NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Armory
Instructions for using this template: There are template files for each UNIFORMAT Level 2 Group Elements. This template is for Group Element D10-CONVEYING. Text such as this is hidden text that will not print when the hidden text box in "Print/Options" is un-checked.
The Architectural and/or Mechanical Team Member must edit this template for the requirements of the project. The SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS are intended to define items that are required throughout the facility or on a system wide basis that is common to several rooms. Room-specific requirements are defined in the Part 3 Chapter 5 ROOM REQUIREMENTS section. Coordinate with the lead programmer for ROOM REQUIREMENTS. Editing is required where brackets [ ] appear. Delete all building elements that are not required for the project. If additional elements or sub-elements are required for the project that do not appear in the template, refer to the NIST UNIFORMAT II publication for additional building element numbers and descriptions. The Uniformat II Work Breakdown Structure can be found at Coordinate with the PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION D10 to ensure that performance requirements are provided for all of the Building Elements listed here and that paragraph numbering matches.
Conveying System(s) include elevators[and][ other conveying systems].
Design assembly and arrangement of elevator, accessories, and supporting systems in accordance with American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American National Standards Institute (ASME/ANSI) A17.1 and UFC 3-490-06 Elevators. Provide all materials and equipment, including but not limited to elevator cab and hoist equipment, operating and signal fixtures, doors, door and car frames, car enclosure, controllers, motors, guide rails, brackets, and testing.
Provide a traffic analysis.
NOTE: Describe here the number of elevators if more than one elevator is required. Provide description of required elevator locations. Passengers elevator can carry furniture/ equipment/ freight but freight elevators can not carry passengers.
Provide a minimum of [one] [____] [passenger elevator(s)] [passenger elevator(s) designed to carry furniture/ equipment items]. Locate elevator(s) in [ Lobby area] [____], within visual control of the [reception desk] [____].
Provide a miminum of one elevator sized to comply with the International Building Code (IBC) medical stretcher requirement and also designed to vertically transport the largest movable equipment or furniture used on the project. [Design the elevator to [carry [____] as a special load ] [and] [allow entrance and conveying of the following equipment items;[____].]
Derive finishes and fixtures from Manufacturer's selections. Coordinate finishes with the interior architectural design, and meet the User's needs and functions. [Utilize stainless steel wall panels and hard finish ceiling.] Coordinate the design of the elevator machine room with applicable codes and the elevator manufacturer's requirements.
Provide hydraulic elevators for elevator travel distances of 44 feet (13.41 meters) or less and electric traction elevators for travel distances greater than 44 feet (13.41 meters). Provide minimum hydraulic elevator car speed of 125 feet per minute (38.1 meters/ minute) for elevator travel distances of 15 feet (4.5 meters) or less and 150 feet/minute (45.7 meters/ minute) for hydraulic elevator travel distances greater than 15 feet (4.5 meters). Provide minimum electric traction elevator car speed of 350 feet per minute (106.6 meters/ minute).
Comply with ASME B20.1 Safety Standard for Conveyors and related Equipment.
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