designer to review with Base Property for Marine Corps Projects]. Submit minutes of this meeting to the NAVFAC Interior Designer within 7 business days. 
  2. FF&E "Over the Shoulder" Review: Prior to the Preliminary FF&E Submittal the Contractor's Interior Designer must meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "over-the-shoulder" review to present preliminary FF&E options.  These can be presented in a "loose" format for preliminary approval prior to the Activity presentation.  The "over-the-shoulder" review meeting is to be held at [NAVFAC][____]. 
  3. FF&E Concept Presentation:  The Contractor's Interior Designer must present the NAVFAC approved preliminary FF&E package to the Activity for approval.  This presentation includes loose format samples and catalog cuts.  Sample boards are not required. 
  4. Best Value Analysis (BVA), "Over the Shoulder Review":  Prior to issuing the BVA, the Contractor's Interior Designer must meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "over-the-shoulder" review of the solicitation package. BVA Solicitation to include the following:

    1.  Copy of the BVA cover letter

    2.  BVA Solicitation form & Questionnaire

    3.  Technical Specification to establish minimum acceptable FF&E requirements

    4.  Room and Typicals

    5.  Furniture Plans with Legends (PDF format)
  5. Preliminary BVA Submittal - The Contractor's Interior Designer must submit one (1) copy of the Preliminary  BVA package to the NAVFAC Interior Designer [and one (1) copy to Base Property for Marine Corps projects].  Provide this submittal in binder format and include the following:

    1.  Cover Title Page (project name, project #, submittal date, submittal title)

    2.  Table of Contents

    3.  Point of Contact List

    4.  Narrative of Interior Designer Objectives

    5.  Copy of all information sent to bidders and documentation that all required sources were contacted.

    6.  BVA Spreadsheet

    7.  Solicitation Forms submitted by each bidder (cut sheets/highlighted pricing sheets/technical specifications, pricing, dealer and manufacturer qualification for each product showing that products meets all requirements.)

    8.  Response from UNICOR
  6. Preliminary FF&E Submittal: The Preliminary FF&E submittal is due at pre-final (100%).    It must be presented to the Activity and NAVFAC Interior Designer.  Submit the following in a 3-ring binder (with the exception of the 16x20 color boards) for both Activity and NAVFAC Interior Designer review and approval:

    1.  Cover Title Page (project name, project #, submittal date, submittal title)

    2.  FF&E list (Cost Summary)

    3.  Furniture placement plans coded to the FF& list and furnishings specifications

    4.  Specifications for furniture, furnishings, etc.

    5.  Catalog cuts and finish samples for all specified items

    6.  16x20 inch color boards of furniture/furnishings and finishes specified for Activity presentation to indicate overall design intent

    7.  [8x10 color photographs of the color boards]
  7. Final FF&E Submittal: Submit the Final FF&E Package within [30 -120] calendar days following the receipt of review comments on the preliminary FF&E submittal.  The Final submittal must incorporate the following:

    1.  Cover Title Page (project name, project #, submittal date, submittal title)

    2.  Table of Contents

    3.  Manufacturer Contact List

    4.  Procurement Data Sheets for each product indicating final finish and fabric selections

    5.  Copy of Final Quote on Letterhead from the vendor determined to be the Best Value.

    6.  Best Value Determination Guideline sheets (completed and signed by the Contactor's Interior Designer)

    7.  CD copy of the final FF&E binder.

    8.  Final Finish Selections and Memo Samples for the FF&E submitted in 8x10 binder format, using heavy-duty plastic sheet protectors


Submit any revisions or deviations caused by discontinued items to the Contracting Officer for approval by the NAVFAC Interior Designer.

SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data

List Operation and Maintenance Manuals for seating, systems furniture and keyboard trays.


Fixed furnishings (SID) are funded as part of the construction project and are not funded as part of FF&E.  Each submittal must demonstrate complete coordination with the facility design and with the package for movable furnishings.

