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NAVFAC Design-Build Model Request for Proposal - Armory



Instructions for using this template: There are template files for each UNIFORMAT Level 2 Group Elements. This template is for Group Element C30-INTERIOR FINISHES. Text such as this is hidden text that will not print when the hidden text box in "Print/Options" is unchecked.

The Interior Design Team Member must edit this template for the requirements of the project. The SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS are intended to define items that are required throughout the facility or on a system wide basis that are common to several rooms. Room-specific requirements are defined in the Part 3 Chapter 5 ROOM REQUIREMENTS section. Coordinate with the lead programmer for ROOM REQUIREMENTS. Editing is required where brackets [ ] appear. Delete all building elements that are not required for the project. If additional elements or sub-elements are required for the project that do not appear in the template, refer to the NIST UNIFORMAT II publication for additional building element numbers and descriptions. The Uniformat II Work Breakdown Structure can be found at Coordinate with the PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION C30 to ensure that performance requirements are provided for all of the Building Elements listed here and that paragraph numbering matches.

NOTE: Consider each interior finish component relative to Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 29, Sustainability Requirements and Reporting, and UFC 1-200-02, High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.


NOTE:  Edit the following paragraph based on the project specific information received from the User.  Fill in the blank with the function of the building, such as residence, barracks, administrative office building, training facility, operations building, fire station, etc.

Interior finishes include wall finishes, floor finishes, wall base finishes, and ceiling finishes.

Provide aesthetically pleasing, functional, durable finishes appropriate to the buildings function. Consider acoustic properties of materials, as well as durability and ease of maintenance during material selection.  Maximize the use of sustainable materials.

Color selections require the use of wall and floor finish material accents to enhance the color and appearance of the interior design.  Provide a wall and floor color design that includes a minimum of two different accents colors throughout the facility.  Submit pattern drawings of the accents design with the interior design submittal.


NOTE: Indicating the Interior Finishes in the RFP Chapter 5, "Room Requirements" is the best way to consolidate all room specific requirements in one location. If "Room Requirements" are used, delete the concept floor and wall finish schedules below. If the facility is simple or small and using "Room Requirements" is too complex for the project, provide detailed descriptions for all finishes and minimum design requirements in this ESR section C30 below.

See [Part 3 Chapter 5 "Room Requirements"] [Conceptual wall and floor finishes tables indicated below] for specific requirements on "Interior Finishes."


NOTE:  Require the Contractor to hold a certificate concerning (Society of Protective Coatings Quality Program) SSPC QP 1 only when industrial coatings are required on large structural members for facilities such as hangars or other large open buildings with exposed structural steel. Indicate below the surfaces requiring industrial coatings. Painting qualifications for projects such as BEQ's, training facilities, and general administration buildings do not require QP 1 certification. SSPC QP 1 certified Applicators are available in the continental US, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico but confirm availability to your job area.
For projects that involve removal of paint containing hazardous materials, add requirement for SSPC QP-2 certification in ESR Section F20, Selective Building Demolition.

The Project requires industrial coatings on [____] surfaces.  All Contractors and subcontractors that perform surface preparation or coating application for these surfaces must be certified by the Society for Protective Coatings (formerly Steel Structures Painting Council - SSPC) to the requirements of SSPC QP 1 prior to contract award, and must remain certified while accomplishing any surface preparation or coating application.


NOTE:  Consider one of the following sentences, or create your own, to describe the wall finishes of the facility.  The first sentence is applicable to a barracks, or industrial facility, where extreme durability is required.  The second sentence applies to an administrative office building.  The "Room Requirements" reference sentence applies to a facility where the "Room Requirements" or a "Room Finish Schedule" is very detailed as to the wall finish requirements.

Provide interior wall finishes as indicated in Part 3 Chapter 5 Room Requirements portion of this RFP.


NOTE:  Consider one of the following sentences, or create your own, to describe the interior floor finishes of the facility.  The first sentence applies to industrial facilities, where durability and low cost is required.  The second sentence applies to most other facilities.  Use the "Room Requirements" reference sentence if the "Room Requirements" or "Room Finish Schedule" are very detailed as to the floor finish requirements.

Concrete floor for exposed concrete must be a 10-year concrete sealer.

Provide floor finishes as indicated in Part 3 Chapter 5 Room Requirements portion of this RFP.


NOTE:  Consider one of the following sentences, or create your own, to describe the interior ceiling finishes of the facility.  The first sentence applies to most facilities.  Use the last sentence if the "Room Requirements" or "Room Finish Schedule" are very detailed as to the ceiling finish requirements.

Ceiling finish for the office[s] must be 24 inch by 24 inch by 5/8 inch minimum thickness suspended acoustical panel ceiling system, except provide a suspended gypsum board ceiling showers.

Paint exposed structural systems in accordance with PTS Section C3040 INTERIOR COATINGS AND SPECIAL FINISHES.

Provide ceiling finishes as indicated in Part 3 Chapter 5 Room Requirements portion of this RFP.


NOTE:  Consider one of the following sentences, or create your own, to describe the interior coatings for the facility,  

Paint all interior exposed surfaces except factory finished items that are not intended for field coating including but not limited to finished metals (copper, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and lead) door hardware, interior grilles, registers, diffusers, access panels, and panel boxes.

[Provide special [high performance architectural] [impact resistant] coatings in  [____].

[All finish coatings must be as indicated in Part 3 Chapter 5 "Room Requirements" [Room Finish Schedule] portion of this RFP.]

--End of Section--

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