NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Entry Control Facility
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This section includes the description of all site related information broken out into Existing Site Conditions and Site Development Requirements.
Provide graphics and photos on requirements that can be illustrated in this Section. Include large scale graphics, drawings, and field investigation reports for hazardous materials and substances as attachments in Part 6 of the RFP. Comply with UFC 3-810-01N, Navy and Marine Corps Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction for requirements on field investigations of hazardous materials and substances. Also enter Project title, location, and contract number information for page headers under the Header and Footer view.
3.1 Existing Site Conditions
NOTE: The following outlines the types of information typically addressed. Provide subheadings and information applicable to the project.
3.1.1 Natural Constraints
Vegetation / Landscaping
Natural Resources (Threatened and Endanger Species/Critical Habitat, Migratory Bird,
Essential Fish Habitat, marine mammal restrictions, Bald and Golden Eagle nest
location and restriction areas)
Climatology (Solar orientation, etc.)
Reference Geotechnical Soils Report if applicable.
Indicate environmental restrictions if applicable.
Radon Contamination (Refer to EPA Radon Zone Map)
Reference Wave, Current and Tide Reports if applicable
Hydrographic Survey if applicable
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Survey or Evaluation Reports if applicable
Existing Waterfront Facility (above and underwater) Inspection Reports
if applicable
Coral or Other Marine Life Maps/Reports if applicable
3.1.2 Man made
Existing Vehicular Access and Circulation
Site Utilities
Site Drainage & Storm Water Runoff (hydrology)
Existing Buildings (Provide photographs of buildings on site and
surrounding buildings)
Existing Waterfront Facilities (Wharf, Pier, Bulkhead, Caisson, Drydock, Mooring
Dolphin, Mooring Island, Boat Ramp etc. Provide photographs of waterfront site
and surrounding waterfront facilities) if applicable
Existing Mooring Hardware and Fender System (provide photographs of marine
hardware and fender) if applicable
Existing Dredging
Hazardous Materials and Substances (asbestos containing materials, lead paint,
polychlorinated biphenyls, low-level radioactive components, animal droppings,
mold and spores, storage tanks, contaminated soil or groundwater, chlordane,
or other hazardous materials and contaminates.)
Adjacent Land Use
Cultural Resources (historical, archeological)
AICUZ / Explosive Arcs / HERO
3.2 Site Development Requirements
NOTE: The following outlines the types of information typically addressed. Provide subheadings and information applicable to the project. Describe contractor’s site access procedures if existing gate is being redeveloped. Describe queuing requirements with respect to the number of POV lanes, number of Commercial Vehicle lanes, and vehicle width and height requirements. Establish procedures for temporary closure of existing gate or other base roads including notification and traffic rerouting plans during construction of the new gate as discussed during the RFP Development meeting.
Provide a conceptual site layout plan or functional diagram in Part 6 of this RFP.
The facility layout will conform to the [conceptual site layout plan][functional diagram] that is included in Part 6 of this RFP.
[3.2.1 Facility footprint]
[Building Footprint]
[Inspection Area and Canopy Footprints]]
[3.2.2 Vehicular Access and Circulation
[ Roadways]
[ Parking]
[Visitor’s Center Parking
Provide vehicle parking with [__] spaces for visitors and staff, [two][__] Security Forces personnel vehicles, and [__] reserved handicapped parking spaces in accordance with ADAAG requirements.]]
[Large Commercial Vehicle Parking
Provide vehicle parking for large commercial vehicles with [ ] spaces.
[Active/Passive Vehicle Barriers]
[Service Access]
[Pedestrian Access and Circulation (flow, paths, sidewalks, etc.)]
[Outdoor Activity Areas]
[Site Drainage & Storm Water Runoff (hydrology)]
[Site / Building Demolition]
[Site Clearing]
[Fencing (perimeter security) ]
[Construction Access / Lay down Area]
[Sustainable Development]
[Antiterrorism Force Protection (ATFP)]
[Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Requirements]
[Master Planning ]
[Environmental Assessment (Constraint in the EA not the entire EA)]]
[3.2.3 Site Furnishings
[Bus Shelter]
[Waiting Shelter]
[Dumpster Enclosure]
[Generator Enclosure]]