Develop design as described herein and provide storage shelving, equipment racks, and window treatments.  Cross reference C10 Interior Construction, and C30 Interior Finishes, for performance requirements.


Provide all windows and other glazed openings to the exterior of the building with [horizontal blinds] [solar shading system] [manually or electrically operated double-roller sunscreen and room darkening shades] and are considered SID and are funded as part of the construction project.

Soft window treatments, such as draperies (not to include stage curtains), are considered FF&E and must be included in the FF&E package, as required.


As required, but not limited to, provide fixed locker room benches, fixed tables and chairs, auditorium fixed seating, dining booths and site furniture.

[Provide durable, high quality fixed tables [with communications, data, and power routing] [to interface with fixed seating] [to comfortably seat ____ persons].

[Provide locker room benches.]

[Provide [dining booths] [ fixed dining tables and chairs] [______].

[Provide auditorium seating.  Armcaps must be [wood] [molded vinyl].  Seatbacks must be [wood] [molded vinyl].  Interior seat and back must be [wood] [molded plastic] [padded and fully upholstered].]


The design of the FF&E package is funded as part of the construction contract base bid.  The purchase and installation coordination of FF&E is a planned modification to the contract and funded separately as part of Collateral Equipment.  The specific process is outlined in PTS E20 in Part 4 of this RFP. If a Collateral Equipment list is provided within this RFP, the costs associated with the purchase and installation of these items are NOT to be included in the base bid.  The estimated Collateral Equipment cost is provided for information purposes only.  The Contractor only needs to propose the Handling and Administrative Rate (HAR)

Design and provide a FF&E package in accordance with UFC 3-120-10, Interior Design, and other portions of this RFP for all areas as developed during Activity programming to provide a fully usable and complete facility. FF&E may also include specialty items specified by the Activity and the Contractor's Interior Designer is responsible for incorporating these into the FF&E package.

The FF&E Package must include shipping, freight, handling, and professional installation, project management, HAR, [applicable sales tax].  Perform a Best Value Determination on a minimum of three manufacturers for orders exceeding a total procurement of $3000 from an individual manufacturer.  Provide documentation to the Government with the final FF&E package.  Specific Documentation is indicated in Part 4 of the RFP. The BVD Statement must be completed and signed by the Contractor's Interior Designer.   [A sample BVD form and instructions is provided in Part 6 of this RFP.] [A sample BVD form and instructions will be provided during the FF&E Procurement Requirements Meeting.]

The Contractor, as a planned modification, will be authorized by the Government Contracting Officer to procure all furniture/furnishings in the approved final FF&E package using predominately negotiated Federal contracts as directed by the Contracting Officer and the NAVFAC Interior Designer.  When the modification for turnkey furniture procurement is exercised, the Contractor's proposed Handling and Administrative Rate (HAR) must not exceed 5% of the total cost of the FF&E, shipping, freight, handling, and installation.  The HAR includes all of the Prime Contractor's effort related to the storage, coordination, handling and administration of subcontractors, and all other associated costs and profit for the procurement of FF&E.  No other charges, fees, or markups will be authorized.  Establish and submit a fixed percentage figure, for the administration effort of this modification (HAR), with the initial project proposal as part of the Contractor's Pricing Schedule. 


Provide movable artwork as required.


Provide Workstation systems product or modular freestanding workstations as required. Provide at a minimum, an articulating keyboard tray with left or right handed mouse extension for each computer location.


Provide ergonomic task seating, lounge, reception and guest seating, storage and filing, tables, as required.


Provide area rugs, lamps, soft window treatments (drapery and hardware), and other decorative items as required.



Provide interior landscaping (e.g. planters, site furnishings) as required.


Provide waste receptacles, recycling containers, fire extinguishers, clocks, literature racks, [stacking] washers, [stacking] dryers, microwaves, refrigerators, non-plumbed coffee pots, and other appliances as required.

[Do not include waste receptacles or clocks in Marine Corps projects.]

--End of Section--

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